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N-Nitropyrazoles, a New Class of NO-Generating Activators of Soluble Guanylate Cyclase

N. N. Belushkina,1 N. B. Grigoryev,1 and I. S. Severina1,2

1Institute of Biomedical Chemistry, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Pogodinskaya ul. 10, Moscow, 119832 Russia; fax: (095) 245-0857.

2To whom correspondence should be addressed.

Submitted June 26, 1997; revision submitted July 11, 1997.
A new class of activators of soluble guanylate cyclase, N-nitropyrazole derivatives, was investigated. Four N-nitropyrazole derivatives varying in their substitutes in positions 3 and 5 of the pyrazole ring were examined: 1-nitro- (1a), 1-nitro-3-methyl- (1b), 1-nitro-5-methyl- (1c), and 1-nitro-3,5-dimethyl- (1d) pyrazoles. By the readiness and intensity of NO-formation in the course of electrochemical and chemical reduction of the studied N-nitropyrazoles, they may be divided into 2 groups: the first group includes compounds 1a-1c with insignificant NO generation (1-3%); second group is represented by compound 1d which is characterized by considerable (up to 60%) NO formation. In full accordance with the intensity of NO formation from these compounds is their ability to activate guanylate cyclase. Compounds 1a-1c (0.01 mM) only insignificantly (up to 30-70%) increase the enzyme activity. Compound 1d activates guanylate cyclase up to 403 and 426% at concentration 0.01 and 0.1 mM, respectively. The correlation between spasmolytic activity of the studied N-nitropyrazoles and the ability of these compounds to activate guanylate cyclase suggests that their biological action is based on NO release as a result of their biotransformation and guanylate cyclase activation.
KEY WORDS: guanylate cyclase, nitric oxide, N-nitropyrazoles.