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Isolation and Characterization of Soybean Bowman--Birk Inhibitor from Different Sources

I. P. Gladysheva*, N. G. Balabushevich, N. A. Moroz, and N. I. Larionova

Department of Chemical Enzymology, School of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, 119899 Russia; fax: (095) 939-5417; E-mail: lar_lab@enzyme.chem.msu.ru

* To whom correspondence should be addressed.

Received April 13, 1999; Revision received September 2, 1999
A chromatographic procedure for isolation of different isoforms of Bowman--Birk soybean trypsin inhibitors was developed. The number of isoforms was shown to depend on soybean cultivar. The amount of the classical Bowman--Birk inhibitor (BBI) in different soybean cultivars, commercial flour, and processing products was analyzed. BBI reaches its highest concentration in freshly milled seeds. Storage conditions optimum for preservation of maximum inhibitory activity in soybean raw material were developed. The use of indirect enzyme immunoassay for BBI detection during its isolation from different sources was demonstrated.
KEY WORDS: soybean, Bowman--Birk inhibitor, proteinases