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Simple Critical Schemes in Non-autocatalytic Systems of Biochemical Reactions

Sh. K. Bayramov

Azerbaijan Medical University, ul. Bakikhanova 23, Baku, 370022 Azerbaijan; E-mail: shahinru@yahoo.com

Received June 1, 2001; Revision received September 13, 2001
Kinetic behavior of various reaction systems consisting of three compounds was analyzed in order to find and study the origin of multiple-steady-state and auto-oscillatory behavior in biochemical systems. More than 3000 such reactions were considered. Using the bigraph method, six simple critical reaction schemes were found. It is shown that the presence of these fragments in the composition of more complex biochemical systems may be the origin of the multiple steady-states and auto-oscillations.
KEY WORDS: multiple steady-states,auto-oscillations, graph theory