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Studies on DNA Binding to Metal Complexes of Sal2trien

Zhou Cheng-Yong1,2, Xi Xiao-Li1, and Yang Pin1*

1Key Laboratory of Chemical Biology and Molecular Engineering of the Ministry of Education, Institute of Molecular Science, Shanxi University, Taiyuan, Shanxi 030006, PR China; fax: +86 (351) 701-1022; E-mail: yangpin@sxu.edu.cn

2Department of Biochemistry, Changzhi College, Shanxi Changzhi 046011, PR China

* To whom correspondence should be addressed.

Received June 2, 2006; Revision received September 18, 2006
The complexes [Fe(Sal2trien)]NO3 and Cu(Sal2trien) have been synthesized and their interaction with calf thymus DNA has been investigated for the first time using UV spectra, fluorescence spectra, thermal denaturation, and viscosity measurements. The experimental results show conformably that the mode of binding of the complex [Fe(Sal2trien)]NO3 to DNA is nonclassical electrostatic action, but the mode of binding of the complex Cu(Sal2trien) to DNA is classical intercalation.
KEY WORDS: DNA binding, [Fe(Sal2trien)]NO3, Cu(Sal2trien), calf thymus DNA

DOI: 10.1134/S000629790701004X