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Mechanism of Estrogen-Induced Apoptosis in Breast Cancer Cells: Role of the NF-kappaB Signaling Pathway

Yu. S. Lobanova1, A. M. Scherbakov2, V. A. Shatskaya1, and M. A. Krasil'nikov1*

1Institute of Carcinogenesis, Blokhin Cancer Research Center, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Kashirskoe Shosse 24, 115478 Moscow, Russia; fax: (495) 324-1205; E-mail: krasilnikovm@main.crc.umos.ru

2Institute of Clinical Oncology, Blokhin Cancer Research Center, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Kashirskoe Shosse 24, 115478 Moscow, Russia; fax: (495) 324-6352

* To whom correspondence should be addressed.

Received July 17, 2006; Revision received November 10, 2006
The ability of sex steroid hormones to up-regulate the apoptotic signaling proteins is well documented; however, the apoptotic potential of sex hormones is not remarkable and fully compensated by their growth stimulatory action to target cells. In the present study using the long-term cultivation of estrogen-dependent MCF-7 breast cancer cells in steroid-free medium, we have established a cell subline, designed as MCF-7/LS, which was characterized by the resistance to growth stimulatory estradiol action and hypersensitivity to estrogen-induced apoptosis. We have demonstrated that estrogen treatment of the cells does not influence on the level of TNF-R1 or Fas, but dramatically decreases the transcriptional activity of NF-kappaB. Importantly, the MCF-7/LS cells, which are insensitive to growth stimulatory estrogen action, retain the ability to decrease in the NF-kappaB activity in response to estrogen stimulus. Furthermore, the significant increase in the basal (in the absence of ligand) estrogen receptor (ER)-dependent transcriptional activity in the MCF-7/LS cells was revealed and reciprocal transcriptional antagonism between ER and NF-kappaB was demonstrated. Finally, we proved the possible involvement of phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3K) in the ligand-independent ER activation. In general, the results presented suggest that long-term growth of MCF-7 breast cancer cells in steroid-free medium is accompanied with the increase in the basal ER-dependent transcriptional activity as well as the maintenance of the negative regulatory loop ER-NF-kappaB. The latter may be considered as one of the factors resulting in a disbalance between pro- and anti-apoptotic pathways and enhancement in estrogen apoptotic action in the cells.
KEY WORDS: breast cancer, apoptosis, estrogens, NF-kappaB, phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase

DOI: 10.1134/S0006297907030108