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Dictionary of Carbohydrates with CD-ROM (Second Edition, P. M. Collins, ed., Chapman & Hall/CRC, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, London-New-York, 2006, 1282 p., $449)

DOI: 10.1134/S0006297907040141

The second edition of this dictionary significantly differs from the first editions issued in 1998. The second edition includes 3000 new compounds and the total number of entities reaches 24,000. All compounds given in alphabetical order include the following information: the name of chemical compound, its molecular formula, data on UV spectrum, physical properties and key references. The CD-ROM can be used for rapid search for requested information using a database and the search for the text files. The CD-ROM also includes the modern carbohydrate nomenclature (according to the latest IUPAC Carbohydrate Nomenclature Recommendations).

The importance of the second edition of this dictionary cannot be overestimated. Now carbohydrates attract much attention due to the increasing “army” of researches and due to very important role of carbohydrates in numerous basic biological processes. I am confident that the dictionary of carbohydrates will become a desk reference book for many researchers working in the field of chemistry and biochemistry of carbohydrates, glycobiology, and biotechnology, and in various fields of analytical and bioorganic chemistry. This book may also be recommended for experts in the medial field involved into studies of molecular mechanisms of various diseases related to impairments of carbohydrate metabolism.

Dr. Biological Sciences
G. Ya. Wiederschain