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Transcription Factors NFAT2 and Egr1 Cooperatively Regulate the Maturation of T-Lymphoma in vitro

E. K. Koltsova1,2*, D. L. Wiest2, and T. P. Vavilova1

1Moscow State Medical Stomatological University, Delegatskaya ul. 20/1, 127473 Moscow, Russia; E-mail: ekoltsova@gmail.com

2Immunobiology Working Group, Division of Basic Science, Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia 19111, USA

* To whom correspondence should be addressed.

Received April 4, 2007
We have demonstrated that transcription factors Egr1 and NFAT2 cooperate in regulation of the early stages of T-lymphocyte development, whereas the related factors Egr2 and Egr3 do not cooperate with NFAT2. Egr1 and NFAT2 are shown to cooperatively control gene expression of the regulatory factor Id3 and recombinase Rag2, whose functions are critical for T-lymphocyte differentiation. Thus, the concerted action of the transcription factors Egr1 and NFAT2 can play a crucial role in regulation of the T cell differentiation in vitro due to the cooperative regulation of Id3 and Rag2 gene expression.
KEY WORDS: beta-selection, Egr, NFAT, pre-TCR, T-lymphocytes

DOI: 10.1134/S0006297907090052