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REVIEW: Cancer Research: A Hurdle Race

A. V. Lichtenstein

Blokhin Cancer Research Center, Institute of Carcinogenesis, Kashirskoe Shosse 24, 115478 Moscow, Russia; fax: (499) 324-1205; E-mail: alicht@mail.ru

Received January 9, 2014; Revision received January 24, 2014
Cancer research has shifted in recent years from studying intracellular processes (identification of damaged genes and signaling pathways) to extracellular (hierarchy of tumor cells, cell transitions, clone competition) and tissue (interactions of a tumor with its environment) research. But then the next step seems to be logical: studying biochemistry of tumor-bearing organisms (namely, cancer-induced changes in cellular and tissue metabolism leading to the organism’s death). These data can help to develop new methods of cancer treatment. This article discusses some of the challenges of contemporary oncology and possible ways to overcome them.
KEY WORDS: secretome, cancer therapy, tumor-bearing organism, interception therapy

DOI: 10.1134/S0006297914050010