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Effect of Detergents, Trypsin, and Bivalent Metal Ions on Interfacial Activation and Functioning of Phospholipase D

Sh. R. Madyarov

Institute of the Gene Pool of Plants and Animals, Uzbek Academy of Sciences, 32 Bogi-shamol str., 101125 Tashkent, Uzbekistan; E-mail: shuhm@yandex.ru

Received January 14, 2014; Revision received March 25, 2014
The effects of detergents, trypsin, and bivalent metal ions on production of phosphatidic and lysophosphatidic acids by the action of phospholipase D (PLD) on lecithin and lysolecithin were studied. It was found that these reaction products and dodecyl sulfate ions activate PLD, whereas other anionic detergents are less effective. A protective effect of the functioning enzyme against its hydrolytic inactivation by trypsin was found. Bivalent metal ions can be arranged in the following sequence by their ability to activate PLD in the hydrolysis of lecithin and lysolecithin: Ca2+ > Sr2+ > Ba2+ > Mg2+. These results are considered in relation to a proposed mechanism of activation and functioning of PLD with the participation of clusters of phosphatidates and lysophosphatidates. Such Me2+-induced formation of rafts or microdomains from the products of hydrolysis of phospholipids can rationalize not only PLD activation and self-regulation, but also the action of this mechanism on other components and properties of biomembranes. PLD and other lipolytic enzymes can be classified as lateral vector enzymes.
KEY WORDS: phospholipase D, detergents, trypsin, metal ions, phosphatidates, lysophosphatidates, activation, function, regulation, biomembranes

DOI: 10.1134/S0006297914070104