Biochemistry (Moscow), Volume 80(11), 2015
Page numbering for English/Russian version
REVIEW: Mechanisms of Apoptosis

REVIEW: Aging Epigenetics: Accumulation of Errors or Realization of a
Specific Program?

REVIEW: Mitochondrial Matrix Processes

REVIEW: Small Noncoding 6S RNAs of Bacteria

REVIEW: Regulation of Flagellar Gene Expression in Bacteria

REVIEW: Mitochondrial Fission and Fusion

StructAlign, a Program for Alignment of Structures of DNA–Protein

Stages of Cell Cannibalism – Entosis – in Normal Human
Keratinocyte Culture

A Rapid and Cost-Effective Method for DNA Extraction from Archival
Herbarium Specimens

Structure of Intergenic Spacer IGS1 of Ribosomal Operon from
Schistidium Mosses

Primary Structure of 28S rRNA Gene Confirms Monophyly of Free-Living
Heterotrophic and Phototrophic Apicomplexans (Alveolata)

Modeling Interactions of Erythromycin Derivatives with Ribosomes

Induction of Secondary Carotenogenesis in New Halophile Microalgae from
the Genus
Dunaliella (Chlorophyceae)

Metagenomic Analyses of White Sea Picoalgae: First Data

Moss Phylogeny Reconstruction Using Nucleotide Pangenome of Complete
Mitogenome Sequences