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REVIEW: What Controls the Expression of the Core-1 (Thomsen–Friedenreich) Glycotope on Tumor Cells?

U. Karsten* and S. Goletz

Glycotope GmbH, Robert-Rössle-Str. 10, D-13125 Berlin-Buch, Germany; fax: +49-30-9489-2609; E-mail: uwe_karsten@gmx.de; steffen.goletz@glycotope.com

* To whom correspondence should be addressed.

Received February 1, 2015; Revision received March 23, 2015
Malignant transformation is tightly connected with changes in the glycosylation of proteins and lipids, which in turn are contributing to the invasive and metastatic behavior of tumor cells. One example of such changes is demasking of the otherwise hidden core-1 structure, also known as Thomsen–Friedenreich antigen, which is a highly tumor-specific glycotope and potentially a cancer stem cell marker. This review summarizes what is known about the mechanism(s) of its expression on tumor cells. New data reveal a close connection between tumor metabolism and Golgi function. Based on these data, we suggest that the expression of this antigen is also a marker of aerobic glycolysis.
KEY WORDS: glycosylation, Golgi, core-1, Thomsen–Friedenreich, glycolysis, tumor metabolism, pH

DOI: 10.1134/S0006297915070019