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Glutamic Acid Signal Synchronizes Protein Synthesis Kinetics in Hepatocytes from Old Rats for the Following Several Days. Cell Metabolism Memory

V. Y. Brodsky1*, L. A. Malchenko1, D. S. Lazarev2, N. N. Butorina1, T. K. Dubovaya2, and N. D. Zvezdina1

1Koltsov Institute of Developmental Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences, 117808 Moscow, Russia; E-mail: brodsky.idb@bk.ru

2Pirogov Russian State Medical University, Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, 117513 Moscow, Russia

* To whom correspondence should be addressed.

Received October 2, 2017; Revision received October 31, 2017
The kinetics of protein synthesis was investigated in primary cultures of hepatocytes from old rats in serum-free medium. The rats were fed mixed fodder supplemented with glutamic acid and then transferred to a regular mixed fodder. The amplitude of protein synthesis rhythm in hepatocytes isolated from these rats increased on average 2-fold in comparison with the rats not receiving glutamic acid supplement. Based on this indicator reflecting the degree of cell–cell interactions, the cells from old rats were not different from those of young rats. The effect was preserved for 3-4 days. These results are discussed in connection with our previous data on preservation of the effect of single administration of gangliosides, noradrenaline, serotonin, and other synchronizers on various cell populations. In contrast to the other investigated factors, glutamic acid is capable of penetrating the blood–brain barrier, which makes its effect possible not only in the case of hepatocytes and other non-brain cells, but also in neurons.
KEY WORDS: protein synthesis kinetics, protein synthesis rhythm, glutamic acid, aging, biochemistry of direct cell–cell interactions, cell memory

DOI: 10.1134/S0006297918030094