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Variability of Mortality: Additional Information on Mortality and Morbidity Curves under Normal and Pathological Conditions [Commentary on the Article by A. G. Malygin “Programmed Risks of Death in Male Patients with Diabetes” Published in Biochemistry (Moscow), vol. 86, pp. 1553-1562 (2021)]

Gregory A. Shilovsky1,2,3,a,b

1Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119991 Moscow, Russia

2Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119234 Moscow, Russia

3Institute for Information Transmission Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, 127051 Moscow, Russia

Received January 27, 2022; Revised February 23, 2022; Accepted February 23, 2022
Analysis of demographic data indicates uneven distribution of mortality within a year, month, and even week time period. This is of great practical importance for the operation of medical institutions, including intensive care units, and makes it possible to calculate economic and labor requirements of medical institutions. All the above is especially relevant during the era of the COVID-19 pandemic. Malygin showed the presence of one to two fluctuations per week in the mortality of male patients with type 2 diabetes. The height of the peaks of such fluctuations is determined, as expected, by the regular parameter indicating their position on the axis of lifespan and random parameter reflecting adverse effects of external environmental factors on the body, as well as the extent of the periodically occurring sharp decrease in the nonspecific resistance. This article discusses results of recent research in the field of small (semi-weekly, weekly, monthly, and seasonal) fluctuations of mortality. Based on a large array of accumulated data, it can be concluded that the decrease in seasonal variability of mortality accompanies an increase in the life expectancy. Studying characteristics of mortality fluctuations makes it possible to move from investigating the impact of biorhythms (Master Clock) on the development of acute and chronic phenoptotic processes directly to studying the patterns of mortality rhythms themselves (rhythms of phenoptosis).
KEY WORDS: mortality curves, aging, lifespan inequality, phenoptosis, acute phenoptosis, biorhythms, chronobiology

DOI: 10.1134/S0006297922030087