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REVIEW: Potential Geroprotectors – From Bench to Clinic

Alexey A. Moskaleva

Institute of Biogerontology, Lobachevsky University, 603950 Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Received July 20, 2023; Revised September 20, 2023; Accepted September 20, 2023
Geroprotectors are substances that slow down aging process and can be used for prevention of age-related diseases. Geroprotectors can improve functioning of various organ systems and enhance their homeostatic capabilities. We have developed a system of criteria for geroprotectors and proposed their classification based on the mechanisms of their action on the aging processes. Geroprotectors are required to reduce mortality, improve human aging biomarkers, have minimal side effects, and enhance quality of life. Additionally, there are approaches based on combining geroprotectors targeted to different targets and mechanisms of aging to achieve maximum effectiveness. Currently, numerous preclinical studies are being conducted to identify new molecular targets and develop new approaches to extend healthy aging, although the number of clinical trials is limited. Geroprotectors have the potential to become a new class of preventive medicines as they prevent onset of certain diseases or slow down their progression.
KEY WORDS: geroprotector, aging, biomarker, biological age, criteria

DOI: 10.1134/S0006297923110056