ISSN 0006-2979, Biochemistry (Moscow), 2023, Vol. 88, No. 10, pp. 1488-1503 © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2023.
Russian Text © The Author(s), 2023, published in Biokhimiya, 2023, Vol. 88, No. 10, pp. 1800-1817.
Changes in Activity of the Plasma Membrane H
as a Link Between Formation of Electrical Signals
and Induction of Photosynthetic Responses in Higher Plants
Ekaterina M. Sukhova
, Lyubov’ M. Yudina
, and Vladimir S. Sukhov
Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, 603022 Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Received June 22, 2023
Revised September 5, 2023
Accepted September 13, 2023
Abstract Action of numerous adverse environmental factors on higher plants is spatially-heterogenous; it means that in-
duction of a systemic adaptive response requires generation and transmission of the stress signals. Electrical signals(ESs)
induced by local action of stressors include action potential, variation potential, and system potential and they participate
in formation of fast physiological changes at the level of a whole plant, including photosynthetic responses. Generation
of these ESs is accompanied by the changes in activity of H
-ATPase, which is the main system of electrogenic proton
transport across the plasma membrane. Literature data show that the changes in H
-ATPase activity and related changes in
intra- and extracellular pH play a key role in the ES-induced inactivation of photosynthesis in non-irritated parts of plants.
This inactivation is caused by both suppression of CO
influx into mesophyll cells in leaves, which can be induced by the
apoplast alkalization and, probably, cytoplasm acidification, and direct influence of acidification of stroma and lumen of
chloroplasts on light and, probably, dark photosynthetic reactions. The ES-induced inactivation of photosynthesis results
in the increasing tolerance of photosynthetic machinery to the action of adverse factors and probability of the plant survival.
DOI: 10.1134/S0006297923100061
Keywords: higher plants, electrical signals, action potential, variation potential, system potential, H
-ATPase, intracellu-
larpH, extracellular pH, photosynthesis
Abbreviations: AP, action potential; ES, electric signal;
ROS,reactive oxygen species; SP,system potential; VP,vari-
ation potential.
* To whom correspondence should be addressed.
Plants exist in unstable environment and could be
subjected to the action of adverse factors with many
of them affecting a plant in a spatially-heterogenous
manner (such as excessive illumination, high and low
temperatures, water deficit, biotic damage, and many
others). That is why plants must have a system of
‘long-distance’ stress signals, which appear in the zone
of the local effect and are transmitted into the intact
parts of the plant organism causing adaptive physiolog-
ical changes. Electrical signals (ESs) comprise an im-
portant group of stress signals affecting a wide range of
physiological processes and lead to the increase of toler-
ance of the pant to adverse factors[1-7].
ESs are reversible changes of electrical potential
differences on a plasma membrane that are capable of
propagating within the plant. The main approach of
measuring such electrical signals is the use of non-po-
larizing electrodes [1, 2]. In this case, when the mea-
suring electrodes are placed extracellularly they contact
with different parts of the plant surface, which allows
more effectively to investigate propagation of the signals;
in the case of intracellular placement of electrodes, the
measuring electrode is introduced inside the plant cell,
which allows to investigate parameters of ESs and their
ionic mechanisms in more details.
It is known that ESs could stimulate in higher plants
expression of protective genes (such as pin1, pin2, and
vsp2 participating in protection against insects [8, 9]),
production of stress-related phytohormones (for ex-
ample, abscisic and jasmonic acid [10-12]), activa-
tion of respiration [13-15], increase of ATP content
in leaves [16], as well as stop of assimilate movement
in phloem [17-19], changes in transpiration [20, 21],
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 88 No. 10 2023
slowing down growth processes [22], and many other re-
sponses. Role of ESs in the development of such phys-
iological responses is conformed by the association of
their parameters with characteristics of electrical signals
[2,6]. This role has been also demonstrated by revealing
induction of the physiological responses during imita-
tion of ES generation (treatment with inhibitors of pro-
ton transport or protonophores) and by suppression of
the response development during blocking of the signal
transduction by subjecting the stem to local effect of low
temperatures or sodium azide[2, 6, 13, 23]. In particu-
lar, it was shown that expression of the protective genes
occurs only in those Arabidopsis leaves where prolonged
ESs are generated or those subjected to direct effects of
electrical current[9].
Photosynthetic processes should be mentioned as a
separate ‘target’ of ESs, because it is known that elec-
trical signals could cause either short-term (5-10 min) or
long-term (tens of minutes, likely hours) inactivation of
photosynthesis [6, 7, 23]. Such inactivation is manifested
by decrease of photosynthetic assimilation of CO
11, 16, 20, 24], decrease of quantum yields of the pho-
tosystems I and II [25-27] and of non-cyclic electron
flow [28], and by the increase of non-photochemical
quenching of the chlorophyll fluorescence [14, 27-29] (in
particular of the energy-dependent component [30]), as
well as increase of the cyclic electron flow around the
photosystem I[28].
The presumed result of the ES-induced physiolog-
ical changes is increase of the plant organism tolerance
to adverse environmental factors [6, 7, 23, 31]. In par-
ticular, it was shown that propagation of ESs decreases
damage of cell membranes and photosynthetic apparatus
under excessive illumination [32, 33], decreases negative
effects of heat [33-39] and cold[34] on photosynthetic
processes, as well as increases resistance at the level of
whole plant to low [40] and high[36] temperatures.
Hence, ESs play an important role in the system-
ic adaptation of higher plants to unstable environmental
conditions [6, 7, 31]. Photosynthetic responses, develop-
ment of which important for formation of the ES-induced
increase of resistance of plants to adverse conditions,
provide significant contribution to this adaptation[23].
That is why the main goal of this review is analysis of
the pathways involved in formation of such responses for
different types of electrical signals, which are based on
their ionic mechanisms.
Action potential (AP), variation potential (VP), and
system potential (SP) are the main types of ESs in high-
er plants [5-7].
AP is a relatively short impulse reaction (tens of
seconds) appearing during local action of damaging
stressors (such as cooling by several degrees) that in-
volves two phases (depolarization and repolarization)[1,
6, 7](Fig.1). In higher plants this signal is character-
ized by the existence of potential generation threshold,
all-or-none type of signal initiation, prolonged refrac-
tory period (hours), and ability for active transmission
along the sieve elements and/or symplast parenchymal
cells of the plant vascular bundles via local electrical
currents in plasmodesmata.
It must be mentioned that the mechanisms of AP
generation are similar in higher plants and in Charo-
phyte algae, therefore ionic mechanism of AP and as-
sociation of its generation with the changes in activity
of proton transport were first demonstrated for Charo-
phyte algae [41-44] and later confirmed in higher plants.
Thefactor initiating generation of AP is depolarization
of the membrane potential to the threshold level result-
ing in activation of the voltage-gated Ca
-channels in
plasma membrane and influx of calcium ions into the
cell [1, 45-47]. Significant increase of Ca
tration in cytoplasm [47] results in activation of anion
channels and efflux of Cl
ions from the cell [45], as well
as in temporary inactivation of the plasma membrane
-ATPase [46]; these both processes lead to formation
of the depolarization phase of AP. Depolarization results
in activation of the outwardly-rectifying K
that mediate efflux of potassium ions from cytoplasm
into extracellular space [47]. Significant depolarization
also leads to the closing of Ca
-channels, decrease of
calcium ion concentration in cytoplasm, and, as a result,
decrease in activity of anion channels and re-activation
of H
-ATPase [47]. These processes result in formation
of the repolarization phase and return of the membrane
potential to the initial level.
Variation potential (VP) appears under the action
of damaging stressors (including burn, extreme heat,
mechanical damage); it has long duration (up to tens of
minutes and more) and complex shape[6, 23, 48] includ-
ing two components: prolonged depolarization wave and
AP-like spikes, which are not always observed (Fig. 2).
The AP-like spikes are typical action potentials induced
by the positive shift of membrane potential in the course
of formation of the long-term depolarization wave,
which have the same ionic mechanisms as AP [48];
at the same time, the long-term wave is the main com-
ponent of VP. One of the important features of VP (pre-
dominantly of the long-term depolarization wave) is
decrease of its transmission rate[49, 50] and/or its am-
plitude [16, 29, 50] with the increase of the distance
from the zone of damage.
VP comprises a local electrical response to trans-
mission of a signal with non-electrical nature[48], which
could be either hydraulic or chemical. The hydraulic
hypothesis [22, 48, 51, 52] suggests that during local
SUKHOVA et al.1490
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 88 No. 10 2023
Fig. 1. Action potential in higher plants and schematic representation of the mechanisms of its generation and transmission along the vascular
bundles in plants.
damages in the zone of the stressor action a region of
increased pressure is formed that induces transmission
of a fading hydraulic wave in the plant, which, in turn,
causes activation of the mechanosensitive Ca
followed by the development of VP [44]. Experimen-
tal [51] and theoretical [53] studies show that the de-
crease of amplitude of the hydraulic wave results in the
increase of the lag-phase before the changes of electrical
potential, and, thus, causes reduction of the apparent
rate of VP transmission with the increase of the distance
from the zone of the stressor action. Low amplitude of
the hydraulic wave does not cause formation of VP.
Alternative hypothesis suggests that the release of
a specific chemical compound (‘wound substance’) oc-
curs in the damaged zone, diffusion of which causes ac-
tivation of the ligand-dependent Ca
-channels and de-
velopment of VP [48]; low intensity of such signal does
not induce formation of the variation potential. H
often assumed as such wound substance [54-56]; how-
ever, participation of other compounds (such as systemin
[57] or glutamate [58]) cannot be ruled out. The key
problem of the chemical hypothesis is the low speed of
molecular diffusion of the wound substance[48]. There
are several approaches allowing to overcome this limita-
tion. Firstly, according to the Malone hypothesis [59],
which has been theoretically tested in a number of math-
ematical models [60, 61], local increase of pressure in
the zone of damage could result in emergence of addi-
tional flows of water along the xylem, which could bring
the wound substance to undamaged part of the plant.
Secondly, the possibility of accelerated spread of the
chemical agent within a plant, which likely is associated
with the enhancement of convective (turbulent) diffu-
sion in a fluid flow in the xylem, has been previously
shown in our studies[49, 62]. It must be mentioned that
despite the relatively low rates of fluid flow in the xy-
lem vessels, turbulent flows could potentially appear as
a result of periodic constriction of their diameter[62].
And, thirdly, according to the hypothesis suggested by
Mittleret al. [54] and developed further in the later stud-
ies [55, 56, 63], secondary generation of H
(based on
activation of Ca
-channels, increase of Ca
tion that causes activation of NADPH oxidases RbohD
in the plasma membrane, which, in turn, produce reac-
tive oxygen species (ROS)) could occur during propa-
gation of the chemical signal; this secondary generation
could accelerate transmission of the chemical signal in
the plant. Both experimental data [63] demonstrating
propagation of the ROS wave (increase of their concen-
tration) and suppression of this wave under the action
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 88 No. 10 2023
Fig. 2. Variation potential in higher plants and schematic presentation of the suggested mechanisms of its generation and transmission along the
vascular bundles in plants. Scheme of formation of long-term depolarization wave associated with high or medium increase of Ca
in cytoplasm is shown. Mechanisms of AP-like spikes are similar to AP mechanisms (see Fig.1) and are not shown in this figure.
of inhibitor of RbohD oxidases and the results of math-
ematical modeling support this hypothesis.
It is generally accepted that propagation of chem-
ical signal or of hydraulic wave results in the long-term
activation of the ligand-dependent or mechanosensitive
-channel in the plasma membrane, and, respective-
ly, influx of calcium ions into the cell [48]. Moderate (or
large) and long-term increase of Ca
concentration in
cytoplasm (500-600nM and above [49]) causes inacti-
vation of the H
-ATPase[64] and formation of the long-
term depolarization wave. In the background of this
wave, the membrane potential could reach the threshold
level and activate the voltage-gated Ca
-channels, thus
forming AP-like spikes, mechanism of which is similar
to the AP mechanism [48,49].
System potential (SP), which comprises a propa-
gating wave of hyperpolarization (Fig. 3), is the least
investigated type of electrical signals in plants [6]. It is
known that SP could appear in response to the action of
a wide spectrum of stressors including inorganic salts,
moderate and high heat, burn, mechanical damage, and
attacks of insects [9, 65-71]. In the process, the shape
and duration of SP could vary significantly depending
on the type of stressor, plant species, and distance from
the zone of damage [9, 65-71]. It must be mentioned
that SP could be closely associated with VP, because
(i) a number of stressors cause generation of VP close to
the damage zone, while SP appears at a larger distance
from it [9, 67, 69-71]; (ii) local burn causes VP in the
plants watered regularly, but could cause development of
SP under severe water deficit [69]; (iii) stressors could
cause VP during first exposure, and the repeated expo-
sure causes SP [66]; (iv) depending on location of the
zone of stressor action in the plant the same stressor
could cause either VP or SP [65].
It is generally considered that activation of the
-ATPase in plasma membrane is the main mecha-
nism of SP generation [66], which has been confirmed
by suppression of the signal during prior inhibition of this
transporter (sodium orthovanadate) and by induction
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Fig. 3. System potential in higher plants and schematic presentation of potential mechanism of its generation and propagation along the vascular
bundles in plants. Possible effects of a moderate increase of Ca
concentration in cytoplasm on H
-ATPase (activation) and on inwardly-rectify-
ing K
-channels of plasma membrane (inactivation) are shown by dashed lines.
of SP during local exposure to the H
-ATPase induc-
er (fusicoccin); however, nature of the signal causing
such activation is still undetermined. We have suggested
previously [69-71] that transmission of SP is associated
with propagation of the small-amplitude hydraulic sig-
nal, which activates mechanosensitive Ca
-channels in
the plasma membrane and causes moderate increase of
calcium ion concentration in cytoplasm. There are data
available [72,73] demonstrating that moderate increase
of Ca
concentration could cause activation of the
plasma membrane H
-ATPase, which, in turn, results
in hyperpolarization. On the other hand, a number of
studies show that the moderate increase of Ca
tration in cytoplasm (200-400 nM) causes inactivation
of the inwardly-rectifying K
-channel in the plasma
membrane [74,75], which mediates influx of potassium
ions from the extracellular space into the cell cytoplasm.
Considering that the inwardly-rectifying K
and H
-ATPase of plasma membrane are the main sys-
tems of electrogenic ion transport under rest condition
[47, 76, 77] (in accordance with the previously conduct-
ed theoretical analysis of the developed mathematical
model of electrogenesis in the cell of higher plants [47]),
decrease of permeability of K
-channels should result in
hyperpolarization. In the process, development of hy-
perpolarization would be due to decrease of the contri-
bution of electrical conductance of the inwardly-rectify-
ing K
-channels to the total conductance of the plasma
membrane. The latter could be confirmed by the chang-
es of membrane potential(E
) described in a simplified
manner by the equation(1):
+ g
1 + g
, (1)
where E
– electromotive force (EMF) of H
(around –450 mV) and E
– Nernst potential for
potassium ions (around –100 mV; based on [49, 76,
77]) under conditions of reduction of conductance
of K
-channels (g
) with respect to conductance of
-ATPase (g
). The presented equation based on the
parallel electrical circuit of the inwardly-rectifying
-channels and H
-ATPase provides stationary solu-
tion for the membrane potential.
Hypothesis on inactivation of the inwardly-rec-
tifying K
-channels is in good agreement with the
suppression of generation of SP by the action of the
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 88 No. 10 2023
specific blocker of the K
-channels, tetraethyl ammo-
nium [65]. The main advantage of the suggested hy-
pothesis is its ability to explain association between VP
and SP, because the decrease of amplitude of the hy-
draulic wave (with the decrease of the stimulus strength
during drought development or with the increase of the
distance from the zone of stimulation [51, 53, 68-71])
should decrease influx of Ca
into the cell, which could
result in the change of the type of ES: long-term wave of
depolarization (in the case of large or moderate increase
of calcium ion concentration in cytoplasm) is replaced
with the hyperpolarization wave (in the case of slight
increase of Ca
concentration). However, it should be
mentioned that the suggested mechanism is potential-
ly compatible with the chemical hypothesis of the sig-
nal transmission; in this case induction of the calcium
ion influx could occur through the ligand-dependent
Hence, common feature of AP, VP, and SP gen-
eration involves changes in activity of the H
in plasma membrane, which is in good agreement with
the key role of the P-type ATPases in maintenance of a
number of physiological processes in plants and in re-
sponses to the action of environmental factors [78, 79],
including changes in activity of H
-ATPase under the
action of abiotic and biotic stressors. The key mech-
anism of the changes of H
-ATPase activity is phos-
phorylation of amino acid residues of the R-domain
at the C-end of the enzyme [78, 79]: phosphorylation
of Thr947 facilitates attachment of the 14-3-3 proteins
to the C-end and causes activation of the enzyme; and,
on the contrary, phosphorylation of a number of other
amino acid residues disrupts binding of the 14-3-3 pro-
teins and results in inactivation of H
-ATPase. It must
be mentioned that the Ca
-dependent inactivation of
-ATPase, which could be prevented by the treat-
ment with the H-7protein kinase inhibitor [46] is like-
ly associated with phosphorylation of one of the amino
acid residues (Ser944, Thr942, Tyr946) and disruption
of binding of the 14-3-3 proteins to the C-end of the
enzyme [79].
It is likely that the direct contributions of the
-ATPase to formation of electrical signals vary. Inpar-
ticular, in the case of AP, elimination of the H
inactivation affects only slightly the shape and ampli-
tude of the signal, but completely suppresses the accom-
panying alkalization of apoplast [46, 47]. On the other
hand, inactivation of H
-ATPase is the main mecha-
nism of VP generation [48], because decrease of activ-
ity of this transporter results in significant suppression
of the long-term depolarization wave, which is the basis
of variation potential [49,64,80].
More complicated pattern is observed in the case
of SP. The main hypothesis [66, 67, 69-71] describing
mechanisms of SP suggests increase of the absolute ac-
tivity of H
-ATPase; however, this suggestion contra-
dicts the data on alkalization of apoplast during devel-
opment of the system potential [66]. Similar alkalization
observed during inactivation of H
-ATPase in the course
of generation of AP [46, 47] and VP [25, 27] more like-
ly indicates decrease of activity of this transporter.
The suggestion on increase of the relative activity of
-ATPase due to Ca
-dependent decrease of the ac-
tivity of inwardly-rectifying K
-channels[74, 75] is more
in line with such data, because development of hyper-
polarization should decrease active transport of protons
from the cell and results in alkalization of apoplast due
to increase of the proton electrochemical gradient di-
rected against such transport.
In conclusion to this section, it must mention spe-
cifically that the changes of pH that accompany the
changes of activity of the plasma membrane H
during development of ES are to a large degree associ-
ated with the existence of the oppositely directed proton
flows. In accordance with the mathematical model of
electrogenesis in the cells of higher plants previously de-
veloped in our work [47, 77], such flows may be due to
activities of H
-antiporters and 2H
and leakage of protons through the plasma membrane.
In particular, such flows could facilitate rapid transport
of protons inside the cell during decrease of compen-
sating efflux of H
under conditions of H
-ATPase in-
activation. Potentially the abovementioned oppositely
directed proton flows could be regulated by certain fac-
tors. However, such regulation is not required for real-
istic description of electrical responses in plants during
modeling [47, 76, 77], that is why the hypothesis on reg-
ulation of the inward H
flows is, most likely, excessive
in the case of the cells of higher plants.
In general, participation of the changes of H
ATPase activity in generation of all main types of ESs
allows suggesting that such changes could play a certain
physiological role; in particular, the idea of involvement
of such changes in regulation of photosynthetic process-
es by electrical signals in higher plants attracts attention
of researchers [23].
As was mentioned above, there are several argu-
ments showing similarities in the decrease of absolute
activity of the plasma membrane H
-ATPase during
generation of all three types of ESs; first of all, this is
illustrated by the fact of alkalization of apoplast ob-
served during generation of AP [46, 47], VP[25, 27], and
SP[66]. If such decrease indeed causes the ES-induced
inactivation of photosynthesis, it can be expected that
this inactivation would be observed during propagation of
SUKHOVA et al.1494
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 88 No. 10 2023
all three types of ES. According to the literature data,
AP [14, 81, 82], VP [16, 24-30, 83], and SP [66, 71]
could cause similar changes in the intensity of photo-
synthetic processes including decrease of intensity of
assimilation, decrease of the quantum yield of the
photosystem II, and increase of non-photochemical
quenching of the chlorophyll fluorescence.
The ES-induced responses of photosynthesis in-
clude short-term (5-10 min) and long-term (tens of
minutes, and, probably hours) inactivation [6, 7, 23].
In some cases, only long-term inactivation could be ob-
served in plants (see, for example, papers published by
Hlaváckováet al. [10], Herdeet al. [84], andSherstne-
vaet al. [85]). It was shown in a number of studies [14,
26, 35] that the decrease of CO
concentration in the
medium results in inactivation of the light-dependent
reactions of photosynthesis similar to the one caused
by ES and reduces the amplitude of photosynthetic
responses induced by electrical signals; however, no
complete suppression of the short-term and long-term
changes of the parameters of the light-dependent reac-
tions has been observed. It has been suggested based on
this information[6, 23] that the short-term, and, proba-
bly, long-term inactivation of photosynthesis are associ-
ated with two different types of mechanisms:
(i) With the decrease of intensity of the dark reac-
tions of photosynthesis resulting in the decrease of the
/NADPH ratios in the chloro-
plast stroma and, respectively, in suppression of the pro-
cesses of the light-dependent reactions due to increase
of the electrochemical gradient on the thylakoid mem-
brane (results of reduction of H
-ATP-synthase activi-
ty due to substrate deficit) and disruption of the elec-
tron leakage from the electron-transport chain [14, 26].
Decrease of the leaf mesophyll conductance to CO
and, probably, closing of stomata [21] are the suggested
mechanisms of suppression of the dark reactions of pho-
(ii) With the suppression of the light reactions of
photosynthesis that is not caused by the inhibition of
Calvin cycle, which, potentially, also could have differ-
ent mechanisms (in particular, increase of non-photo-
chemical quenching [27, 29] and decrease of activity of
the ferredoxin-NADP
There are several hypotheses explaining mecha-
nisms of photosynthesis inactivation[23]. Among them
suppression of activity of the Calvin cycle enzymes due
to influx of Ca
in the cytoplasm and further to chloro-
plast stroma [81] and inactivating effects of ROS (likely
) [83] should be mentioned. In the case of long-
term inactivation of photosynthesis involvement of the
stress hormones (abscisic and jasmonic acids [10, 11,
50]), which trigger stomata closing and suppression
of photosynthesis, has also been considered. At the
same time, reversible inactivation of plasma membrane
- ATPase seems to be the most plausible mechanism
of the development of the ES-induced photosynthet-
ic responses in plants [6, 23]. It must be mentioned,
first of all, that such inactivation could be the conse-
quence of all the mentioned mechanisms. In partic-
ular, it is known that the increase of calcium ion con-
centration could result in suppression of the plasma
membrane H
-ATPase [86], spread of H
is consid-
ered to be associated with activation of Ca
influx of calcium ions, and inactivation of H
[6, 54-56]. The effect of abscisic acid on photosynthe-
sis also could be mediated by the decrease of activity
of H
The results of our earlier studies [88, 89] demon-
strate that the moderate increase or decrease of the
initial activity of H
-ATPase in the plants treated with
activators (fusicoccin) or inhibitors (sodium orthovana-
date) of this ion transporter results, respectively, in the
increase or decrease of the photosynthetic response de-
veloping during the further induction of VP. These re-
sults confirm participation of H
-ATPase in formation
of the ES-induced changes in photosynthesis, because
while the value of relative change of its activity remains
constant, the absolute value of such change increases in
the case of prior activation of H
-ATPase or decreases
in the case of its prior inactivation, which would result
in the increase or decrease of the ES-induced photosyn-
thetic response, respectively.
Changes of intracellular and extracellular pH that
accompany inactivation of the H
-ATPase are consid-
ered as a possible mechanism of development of the
ES-induced photosynthetic responses [2, 6, 23]. Sev-
eral arguments exist supporting this hypothesis. Firstly,
it was shown in a considerable number of studies that
generation of different types of ES in plants is accompa-
nied with the increase of pH in apoplast, and decrease
of pH in cytoplasm [25, 27, 45, 46, 66, 85]. Moreover,
it was revealed by indirect methods that acidification
of the chloroplast stroma and lumen accompany gen-
eration of VP [90]. Furthermore, it was shown in some
studies [91, 92] that there is a strong association between
the changes of pH and parameters of photosynthesis,
which supports their role in induction of photosynthet-
ic responses. Secondly, it was shown that the artificial
induction of pH changes by exposure of leaves parts to
protonophores [27] or by inhibiting H
-ATPase activity
in protoplasts with sodium orthovanadate[89] results in
induction of photosynthetic responses, which are similar
to the ones observed during propagation of ES (decrease
of quantum yield of photosystem II and increase of
non-photochemical quenching). Thirdly, acidification
of the chloroplast incubation medium that mimics de-
crease of pH in cytoplasm during ES development also
induces photosynthetic responses similar to the respons-
es caused by electrical signals [25, 27, 85]; amplitude
of such responses linearly correlate with the degree of
pH changes[27, 85]. Similar effect was revealed during
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 88 No. 10 2023
perfusion of the cells of Charophyte algae with acidified
solutions [93].
It was shown in our previous studies [91, 92] that
the increase of extracellular pH accompanying VP is as-
sociated primarily with the decrease of photosynthetic
assimilation of CO
, while the decrease of intracellular
pH is associated with the increase of non-photochem-
ical fluorescence quenching. Based on these facts it
could be suggested [6, 23] that the ES-induced alkali-
zation of apoplast mainly affects supply of CO
to the
cells, while acidification of the cytoplasm, stroma, and
lumen of chloroplasts could directly affect reactions of
the light-dependent stage of photosynthesis. This sug-
gestion is in good agreement with the ES-induced de-
crease of conductance of the leaf mesophyll to CO
and with the observed changes of the light-dependent
reactions of photosynthesis induced by electrical signals,
which are not associated with inactivation of the dark
The pH-dependent decrease of the CO
tio could be suggested as a simple mechanism of the
effect of alkalization of apoplast on the supply of CO
into photosynthesizing cells [23], because the charged
form penetrates biological membrane much less than
the neutral one [94]. This suggestion was pre-confirmed
by the analysis of the simplified mathematical model
describing effects of inactivation of H
-ATPase on the
fraction of the neutral form of CO
[95]; however, fur-
ther investigation of the more detailed photosynthetic
model of a leaf did not confirm significant contribution
of this mechanism to the decrease of activity of photo-
synthesis during alkalization of apoplast (at least for the
stationary CO
flow described for an uniform apoplast
and used parameters of the model)[96,97].
The alternative hypothesis describing the ES-in-
duced effect of pH changes on the leaf mesophyll con-
ductance to CO
was suggested by Gallé et al. [24].
Inaccordance with this theory such changes affect con-
ductance of aquaporins, which play an important role in
supplying carbon dioxide to the cells of higher plants [98]
and could be controlled by pH [99-101]. Such hypoth-
esis is in good agreement with the results of modeling
[97] demonstrating dependence of the stationary inten-
sity of photosynthesis on the conductance of plasma
membrane to CO
; however, the literature data [99-101]
show that the conductance of aquaporins decreases with
acidification of cytoplasm, but not with alkalization of
apoplast. Despite the fact that both processes accom-
pany generation of ES [25, 27], our data indicate [91,
92] very weak association of the cytoplasm acidification
with the decrease of intensity of the dark reactions of
photosynthesis; in other words, there is certain contra-
diction between the hypothesis on participation of aqua-
porins in the development of ES-induced photosyn-
thetic responses and experimental peculiarities of these
Hence, the problem of specific mechanisms of
the effect of pH changes on the supply of CO
to me-
sophyll cells remains unsolved. Potentially the revealed
contradictions could be explained by uneven spatial dis-
tribution of carbonic anhydrases, which accelerate sig-
nificantly mutual conversion between CO
and HCO
because such heterogeneity could provide local pH-de-
pendent changes of the ratio between the neutral and
charged forms of carbon dioxide, which would affect its
penetration through the plasma membrane without sig-
nificant changes of the average concentration of these
forms in apoplast (in the suggested photosynthetic model
of a leaf [96, 97] such possibility was not considered).
Some studies demonstrating that carbonic anhydrases
and aquaporins function together in the plasma mem-
brane[102] and that carbonic anhydrases affect meso-
phyll conductance to CO
[103] provide support to this
It must be mentioned that the ES-induced closing
of stomata, which could be involved in the long-term
inactivation of photosynthetic processes [21], is also
associated with the suppression of H
-ATPase activi-
ty, because the level of response could be modified by
changing initial activity of this transporter[36]. At the
same, the direct mechanism of the stomata closing is,
most likely, not inactivation of H
-ATPase, but rather
changes of activity of ion channels facilitated by this in-
activation, which results in the efflux of ions from the
guard cells. In particular, significant efflux of chloride
ions was demonstrated in a number of studies, which
accompanied generation of electrical signals of different
types [6,7,48,66].
Direct effect of the cytoplasm acidification on the
parameters of the light stage of photosynthesis is like-
ly due to the flow of protons from cytoplasm to stroma
and chloroplast lumen [23]. The decrease of pH in stro-
ma and lumen during development of VP was indirectly
confirmed in our previous study based on the measure-
ments of both the electrochromic shift of the leaf ab-
sorption and light scattering at 535 nm [90], which indi-
cate proton transport through chloroplast envelopes and
thylakoid membranes.
According to the studies by Alte et al. [104] and
Benz et al. [105], decrease of the chloroplast stroma
pH could cause increase of affinity of the ferredoxin-
-reductase to the specific binding sites (Tic62
and TROL), which results in the increase of the distance
between the enzyme and photosystem I, thus decreas-
ing electron flow at the acceptor part of this photo-
system. This mechanism is in agreement with the VP-
induced increase of losses at the acceptor side of the
photosystem I [26], which practically is independent
on the intensity of the dark reactions of photosynthe-
sis. It is likely that this mechanism could also facili-
tate the ES-induced activation of the cyclic electron
flow around the photosystem I [28], because decrease
SUKHOVA et al.1496
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 88 No. 10 2023
Fig. 4. Schematic presentation of possible pathways involving inactivation of the plasma membrane H
-ATPase in regulation of photosynthesis
by electrical signals. The variant suggesting participation of the inwardly-rectifying K
-channels in hyperpolarization is presented for SP.
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 88 No. 10 2023
of the non-cyclic flow, which competes for the substrate
(reduced ferredoxin) should result in the increase of
other flows using the same substrate [106].
The ES-induced acidification of the chloroplast lu-
men would firstly induce increase of the energy-depen-
dent component of the non-photochemical fluorescence
quenching, because electrical signals could cause signif-
icant increase of this component [30], for which close
association with the lumen pH was demonstrated [107-
109]. Direct decrease of the electron flow through the
photosynthetic electron-transport chain also could be the
result of acidification of the chloroplast lumen, because
one of the limiting steps of this process is oxidation of
plastoquinones in the cytochrome b
f complex [110, 111];
it is generally recognized that this step is highly sensi-
tive to the lumen pH and slows down with the increase
of proton concentration. Potentially, the component of
non-photochemical fluorescence quenching occurring
due to the shift of the main pigment–protein light-har-
vesting complex (state transition) could be another ‘tar-
get’ of the pH decrease in the chloroplast lumen [112],
as it has been shown [29] that in the absence of illumi-
nation and, correspondingly, change of the activity of the
dark reactions of photosynthesis, ES could cause chang-
es in the distribution of the absorbed light between the
photosystemsI andII.
Hence, the decrease of the absolute value of the
plasma membrane H
-ATPase activity, which accompa-
nies generation of AP, VP, and, likely, SP, results in the
increase of extracellular and decrease of intracellular pH
and, consequently, causes inactivation of photosynthesis
via several interrelated mechanisms(Fig.4).
One of the presumed results of the ES-induced
changes of photosynthesis in the intact parts of the plant
is increase of tolerance of the photosynthetic apparatus
to the action of stressors on these parts [6, 7, 23, 31].
This tolerance increase would be very significant for the
plant in the case if the local exposure to the stressor that
induces electrical signals, is a precursor of the action of
adverse factors on the other parts of the plant organ-
ism[6, 7]. The mechanisms of ES-induced increase of
the photosynthetic apparatus tolerance could be classi-
fied into several groups [6,7,23,31].
(i) Positive effect of ESs on tolerance of the pho-
tosystem II in the case of moderate intensity of the
stressors (exemplified with the higher and lower tem-
peratures)[34, 39] could be associated with the increase
of energy-dependent component of the non-photo-
chemical fluorescence quenching [30] and activation of
the cyclic electron flow [28], which represent effective
mechanisms of protection of the photosynthetic appara-
tus under the action of a wide spectrum of stresses [107-
(ii) In the case of exposure to high temperature, ef-
fect of ESs on the stability of the photosynthetic appara-
tus has a more complicated nature[35, 36]: the decrease
of damage in the photosystem I is accompanied by the
enhanced damage of the photosystem II; these process-
es are interrelated [37]. This result could be explained by
the hypothesis[115, 116] suggesting that, under condi-
tions of extreme intensity of the stressor action, damage
of the photosystem II that is capable of relatively rapid
repair, could lead to preservation of the photosystem I
due to the stoppage of electron influx from water, de-
crease of the excessive reduction of the electron trans-
port chain, and, as a result, decrease of ROS generation.
It is worth mentioning that preservation of the photo-
system I is also important for the following repair of the
photosynthetic apparatus [23], because in this case func-
tioning of the cyclic electron flow and ATP synthesis is
(iii) Considering that the increase of ATP content
in leaves is an important result of the ES-induced pho-
tosynthetic responses [16], it can be suggested that this
increase comprises the mechanism of acceleration of the
photosynthetic apparatus repair after the damaging ac-
tion of stressors. Positive effect of ATP on the resistance
of the photosynthetic apparatus in plants [117] and the
data on ES-induced acceleration of the photosystem II
repair [34] support this hypothesis.
Result of the ES-induced increase of stability of the
photosynthetic apparatus is general increase of the plant
resistance, which is manifested in the lesser suppression
of growth [36] and electrical activity [40] under condi-
tions of systemic exposure to stressors.
The presented review demonstrates that formation of
all types of electrical signals in higher plants is associat-
ed with the changes in activity of the plasma membrane
-ATPase; furthermore, inactivation of H
- ATPase
plays an important role in generation of action potentials
and variation potentials. In the case of system potential,
the problem of particular changes of the H
-ATPase ac-
tivity is more complicated: on the one hand, one cannot
rule out increase of the absolute activity of the trans-
porter, which could be due to the two-phase dependence
of the activity on Ca
concentration in cytoplasm (ac-
tivation with small increase of concentration and inac-
tivation with moderate and high increase). On another
hand, a number of arguments (alkalization of apoplast
during generation of system potential, role of potassium
channels in this generation) indicate high probability of
participation of the relative increase of the H
activity in the generation of system potential; this in-
crease is due to the Ca
-dependent inactivation of the
inwardly-rectifying K
-channels in plasma membrane
with slight increase of the calcium ion concentration.
Absolute activity of the H
-ATPase could decrease in
the process due to increase of the electrochemical
SUKHOVA et al.1498
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 88 No. 10 2023
proton gradient directed inward the cell during hyper-
polarization. Increase of the electrochemical gradi-
ent could also decrease total efficiency of H
from the cell due to activation of the systems of second-
ary active transport (such as proton-anion symporter
[118]) and enhancement of passive H
flows into cyto-
It seems likely that the decrease of absolute activity
of the plasma membrane H
-ATPase is the main mecha-
nism of inactivating effect of action potentials, variation
potentials, and, probably, system potential on photo-
synthesis. Inactivation of photosynthesis induced by the
electrical signals is manifested by the decrease of CO
assimilation, quantum yields of photosystems I and II,
and non-cyclic electron flow, and by the increase of
non-photochemical fluorescence quenching and cyclic
electron flow around the photosystem I. In the process,
the induced by electrical signals increase of pH in ap-
oplast facilitates decrease of CO
supply to the cell, in-
activation of the dark reactions of photosynthesis and,
as a result, suppression of the light-dependent reactions
of photosynthesis; in turn, decrease of pH in cytoplasm
and, as a result, in stroma and chloroplast lumen cause
additional suppression of the light-dependent reactions
of photosynthesis.
The result of the photosynthetic responses induced
by electrical signals is, most likely, increase of tolerance
of the photosynthetic apparatus to the action of stress-
ors and enabling its following repair. Such changes, in
turn, provide contribution to the general increase of re-
sistance of the plant to the systemic action of adverse
factors and facilitate the plant survival under changing
environmental conditions.
Contributions. All authors participated in formu-
lating concept of the paper, preparation of materials,
and writing the paper draft. V.S.S. edited final text of
the review.
Funding. This work was funded by the Russian
Science Foundation, grant no.21-74-10088.
Ethics declarations. The authors declare no conflict
of interests in financial or any other sphere. This article
does not contain any studies with human participants
or animals performed by any of the authors.
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