ISSN 0006-2979, Biochemistry (Moscow), 2023, Vol. 88, No. 10, pp. 1596-1607 © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2023.
Published in Russian in Biokhimiya, 2023, Vol. 88, No. 10, pp. 1926-1939.
Mitochondrial Network: Electric Cable and More
Polina A. Abramicheva
, Nadezda V. Andrianova
, Valentina A. Babenko
Ljubava D. Zorova
, Savva D. Zorov
, Irina B. Pevzner
, Vasily A. Popkov
Dmitry S. Semenovich
, Elmira I. Yakupova
, Denis N. Silachev
, Egor Y. Plotnikov
Gennady T. Sukhikh
, and Dmitry B. Zorov
Belozersky Research Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119991 Moscow, Russia
Kulakov National Medical Research Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, 117997 Moscow, Russia
Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119991 Moscow, Russia
Received July 12, 2023
Revised September 20, 2023
Accepted September 22, 2023
AbstractMitochondria in a cell can unite and organize complex, extended structures that occupy the entire cellu-
lar volume, providing an equal supply with energy in the form of ATP synthesized in mitochondria. In accordance with
thechemiosmotic concept, the oxidation energy of respiratory substrates is largely stored in the form of an electrical poten-
tial difference on the inner membrane of mitochondria. The theory of the functioning of extended mitochondrial structures
as intracellular electrical wires suggests that mitochondria provide the fastest delivery of electrical energy through thecel-
lular volume, followed by the use of this energy for the synthesis of ATP, thereby accelerating the process of ATP delivery
compared to the rather slow diffusion of ATP in the cell. This analytical review gives the history of the cable theory, lists
unsolved critical problems, describes the restructuring of the mitochondrial network and the role of oxidative stress in this
process. In addition to the already proven functioning of extended mitochondrial structures as electrical cables, a number
of additional functions are proposed, in particular, the hypothesis is put forth that mitochondrial networks maintain
the redox potential in the cellular volume, which may vary depending on the physiological state, as a result of changes in
the three-dimensional organization of the mitochondrial network (fragmentation/fission–fusion). A number of patholo-
gies accompanied by a violation of the redox status and the participation of mitochondria in them are considered.
DOI: 10.1134/S0006297923100140
Keywords: mitochondria, reticulum, network, electricity, membrane potential, fragmentation, fission, cardiomyocytes,
spermatozoa, oxidative stress, redox, preeclampsia, fetal growth retardation
* To whom correspondence should be addressed.
Historically, in the sixties of the twentieth century,
there was a transition from a purely chemical concept of
oxidative phosphorylation to a chemiosmotic one, pro-
viding spatial separation and functional coupling of ox-
idation processes (which creates a protonmotive force)
and usage of this force for the phosphorylation of ADP,
and this concept became dominant in bioenergetics [1-3].
However, it should be noted that there are still disputes
on accuracy of terminology and on principles of cou-
pling. In the first case, it is not very clear how much
the term “osmotics” is relevant to this concept, because
there were no osmotic rearrangements in the entire pro-
ton cycle. The author of this concept himself (P. Mitchell)
interpreted “osmotics” in terms of the existence of to-
pologically closed membranes, called coupling mem-
branes, which represent an osmotic barrier for substanc-
es in general and for protons in particular, and within
which proton transport systems exist that carry out os-
motic stabilization and enable the transport of metabo-
lites [4]. The recent discovery of the K
transport cycle
in the mitochondrial membrane, which also drives ATP
synthesis [5-9], is more consistent with the name of the
chemiosmotic concept due to the fact that the transport
of potassium ions due to its high solvating properties
(unlike proton) can significantly change the osmotic
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 88 No. 10 2023
properties of the media on both sides of the coupling
membrane, which will inevitably be accompanied by
a not always compensated transport of water to one or
another volume.
The second, not commonly recognized part of
Mitchell’s concept was the postulate that the coupling
of oxidation and phosphorylation is carried out due to
the primary transfer of a proton from one aqueous phase
washing the coupling membrane to the aqueous phase
on the other side of the membrane, followed by the
transfer of a proton from the second phase to the initial
one, while carrying out the chemical synthesis of ATP in
ATP synthase localized in membrane [10-13]. This part
included the concept of a delocalized proton, in contrast
to the concept of coupling due to a localized proton
which is also transported through the membrane without
its release into the bulk aqueous phase [14, 15]. Among
these two elements of the chemiosmotic concept,
which can be subjected to some criticism, there is one
point that remains unshakable and fundamental in this
concept – it is the postulation and proof of the genera-
tion of electric potential in coupling membranes [16].
Of the known set of coupling membranes, which in-
cludes the cell membranes of some aerobic bacteria, the
membranes of chromatophores of photosynthetic bac-
teria, the thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts and the
inner membranes of mitochondria, only the coupling
membranes of mitochondria will be discussed in this re-
view. In the latter, as a result of the operation of proton
pumps of complexes I, III and IV, an asymmetric distri-
bution of protons is achieved on both sides of the inner
membrane with a resultant increase in their concentra-
tion in the intermembrane space, which corresponds to
the cytosolic side. As a result, it would be more correct
to consider Mitchell’s primary concept chemio-electric,
and only taking into account the recent discovery of po-
tassium energetics– electro-chemio-osmotic. However,
the great value of Mitchell’s discovery as a fundamental
theory that allows us to attribute the function of cellu-
lar electric power plants to mitochondria stays beyond
In 1971, V. P. Skulachev in one of his fundamen-
tal works [17] postulated the possibility of intracel-
lular energy transport in the form of a membrane po-
tential. He wrote: “The system of intracellular (and
mitochondrial) membranes and cristae may hinder en-
ergy transfer by such a hydrophilic energy carrier as ATP.
The problem would be simplified if energy could be
transmitted along the membrane in the form of an
electric field. In this way, it would be possible, for ex-
ample, to unite in the common system thousands of
energy-producing individual enzyme complexes, which
fitted into spatially distant areas of the mitochondrial
One of the strongest confirmations of Skulachev’s
postulate was the discovery of the mitochondrial net-
work in the striated muscle of the diaphragm [18] and
the results of studies of its development in ontogene-
sis[19]. It was a fundamental work that broke the ex-
isting paradigm of traditional two-dimensional thinking
at that time, based on the analysis of single electron
microscopic sections. The method of reconstruction of
intracellular volume from a series of consecutive tissue
sections was used in the study, which allowed to establish
the three-dimensional organization of mitochondria.
The revealed complex structure formed by these was
called the mitochondrial reticulum. Thus, these works
were to some extent the structural basis for confirming
the hypothesis of the functioning of mitochondria as
anelectric cable.
A little later, a method for visualizing mitochon-
dria in a cell using selective accumulation of a positive-
ly charged fluorescent probe (rhodamine 123, which
is a methyl ester of unsubstituted rhodamine [20]) was
introduced into practice. This discovery should also be
recognized as revolutionary, because before that, mito-
chondria in the cell were visualized almost exclusively
using transmission light microscopy [21]. The earliest,
although not very sensitive, way of visualizing mito-
chondria in a cell was the very rarely used method of
staining by Janus GreenB [22], based on the reduction
of the dye by processes of mitochondrial activity. To vi-
sualize mitochondria, it was necessary to use a dye in
high concentrations, since detection was based on a
change in the optical absorption of the dye. The use of
fluorescent dyes carrying a delocalized positive charge
in the molecule allowed the dye to accumulate in the
matrix of mitochondria in many thousands of times of
its concentration in the cytoplasm of the cell. As a re-
sult, mitochondria could be visualized in the cell using
low concentrations, while the selectivity of staining was
very high. Almost simultaneously with rhodamine 123,
ethyl ester of unsubstituted rhodamine was used to stain
structures carrying the membrane potential, which is
the driving force for accumulation of fluorescent dye
in mitochondria [23]. The simplicity of the procedure
for selective staining of mitochondria in a cell and the
development of fluorescence microscopy allowed this
approach to be quickly extended to determine the struc-
ture of the chondriome in different cells.
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Five years after the introduction of rhodamine dyes
for the visualization of mitochondria, the volatility of
the organization of the mitochondrial reticulum was
demonstrated for the first time. The first agent causing
the rapid transformation of the mitochondrial filament
into a series of rounded fragments (the phenomenon
was then called mitochondrial fragmentation, which
corresponds to the later name of mitochondrial fission)
was benzodiazepine diazepam, which was mitochondri-
ally toxic, potentially causing oxidative stress [24]. Later,
many classical mitochondrial drugs were placed in the
category of initiators of mitochondrial fragmentation
(rotenone, antimycin A, cyanide, oligomycin, dicyclo-
hexylcarboxyamide, etc. [25,26]). The nature of the high
volatility of mitochondrial filaments, being directly
dependent on oxidative stress, became clear [27-30].
An example of mitochondrial fragmentation caused by
rotenone, an inhibitor of mitochondrial complex I, is
shown in Fig.1.
The phenomenon of mitochondria fragmentation
(their fission) has become the subject of research for
many scientific groups, and this research continues,
as a result of which a whole set of proteins involved in
this process has been identified (e.g., see review [31]).
However, no one has yet analyzed the minimum size of
the mitochondrial fragment and its composition. This
seemingly simple question is not too trivial related to the
problem of heterogeneity of the mitochondrial popula-
tion and their asymmetric division [32-34], as a result
of which the fragmentation products formed may dif-
fer greatly in composition and subsequent fate. On the
other hand, the question remains: do all mitochondrial
fragments have mitochondrial DNA in their interior in
order to ensure at least a small degree of relative auton-
omy? However, the last question may not be too fun-
damental, given that when oxidative stress is eliminated,
the reverse process of fragmentation is observed, when
mitochondrial fragments can begin to fuse. However,
the question of how different or identical the fragments
should be in composition in order to fuse remains open.
The mitochondrial reticulum can be organized in
two ways. One system is formed in such a way that the
mitochondrial matrix is uniform and forms a continuum
throughout the mitochondria, even under conditions of
their branching. An example of such an organization is
the giant mitochondrial reticulum in normal fibroblasts
(Fig.2), mammalian astroglial cells, Saccharomyces cer-
evisiae cells [35], Xenopus egg [36], and insect sperma-
tids forming the so-called nebenkern [37]. According
to the second scenario, the mitochondrial reticulum is
organized by separate small mitochondrial units, each
with its own matrix isolated from each other, united by
the dense contacts with each other. The oldest, but not
very well-known example is the mitochondria in several
spermatozoa [38-41], in particular of mammals, where
individual mitochondria, connecting to each other with
the help of a certain “cement”, thus forming the mid-
piece of the sperm, organized by these mitochondria by
helix with a different number of spiral units depending
on the type of animal. Among the diverse terminology
describing intermitochondrial formations in spermatids,
the term nuage is often found, which has a wider
Fig. 1. Fragmentation of mitochondria in embryonal porcine kidney cell culture. a)Control cells; b)after treatment with rotenone (1μM, 24h).
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 88 No. 10 2023
Fig. 2. Mitochondrial network in human skin fibroblasts (stained with ethylrodamine). The arrow points to a fragmented mitochondrial filament.
application for describing intracellular structures [40]
(also see the review[41]). Almost 50 years ago, “inter-
membrane junctions” were described in detail in skeletal
muscle in the form of an electron-dense material con-
necting neighboring mitochondria within one cell (the
so-called four-membrane junctions, that is, covering the
space between the inner membranes of two mitochon-
dria, including both outer membranes). At the same
time, 6-membrane junctions of the same type were de-
scribed for the so-called nexus zone, where a contact
is formed between mitochondria, which also includes
two plasma membranes of neighboring cells [18, 19, 42].
Theorganization of the mitochondrial reticulum in on-
togenesis was considered in detail [19].
Almost half a century later, the same type of re-
search was reproduced [43, 44], but the novelty of these
later works was limited only by a more sophisticated
methodological base, the use of new terms “connectome”
and “interactome” and the correlation of the structur-
al organization of the mitochondrial tree with muscle
activity. The latter is an important point, because it as-
sumes the appropriate organization of the mitochondrial
reticulum in the skeletal musculature [45], which in a
best way corresponds to the energy needs of the mus-
cle cell. It should be noted that the problem of matching
energy needs and the delivery of components and energy
production in the cell (energy supply-demand problem)
is one of the key elements of the occurrence of cardiac,
brain and other cellular and organ pathologies that occur
when this match is violated, and mitochondrial organi-
zation and communication play a fundamental role in
these processes [45].
No doubt that the structural interaction of mito-
chondria with each other and with other cellular ele-
ments is only one part of intracellular communication.
Basically, this communication is realized through the
exchange of chemical signaling molecules that can be
hidden in membrane vesicles generated by various cell
elements, including mitochondria [46-49].
Ultimately, the hypothesis of the functioning of
extended mitochondrial structures as electrical energy-
transmitting cables consisted in an adequate and uni-
form supply of all cell components with electrical
energy that can be transformed into chemical energy
of the ATP.
Only three years have passed since the discovery
of the fragmentation of the mitochondrial reticulum,
when experimental evidence of the functioning of the
mitochondria as an electrical cable was carried out [50].
As an object, normal skin human fibroblasts were used,
in which mitochondria normally form a single network
of very long single or branched filaments hundreds of
microns long. Since fluorescent penetrating dyes such
as rhodamine 123 or ethylrodamine can detect only
energized mitochondria (which have a membrane po-
tential that allows the dye to accumulate theoretically
up to 10,000-fold concentrations in the mitochondri-
al matrix compared to extracellular content), a change
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BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 88 No. 10 2023
in the membrane potential along the entire length of the
extended mitochondria after a local lesion of the mito-
chondrial filament was noted. The lesion was carried out
using a focused laser beam, while the size of its spot was
comparable to the thickness of the mitochondrial fila-
ment and was a fraction of a micron. The experimen-
tal result confirmed the hypothesis of the equipotential
nature of the mitochondrial filament, since a local col-
lapse of the mitochondrial membrane caused complete
de-energization of the entire extended mitochondrion,
manifested in the loss of fluorescence of the mitochon-
drial dye along its entire length [50]. Later, similar ex-
periments were carried out with neonatal cardiomyo-
cytes, whose mitochondria are also organized in the
form of a branched tree. But unlike fibroblasts, where
the mitochondrial matrix is continuous and extends
over the entire length without breaks, the entire mito-
chondrial reticulum in this case is organized by separate
mitochondrial units united by means of intermitochon-
drial junctions. As a result, the mitochondrial network
of neonatal cardiomyocytes has many unconnected mi-
tochondrial matrixes. In this case, with a local lesion
of one element of the mitochondrial network, a part of
the general network was deenergized. This meant that
structurally and functionally, in a neonatal cardiomyo-
cyte, mitochondria in a single cell are organized as sep-
arate equipotential clusters, also consisting of separate
mitochondria united by intermembrane junctions [51].
The complete electrical short circuit observed under the
deenergization of a separate cluster meant that the in-
termitochondrial junctions are electrically permeable,
providing communication of neighboring mitochondrial
matrixes presumably due to the presence of ion channels
in the inner and outer membranes of the contacting mi-
tochondria. Moreover, the architecture of the cristae in
the intermitochondrial junctions was interesting– they
were located clearly perpendicular to the plane of the
contact zone, which probably facilitated the propagation
of the membrane potential through the mitochondrial
network [52].
Later, it was found that in the intermitochondrial
junctions of cardiomyocytes, which are represented by
an osmiophilic substance on electron microscopic im-
ages, a pore protein of the outer membranes, a voltage-
dependent anion channel, is abundantly present [53],
which could be considered as a structural confirmation
of ion-channel communication between mitochondria
in the junctional zone.
Subsequently, using the same approaches, an elec-
trical connection was demonstrated between the mito-
chondria of the sperm [54] and trichome cells [55]. This
also suggested the presence of ion channels in the con-
tact zone of the mitochondria of spermatozoa (which,
as we have already indicated above, were visualized as
electron dense formations, which served as the basis for
their name “mitochondrial cement” [40, 41]).
More than 25 years after the establishing and proof
of the existence of mitochondria as an electric cable,
awork from the laboratory of Robert Balaban was pub-
lished in Nature, exactly reproducing the already de-
scribed idea, principle and methodological nature of
the organization and functioning of the mitochondrial
reticulum in cardiomyocytes [56], with the only differ-
ence that a more modern methodological base was used.
Later, in a number of other publications (e.g., see [57])
from the same laboratory, for unknown reasons, unam-
biguously interpreted experiments performed in Moscow
were questioned (read ...However, there are contradic-
tory reports of the functional connectivity of the cardiac
mitochondrial reticulum [57]...), however with subse-
quent proof of the correctness of early ideas and proofs.
In addition to the examples of ignoring the primary
source of the cable theory of extended coupling mem-
branes, including the inner membranes of mitochondria,
the foundations of the cable theory of the functioning
of the mitochondrial reticulum have been criticized to
some extent, which requires special consideration [58].
On a very good methodological basis, it has been shown
that cristae within the same mitochondria can have
different transmembrane potential. The authors of this
study themselves clearly understood some discrepancy
between their data and the cable theory and offered a
reasonable explanation, the basics of which we discussed
earlier (see Fig.3 in [59]), when they cited both old and
modern data on the structure and organization of cristae
[60, 61]. These data can be conditionally presented as
evidence of the presence of submitochondrial particles
inside the mitochondria that have or do not have elec-
trical contact with the inner mitochondrial membrane,
which undermines the old ideas that mitochondrial cris-
tae form a continuum with the inner membrane. Based
on this understanding of the structure of mitochondria,
the cristae may represent separate organizations of cou-
pling membranes that do not always have an electric
connection with the inner membrane, and they may
have different transmembrane potential. At the same
time, the inner membrane of the mitochondria is a con-
tinuous and equipotential structure, and it is the materi-
al basis of the mitochondrial electrical cable theory.
However, one more scenario cannot be excluded,
which, without a critical assessment of the methodolog-
ical features of the data obtained [62], can be interpret-
ed as the absence of cable properties of extended mito-
chondria. This concerns experiments to assess the ener-
gization of mitochondria using the JC-1 dye, the fluo-
rescence of which depends on the concentration of the
probe. At high concentrations of JC-1 corresponding to
its concentration in the matrix of highly energized mi-
tochondria, so-called J-aggregates, when excited, emit
light in the red region, while in low-potential mito-
chondria, where the probe concentration is not so high,
J-aggregates are not formed, and when excited, light is
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 88 No. 10 2023
Fig. 3. Fragmentation of mitochondria in cells. Staining with ethylrodamine. a) Normal human fibroblast. b) The same cell after 10 s of ex-
posure to excitation light. c)Electron microscopy of mitochondria in an embryonic porcine kidney cell exposed to rotenone (1μM, 24 h).
The presence of separate morphological compartments divided by septa (indicated by an arrow) can be seen.
emitted in the green region of the spectrum. So, when
using conventional fluorescence microscopy, it was no-
ticed that along one mitochondrial filament, it was pos-
sible to observe the alternation of regions with red and
green fluorescence, which could be interpreted as the
absence of equipotency along the length of the filament
and a certain alternation of low- and high-potential
compartments along the length of a single mitochondrial
filament [62].
There are two issues to consider when using and
interpreting fluorescent signals from JC-1. Firstly, this
agent is sufficiently lipophilic and will be distributed not
only in accordance with the values of the membrane po-
tential on the inner mitochondrial membrane, but also
in accordance with the lipophilic environment in the
mitochondria, which may not be the same throughout
the entire volume of mitochondria. But the main thing is
that this “multicoloration” of a single mitochondrion in
a cell does not appear immediately, but in the process of
observation, which may be the result of a photodynamic
effect, leading first to the formation of septa inside mi-
tochondrion dividing one extended mitochondrion into
a number of electrically isolated compartments (Fig.3)
with subsequent fragmentation of the mitochondrial fil-
This process of septa formation can occur within
seconds when irradiated with sufficiently strong light
that excites the dye. Electron microscopic data confirm
that during the initiation of fragmentation of the mito-
chondrial reticulum, the septa can divide the mitochon-
dria into compartments of different configurations cor-
responding to different degrees of energization (Fig.3b,
as well as Fig.6b in[29]).
There were significantly fewer critics of the elec-
tric cable theory of mitochondria than those who sup-
ported this concept. A very important work supporting
the basic principles of the cable theory was the solu-
tion of the question of how continuous the matrix is
throughout the entire space of the mitochondrial tree.
In one of the studies, a photoactivated green fluorescent
protein located exclusively in the mitochondrial matrix
was used to tag individual mitochondrial networks in
acell in combination with real-time monitoring of the
mitochondrial membrane potential [63]. At the same
time, matrix continuity was found within a single equi-
potential mitochondrial cluster. The invariable equipo-
tentiality of individual mitochondrial networks suggested
that the heterogeneous nature of the membrane poten-
tial in the mitochondria of the cell reflects the differ-
ences between individual networks.
Other researchers also came to the same conclusion
about the continuity of the matrix within one unsepted
mitochondria (a single electrical cable) and the impos-
sibility of functional communication of the matrixes of
neighboring mitochondria. The obtained data served
as a structural and functional basis for understand-
ing the morphological and functional heterogeneity of
mitochondria in the cell [64,65].
Concluding this section, we can say with sufficient
confidence that the functioning of the mitochondria as
an electrical cable is proven. However, it is likely that
mitochondrial networks may carry other hypothetical
functions, which we will discuss.
Ensuring uniform distribution of redox potential
throughout the cell volume. Considering a single, but unit-
ed, matrix-continuous mitochondrial network, through-
out which Δψ is the same (the entire network is equi-
potential), and the membrane potential itself reflects
the work of proton pumps driven by the oxidation of
reduced equivalents, primarily NAD(P)H, it must be
taken into account that the membrane potential in
steady state conditions should be in thermodynam-
ic equilibrium with the redox potential created by
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BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 88 No. 10 2023
the pair NAD(P)H/NAD(P). In turn, this pair is in
equilibrium with the reduced glutathione/oxidized glu-
tathione (GSH/GSSG) pair, while both are the main
redox buffer systems in the cell [66].
Thus, due to the equipotential nature of the mito-
chondrial network, ideally covering the entire thickness
of the cell, this network provides a uniform distribution
of the redox potential over this volume, being in some
way a “stirrer”, not allowing the creation of large local
areas with different redox potential. The situation may
change dramatically under conditions of forced frag-
mentation/fission of the mitochondrial network, when
each mitochondrial fragment will create a redox envi-
ronment around itself in accordance with the magnitude
of the membrane potential on the inner membrane of
this fragment. Considering that fragmentation is asso-
ciated with the presence of oxidative stress, which leads
to an increase in the heterogeneity of mitochondria by
membrane potential [29, 34], the heterogeneity of the
redox potential distribution in the cell after mitochon-
drial fragmentation is quite expected.
Oxygen pipeline. It is known that the solubility of
oxygen in lipid membranes and their hydrophobic com-
ponents is higher than in the aqueous phase, as a result
of which the oxygen concentration in mitochondrial
membranes is higher than the cytosol. Even though it
is in the inner membrane of the mitochondria the main
oxygen consumer (cytochrome oxidase) is localized,
membranes can still be considered as oxygen buffers that
help facilitate the diffusion of O
along the mitochon-
drion. This will to some extent ensure the balancing of
the oxygen distribution over the cell volume and prevent
the creation of local hypoxic regions (of course, this will
greatly depend on the activity of mitochondrial respi-
ration, which determines the diameter of the so-called
Krogh cylinder (the volume distribution of oxygen in the
tissue around the capillaries carrying oxygen, depending
on the rate of oxygen supply and usage [67]).
Proton pipeline. In the case of equivalence not only
of the membrane potential along the entire length of
the mitochondria, but also of the entire electrochemical
potential of hydrogen ions (ΔμH
) [which includes not
only the values of the membrane potential, but also the
gradient of hydrogen ions (ΔpH)], the value of ΔpH will
also be the same along its entire length. With the same
pH values in the matrix, this will lead to the fact that
the environment of the giant mitochondrion will have
the same pH values, even without taking into account
the possibility of accelerated proton conduction through
the membranes by the Grothgus mechanism [68] for or-
dered water molecules in the near membrane layers [69].
Thus, as in the case of the supposed “stirring” of the re-
dox potential, the giant mitochondria will “stir” the pH
along the entire length of its environment.
Balancing intracellular concentrations of potassium
ions. Given the recently discovered mitochondrial po-
tassium energetics [6-8], driven by the transmembrane
potential, we can expect a uniform distribution of po-
tassium ions throughout the intracellular volume in the
environment of giant mitochondrion.
Thus, in many ways, the mitochondrial network
can serve as a structure that enables uniform distribu-
tion of different components throughout the cell and
serve as a kind of “stirrer” in the cell.
In the above material, we focused on the problems
of adequate supply of the living system with the neces-
sary material for the normal course of metabolism, in
particular energy metabolism, whether it is a cell, or-
gan, or organism. Full compliance of a supply-demand
mechanism existing in a living cell defines the concept
of homeostasis, and deviations in any direction can be
fraught with the emergence of a pathological phenotype.
These deviations can be caused by physical and chemical
effects on the system, and one of these factors is the ef-
fect accompanied by the occurrence of oxidative stress.
The pathogenesis of oxidative stress is too obvious, and
giving examples of this kind takes up most of the scien-
tific literature. We can only briefly touch those medi-
cal problems that make up a small fraction of the vast
number of widely discussed neurological or cardiologi-
cal aspects, leaving aside the problems of obstetrics and
neonatology, although the problem of maintaining redox
homeostasis in cells there is no less important.
From our logical assumption that the mitochondri-
al network can serve to provide the equilibrium of the
redox potential in the cell, it follows that oxidative stress
as the cause or effect of internal disorders and subse-
quent changes in the network structure lead the intra-
cellular contents away from the equilibrium state, which
inevitably leads to a change in intracellular metabolic
homeostasis. This embraces a huge number of pathol-
ogies, and we will only take as an example the general
problems of obstetrics, gynecology, and neonatology,
which make up the leading part of morbidity and child
and adult mortality. Special attention should be paid to
oxidative stress accompanying various pathologies that
are the subject of these branches of medicine [70, 71],
in particular, such as preeclampsia, defined as hyperten-
sion and proteinuria that occurred after 20 weeks of ges-
tation and fetal growth retardation [72, 73]. One of the
causes of preeclampsia is placental implantation, which
leads to remodeling of the mother’s arteries and a de-
crease in blood flow to the fetus. This can cause a sharp
susceptibility to fluctuations in the blood flow and, as a
consequence, lead to changes in the redox status of both
placental and fetal cells, typical for ischemia–reperfu-
sion phenomenon. Reperfusion injury of the placenta
is accompanied by the generation of reactive oxygen
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 88 No. 10 2023
and nitrogen species, with the formation of oxidized
products carrying signaling and pathogenic proper-
ties with a significant increase in their concentrations,
which primarily leads to dysfunction of endothelial cells
[74,75]. Thus, these products are risk factors for cardio-
vascular diseases, which suggests a possible functional
relationship between the placenta and the cardiovascu-
lar system, and such signaling is based on components
that support or violate the redox status of the mother
and fetus [76].
It has become clear that it is mitochondria that
properly determine the redox status of the biological
system and the placenta, in particular [77-80]. As we
pointed out earlier, it is the lability of mitochondrial
structures and functions that is largely an indicator of
the redox status of the cell, and not only. The process
of mitochondrial fragmentation, as an almost manda-
tory response to the resulting oxidative stress, is also
mandatory in the mechanism of mitochondrial quality
control [29, 33]. The difference between the first and
second options is that oxidative stress leads to global
fragmentation of the mitochondrial population in a sin-
gle cell, while in the process of programmed destruc-
tion of non-functional mitochondria, fragmentation
is local, and it is preceded by internal restructuring of
mitochondria, followed by the separation of a fragment
of mitochondria with malfunctioning contents from the
mitochondrial network (which can maintain its three-
dimensional structure), and this is the principle of mi-
tophagy (mitoptosis) [29]. However, in both cases, frag-
mentation (fission) occurs with the participation of
fission proteins (e.g., Drp1 and Fis1), the level of which
in the placenta correlates with the severity of the disease
of the mother and fetus, including the weight of the latter
[81,82], which indicates a direct relationship of pathol-
ogy with the mitochondrial structure, which can serve
asan indicator of the pathological phenotype of the cell.
The evidence of the involvement of oxidative stress
in the pathogenesis and the need to maintain the rare
state of the cell and its components, primarily mito-
chondria, led to the understanding that one of the pos-
sibilities of therapeutic intervention is the normalization
of the redox status in the cells of the organ. In a recent
study using human umbilical vein endothelial cells, it
was shown that after exposure them to the blood plas-
ma of pregnant women with preeclampsia, there is a
decrease in the mitochondrial functions of these cells
associated with increased generation of reactive oxygen
species [83]. At the same time, increased expression of
TNF-α, TLR-9, and ICAM-1 inflammatory markers
was observed in the cells. Mitochondria-targeted an-
tioxidant MitoTempo reduced the production of super-
oxide by mitochondria in cells exposed to blood plasma
of pregnant women with preeclampsia, normalized mi-
tochondrial metabolism and significantly restored the
inflammatory profile of cells. These data confirm the
functional role of mitochondrial redox signaling in the
pathogenesis of preeclampsia and suggest therapeutic
pathways aimed at preserving mitochondrial structure
and functions.
Contributions. P.A.A., N.V.A., V.A.B., L.D.Z.,
S.D.Z., I.B.P., V.A.P., D.S.S., E.I.Y., D.N.S., E.Y.P.,
G.T.S., and D.B.Z. general discussion of the ideolo-
gy and future plans; D.B.Z. writing the manuscript;
D.N.S., E.Y.P., G.T.S., and D.B.Z. management and
supervision of the study; P.A.A., N.V.A., V.A.B., L.D.Z.,
S.D.Z., I.B.P., V.A.P., D.S.S., E.I.Y., D.N.S., E.Y.P.,
and G.T.S. editing the manuscript.
Funding. This work was supported by the Russian
Science Foundation (grant no.19-14-00173-P).
Ethics declarations. The authors declare no con-
flict of interest in financial or any other sphere. This ar-
ticle does not contain any studies involving animals or
human participants performed by any of the authors.
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