BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 88 No. 11 2023
At the same time, he was the man who proposed “ahu-
mane and economical way of disposing of inferior hu-
man beings in gas chambers” (“should be humanely and
economically disposed of in small euthanasic institutions
supplied with proper gases”), which was realized already
during the Second World War. After 1945 in 20French
cities streets named after Carrel were renamed back.
TheFrench disliked very much those who collaborated
with the Nazis [9-11].
Limited proliferative capacity of cells found in the
Hayflick’s experiments had to be explained. After the
mechanisms of DNA replication became clear in gener-
al terms, a hypothesis on the mechanism of functioning
of a cell division counter was suggested. In 1971, Alexey
Olovnikov proposed the “principle of marginotomy in
template synthesis of polynucleotides”, which claims
that DNA polymerase is unable to fully replicate a lin-
ear template; the replica is always shorter in its initial
part [12]. Gradual shortening of DNA (underreplication)
limits proliferative potential of the cells and can serve as
the basis of the cell division counter in the Hayflick’s
experiments. In the same work it was postulated that
immortal cells should possess an enzyme that completes
chromosome ends.
This enzyme, later called telomerase, was first dis-
covered in 1985 in the protozoan cells [13]. At that time,
the authors thought that the enzyme they found in infu-
soria cells was necessary only for replication of the spe-
cial telomeres of this protozoan. Later they (Nobel lau-
reates Elizabeth Blackburn and Carol Greider) recalled:
“We did not know about Olovnikov’s ideas until 1988,
when Calvin Harley told Greider about them. Intrigued,
Greider, Harley, and their colleagues decided to find
out if the chromosome shortening in human cells occurs
over time.” [14].
The very next year, 1989, telomerase was detected
in human cells and the length of human telomeres was
found to change during development. A year later, telo-
mere shortening during the cell aging was revealed. In
1998, it was proved that telomerase expression induced
by gene insertion leads to cell immortalization.
In addition to Olovnikov’s visionary articles of 1971
and 1973, several of his other important works should
be mentioned. A few months ago, Alexei Matveyevich
passed away, and in writing the historical part of the re-
view, I would like to touch on some of his hypotheses,
both confirmed and not confirmed.
First, few people remember that Olovnikov suggest-
ed that in addition to underreplication, underrepair may
also lead to telomere shortening [15, 16]. Indeed, it was
subsequently found that telomeres shorten at different
rates (per division) depending on the conditions of cell
cultivation [17,18]. Thus, telomere shortening turns not
into a simple division count, but into a total index that
takes into account various factors, including oxidative
stress conditions.
Second, around the millennium boundary,
Olovnikov hypothesized existence of perichromosomal
particles, which are copies of chromosome segments[19].
It was assumed that transcription of these particles yields
some short RNAs controlling many processes related to
spatial and temporal regulation of genes and chromatin
rearrangement. The terms were introduced: redusomes,
chronomers, printomers, fountain RNA, etc. This hy-
pothesis is still waiting for its confirmation. TERRA
(TElomeric Repeat-containing RNAs) could be consid-
ered as distant analogs of such particles (see below).
It should be noted that scientific events related to
the study of cellular immortality have gained wide pub-
licity due to their intensive coverage by the mass me-
dia. The author of this article learned about the noto-
rious 50 divisions that human cells are capable of from
the popular in USSR weekly review of the foreign press
“Za rubezhom (Abroad)”. The term “Hayflick limit”
has entered the encyclopedias. Unlike the Hayflick
and Carrel works, Olovnikov’s work was little known,
also due to the relative isolation of Soviet science from
the world. Only translation of the Olovnikov’s paper
published in Russian in 1971 into English (2 years lat-
er) [20], made it possible to acquaint the world com-
munity with it. And it received a well-deserved recog-
nition 15 years later, leading to an explosive growth in
the number of papers on the role of telomeres in aging
all over the world and, as a result, to the Nobel Prize,
but not to A.M. Olovnikov.
Telomeres are the ends of chromosomes, and
they must be packaged so that the repair systems do
not confuse them with the double-stranded breaks in
DNA. This is achieved through the ability of telomere
sequences to fold in a special way and through special-
ized proteins that protect these “breaks.” In humans
and all vertebrates, telomeric DNA is represented by the
-3′ sequence [21]. At the ends of human
telomeres, there are single-stranded 3′ regions about
100-150 nucleotides long [22] (Fig.1).
This single-stranded region is present both in the
cells with and without telomerase, so it cannot be ex-
plained by telomerase activity. Presence of this free
3′-end is a direct consequence of underreplication of
the end, namely, removal of the 5′-end RNA primer on
the opposite strand and its inability to be filled by DNA
polymerase during replication.
As the structure suggests, this single-stranded site
contains repetitive clusters of three guanines (GGG).
Calculations show that this sequence easily forms non-ca-
nonical structures (triplexes, quadruplexes). G-4 struc-
tures (quadruplexes) can be intramolecular, bimolecular,
and even tetramolecular, i.e., connecting 4DNA strands.