BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 88 No. 11 2023
ways to elongate chromosome ends. There are many
modern species of animals whose telomeres are support-
ed by the retrotransposon attachments. These are many
species of insects and, in particular, the Drosophilidae
family. It is believed that Drosophila has lost telomerase,
and the specialized telomeric retrotransposons are used
to maintain telomeres. The telomeres of the silkworm
Bombyx mori are of mixed type, and they are maintained
by the specific telomeric retroelements and low-activity
telomerase. Under certain conditions, retroelements are
also attached to the human telomeres and to telomeres
of other species using telomerase [16, 17]. In these cases,
the double strand break at the chromosome end is used
as a convenient target for TE retrotranspositions. How-
ever, mosquitoes do not have telomerase or telomeric
retroelements, and the telomeres lengthening appeared
to be mediated by the recombination of short satel-
lite-like repeats [18,19].
Telomeres maintained by TE transpositions differ
in the nature of telomeric repeats from telomeres main-
tained by telomerase, but they serve as a reminder of
the retrotransposon origin of telomeres. The study of
the regulation of Drosophila telomeres, which consist of
retrotransposons, reveals a surprising similarity, if not
identity, between the mechanisms that control telomere
maintenance and TE activity. This similarity leads us to
the conclusion that there is a close functional link be-
tween retrotransposons and telomeres in the genome,
which, according to recent evidence, is found not only
in Drosophila but also in mammals.
Telomerase has been lost in many plants and ani-
mals in the process of evolution. Instead, telomeres are
extended by other mechanisms in these cases. In Dip-
tera the telomerase gene was lost about 270 million years
ago[20]. Members of the Diptera group are one of the
most numerous and prosperous species of animals, de-
spite their lack of telomerase. The gene coding for telo-
merase has not been detected in the genome of Drosoph-
ila, and telomere elongation occurs due to transpositions
of specialized TEs. The most thoroughly studied are the
telomeric retroelements of Drosophila melanogaster. They
are represented by three families of LINE retrotrans-
posons (Long Interspersed Nuclear Elements)– HeT-A,
TART, and TAHRE [21, 22]. At the same time, Bombyx
mori has low-activity telomerase, with telomeric niches
actively filled with specialized telomere retrotransposons
SART and TRAS [23]. At present, the evolutionary pres-
sures underlying the apparent reverse evolution and re-
jection of telomerase remain unknown.
Alexey M. Olovnikov was always interested in ex-
ceptions to the rules as he endeavored to explain vari-
ous mysterious phenomena of nature. In this chapter,
we would like to cite his interesting ideas concerning the
loss of telomerase in Drosophila, which he expressed in
personal correspondence: “It is known that the chromo-
somes of the salivary gland cells in D. melanogaster lar-
va are able to undergo many of endoreplication rounds.
In addition, there is a somatic synapse of homologous
chromosomes. Therefore, the lateral conjugation of sis-
ter chromatids, tightly connected together along their
entire length, should necessarily create a mechanical
barrier for the formation of a telomerase telomere. Such
telomere should have a three-dimensional telomere loop.
In the formation of a three-dimensional telomeric com-
plex, hundreds of conjugated chromatid ends, tightly
united in a single polytenic bunch, would create com-
pelling steric obstacles to each other in the formation of
their 3D telomeric complex. Therefore, polytenization
forced Drosophila to abandon telomerase. In contrast,
the G-quadruplex formation, which protects the telo-
meric retrotransposon end on each chromatid, does not
require the telomeric loop and is therefore easily com-
patible with lateral chromatid conjugation. Presumably,
polytenization was the main reason for choosing an
alternative method of protecting Drosophila telomeres.
As it is well known, chromosome polytenization in sali-
vary gland cells in Drosophila larva is necessary for pro-
duction of large amounts of glue before pupation. It is
likely that organisms that need increased gene copy
number and have telomerase telomeres do not use dense
chromatid packaging. For example, in ciliates that have
a polyploid macronucleus and telomerase, chromo-
somes are fragmented. In theory, the following alterna-
tive is also acceptable: if telomeres, unlike the rest of the
polytenized chromatids, are not side-conjugated (and,
therefore, free from the previously mentioned steric hin-
drance), then this expands the possibilities of using the
telomerase method of telomere protection. Therefore,
there may be species in which polytene chromosomes
and telomerase-like proteins are used at some develop-
mental stages, but the ends of the chromosomes are not
paired. Such termini have been cytogenetically observed,
for example, in specialized polytene cells and at the ends
of meiotic pachytene chromosomes of the legume plant
Vigna unguiculata [24, 25]. A tendency to split some
chromosomal ends into oligotene bundles, can be seen
in the polytene chromosomes of certain species [26]”
(from the letter of A. M. Olovnikov to A.I. Kalmykova,
September 2017).
Indeed, recently it was reported that telomeric ret-
rotransposons tend to form G-quadruplexes (secondary
structures formed by guanine-rich DNA sequences) not
only in the Drosophila species, but also in other spe-
cies [27]. Such structures can protect the ends of linear
chromosomes in the absence of a telomeric loop typi-
cal for the telomeres maintained by telomerase. Exis-
tence of alternative ways of telomere maintenance gives