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REVIEW: An Intricated pas de deux of Addicted Brain and Body Is Orchestrated by Stress and Neuroplasticity

Natalia V. Gulyaeva1,2,a*, Danil I. Peregud1,3

1Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology, Russian Academy of Sciences, 117485 Moscow, Russia

2Research and Clinical Center for Neuropsychiatry of Moscow Healthcare Department, 115419 Moscow, Russia

3Federal State Budgetary Institution “V. Serbsky National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Drug Addiction” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, 119034 Moscow, Russia

* To whom correspondence should be addressed.

Received: August 13, 2024; Revised: August 13, 2024; Accepted: August 13, 2024
Dependence on psychoactive substances is a phenomenon that is based on the alterations of common molecular and cellular mechanisms, structures and neuronal networks underlying normal brain functioning and realizing stress response, reinforcement and aversion, learning and memory. As a result, aberrant neuroplasticity states associated with somatic changes are formed, which determine the pathogenesis and symptoms of dependence and at the same time can be considered as targets for the development of therapies for such addictions. An integrative scheme of stress and neuroplastic changes participation in the formation of the vicious circle of substance use disorders based on a holistic approach is presented. This special issue of the journal focuses on the molecular mechanisms of psychoactive substance use disorders.
KEY WORDS: psychoactive substances, addiction, substance use disorders, brain, stress, neuroplasticity, neuroendocrine mechanisms

DOI: 10.1134/S0006297924110014

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