ISSN 0006-2979, Biochemistry (Moscow), 2024, Vol. 89, No. 2, pp. 212-222 © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2024.
Relationship of Cytotoxic and Antimicrobial Effects
of Triphenylphosphonium Conjugates
with Various Quinone Derivatives
Pavel A. Nazarov
*, Lyudmila A. Zinovkina
, Anna A. Brezgunova
Konstantin G. Lyamzaev
, Andrei V. Golovin
, Marina V. Karakozova
Elena A. Kotova
, Egor Yu. Plotnikov
, Roman A. Zinovkin
Maxim V. Skulachev
, and Yuri N. Antonenko
Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University,
119991Moscow, Russia
Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics, Lomonosov Moscow State University,
119991Moscow, Russia
Russian Clinical Research Center for Gerontology of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation,
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, 129226Moscow, Russia
Institute of Mitoengineering, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119991Moscow, Russia
Received December 4, 2023
Revised January 30, 2024
Accepted February 21, 2024
AbstractQuinone derivatives of triphenylphosphonium have proven themselves to be effective geroprotec-
tors and antioxidants that prevent oxidation of cell components with participation of active free radicals– per-
·), alkoxy (RO·), and alkyl (R·) radicals, as well as reactive oxygen species (superoxide anion, singlet
oxygen). Their most studied representatives are derivatives of plastoquinone (SkQ1) and ubiquinone (MitoQ),
which in addition to antioxidant properties also have a strong antibacterial effect. In this study, we investigated
antibacterial properties of other quinone derivatives based on decyltriphenylphosphonium (SkQ3, SkQT, and
SkQThy). We have shown that they, just like SkQ1, inhibit growth of various Gram-positive bacteria at micromolar
concentrations, while being less effective against Gram-negative bacteria, which is associated with recognition
of the triphenylphosphonium derivatives by the main multidrug resistance (MDR) pump of Gram-negative bac-
teria, AcrAB-TolC. Antibacterial action of SkQ1 itself was found to be dependent on the number of bacterial cells.
It is important to note that the cytotoxic effect of SkQ1 on mammalian cells was observed at higher concentrations
than the antibacterial action, which can be explained by (i) the presence of a large number of membrane organelles,
(ii) lower membrane potential, (iii) spatial separation of the processes of energy generation and transport, and
(iv) differences in the composition of MDR pumps. Differences in the cytotoxic effects on different types of eukary-
otic cells may be associated with the degree of membrane organelle development, energy status of the cell, and level
of the MDR pump expression.
DOI: 10.1134/S0006297924020032
Keywords: antioxidants, SkQ1, MDR pumps, AcrAB-TolC, bacteria, mammalian cell cultures, cytotoxicity, antibiotic,
Abbreviations: CFU,colony-forming unit; MDR,multidrug resistance; MIC,minimum inhibitory concentration; MTAs,mito-
chondria-targeted antioxidants; SkQs,“Skulachev ions” used in the study; SkQ1,10-(6-plastoquinonyl)decyl triphenylphos-
phonium; SkQ3,10-(6′-methylplastoquinonyl) decyl triphenylphosphonium; SkQThy,10-(2-isopropyl-5-methyl-1,4-benzoqui-
nonyl-6) decyltriphenylphosphonium; SkQT,a mixture of SkQT-para and 10-(5-toluquinonyl) decyltriphenylphosphonium;
SkQT-para,10-(6-toluquinonyl) decyltriphenylphosphonium; TPP,triphenylphosphonium.
* To whom correspondence should be addressed.
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 2 2024
Bacteria and mitochondria have much in common.
Mitochondria are cellular powerhouses that generate
cellular energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate
and, like bacterial cells, have a negative membrane po-
tential (–180mV) on their inner membrane[1]. There-
fore, the positively charged compounds accumulate
in the mitochondrial matrix and within bacterial cells
against their concentration gradient.
In 1970s, the research team of Vladimir Petrovich
Skulachev[2-4] proposed the use of triphenylphospho-
nium (TPP) derivatives as mitochondria-targeted sub-
stances in which TPP serves as a “locomotive” for their
transport into mitochondria. Two decades later, Michael
Murphy etal.[5-7] applied this approach to the deliv-
ery of an antioxidant moiety into mitochondria, which
prompted creation of a variety of molecules based on
the triphenylphosphonium derivatives[8], including a
series of “Skulachev ions”, mitochondria-targeted anti-
oxidants (MTAs) created within the framework of the
“megaproject” on anti-aging penetrating ions[9].
MTAs based on quinone derivatives have become
widespread both in the studies of the role of mito-
chondria in various physiological processes and as
therapeutic agents[10, 11]. It was shown that in addi-
tion to their antioxidant action, these compounds also
exhibit an uncoupling effect on mitochondria, which
manifests itself as stimulated respiration and drop
in the mitochondrial membrane potential. Moreover,
this uncoupling effect is not necessarily toxic for the
organism, since partial mitochondrial uncoupling was
shown to be protective in the case of pathologies as-
sociated with oxidative stress [12-15], which may be
linked to the dependence of reactive oxygen species
(ROS) generation on the membrane potential of mito-
chondria[16]. The proposed mechanism of this uncou-
pling effect of SkQ1 (10-(6-plastoquinonyl)decyl triph-
enylphosphonium) on the mitochondrial membrane is
based on its ability to interact with the endogenous
fatty acids and facilitate fatty acid diffusion across the
membrane by electrostatic interaction of fatty acid
anions and SkQ1 cations [17]. The protonated forms
of fatty acids penetrate well through the membrane,
ensuring cyclic transmembrane proton transfer simi-
lar to the functioning of conventional protonophores,
such as 2,4-dinitrophenol.
Despite the relative similarity between mito-
chondria and bacteria, MTAs such as SkQ1 were long
thought to lack antibacterial properties[18], however,
alkyltriphenylphosphonium cations (CnTPPs) and SkQ1
were subsequently shown to exhibit a potent antibac-
terial effect on Gram-positive and Gram-negative bac-
teria [19, 20]. It turned out that the observed lack of
antibacterial action on the Escherichia coli bacterium
is due to operation of the main multidrug resistance
(MDR) pump AcrAB-TolC [20, 21], which is the only
known bacterial MDR pump capable of pumping out
Bactericidal effect of SkQ1 makes it a promising
compound for use in clinical practice, in particular, to
combat infections caused by Gram-positive bacteria,
such as Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mutans,
or Mycobacterium tuberculosis[22-24].
Other triphenylphosphonium-based substances,
such as fluorescein ester MitoFluo (10-[2-(3-hydroxy-6-
oxoxanthen-9-yl)benzoyl] oxydecyl-triphenylphospho-
nium) [25], or chloramphenicol-triphenylphosphoni-
um conjugate CAM-C10-TPP (N-{[(1R,2R)-dihydroxy-1-
(4-nitrophenyl)propan-2-yl]amino}-11-oxoundecyl triph-
enylphosphonium) also exhibited antibacterial ef-
fects [26]. At the same time, chimeric molecules re-
tained the properties of their components. For exam-
ple, the CAM-C10-TPP molecule inherited the ability of
chloramphenicol to inhibit protein synthesis on ribo-
somes and the ability of alkyltriphenylphosphonium
to reduce membrane potential on the bacterial mem-
branes. The conjugates based on quinones, which are
similar to SkQ1[20], can exhibit both antioxidant and
antibacterial properties, which makes them promising
research objects.
The aim of the present study was to compare the
effects of several quinone derivatives on eukaryotic
and prokaryotic cells. In particular, almost all deriv-
atives were shown to exhibit antibacterial activity
against Gram-positive bacteria, while Gram-negative
E. coli bacteria were resistant, which is the result of
operation of the AcrAB-TolC MDR pump. With regard
to their toxic effect on mammalian cells, such quinone
derivatives as SkQ3 (10-(6′-methylplastoquinonyl) de-
cyl triphenylphosphonium), SkQT (a mixture of SkQT-
para (10-(6-toluquinonyl) decyltriphenylphosphonium),
10-(5- toluquinonyl) decyltriphenylphosphonium), and
SkQThy (10-(2-isopropyl-5-methyl-1,4-benzoquinonyl-6)
decyltriphenylphosphonium) differ slightly from SkQ1,
while their toxic effect depends on the cell type, which
may be due to different levels of MDR pump expression.
Materials. Penetrating cations (Fig.1) were kind-
ly provided by the Institute of Mitoengineering, Lo-
monosov Moscow State University, and their synthesis
was carried out according to the previously published
methods [27, 28]. All other reagents, unless otherwise
noted, were from Sigma-Aldrich, USA.
Bacterial strains. Standard laboratory strains of
Bacillus subtilis subs. subtilis Cohn 1872, strain BR151
(trpC2 lys-3 metB10), and Escherichia coli Castellani
and Chalmers 1919, strain MG1655 (F-lambda-ilvG-
rfb-50 rph-1), were used in our study. Staphyllococcus
NAZAROV et al.214
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 2 2024
Fig. 1. Structural formulas of the “Skulachev ions” (SkQs), the
cations used in the present study. The structures with arrows
indicate a mixture of isomers, the arrows demonstrate posi-
tion of decyltriphenylphosphonium. Asterisk (*) marks posi-
tion of decyltriphenylphosphonium for the SkQT-para com-
aureus Rosenbach 1884 (no. 144) and Mycobacterium
smegmatis Lehmann and Neumann 1899 (no.377) bac-
teria were obtained from the collection of microor-
ganisms of Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Deletion strains ECK3026 (∆tolC), ECK0456 (acrB),
ECK2465 (∆acrD), ECK3253 (∆acrF), ECK2071 (∆mdtB),
ECK3498 (∆mdtF), ECK0870 (∆macB), ECK2680 (∆emrB)
and ECK2363 (∆emrY) were kindly provided by
Dr. H. Niki (National Institute of Genetics, Japan)[29].
Cultivation of microorganisms. Bacteria were
grown in LB medium overnight at 30 or 37°C on a
shaker at 200 rpm until optical density of 1.5 at 600 nm
was achieved. Optical density at 600 nm was measured
with an Ultrospec1100 pro spectrophotometer (Amer-
sham Biosciences, UK).
Measurements of minimum inhibitory concen-
trations. Minimum inhibitory concentrations were
measured by double dilution method according to the
protocol [30] recommended by the Clinical and Labo-
ratory Standards Institute (CLSI) in a liquid Mueller–
Hinton medium.
TolC screening. Screening of a panel of deletion
mutants of TolC-containing transporters was carried
out according to the previously published works [20,
21, 31] in LB medium in 96-well plates (Citotest, China).
Preselected concentrations of SkQs (5, 30, and 50 μM)
were added to each mutant, which was allowed to
grow for 21h at 37°C. After that, optical density was
measured at 620 nm by using a Multiskan FC plate
spectrophotometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA).
Analysis of the dependence of antibacterial
action on the number of cells. Various volumes of
B. subtilis culture were added to fresh LB medium con-
taining 1 µM SkQ1 and incubated for 3 h at 37°C and
220 rpm. Optical density was measured at 600 nm by
using an Ultrospec 1100 pro spectrophotometer.
Analysis of the effect of volume of the incuba-
tion SkQ1-containing medium on survival. Anover-
night culture of S.aureus bacteria was diluted to
~15,000 CFU (colony-forming units)/ml and incubated
for 3 h at 37°C and 220 rpm in various volumes of sa-
line solution of glucose (0.9% NaCl, 5 mM D-glucose)
with 1 μM SkQ1, after which the bacteria were plated
on LB agar to determine CFU.
Analysis of the protective effect of dead cells.
Killed S.aureus cells were obtained by heating the bac-
teria for 90 min at 65°C; loss of bacterial viability was
confirmed by plating on LB agar. A mixture of various
proportions of live and dead S.aureus cells was incu-
bated for 3 h at 37°C and 220 rpm with 0.25 μM SkQ1 in
saline with glucose, after which CFU for the survived
bacteria was determined.
Molecular modeling and docking. Molecular
docking was performed by using the QuickVina2 pro-
gram [32] as part of the ODDT software modules [33]
for Python. Lack of information about the binding site
and size of the protein make it impossible to effectively
scan the entire volume at once in a single experiment.
To solve this problem, the entire volume was divided
into 10 intersecting cells measuring 40×40×40 Å with
a center shifted by 15 Å with each step. Docking was
performed with redundant space scanning with ex-
haustiveness = 128 for two TolC states: closed (PDB ID:
1ek9) and open (PDB ID: 2×mn). Independent calcula-
tions were made on all three axes to fully cover the
volume of TolC. The docking results were visualized in
the PyMol program[34].
Experiments with human RKO and MRC5-SV40
cell lines. Human colon carcinoma cell line RKO
(ATCC CRL-2577) and MRC5-SV40 fibroblasts (EcACC
Cat.no.84100401) were cultured in a modified DMEM
supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS), strep-
tomycin (100 units/ml) and penicillin (100 units/ml).
Cell viability was analyzed using a CellTiter-Blue re-
agent (Promega, USA). The cells were seeded into
96-well plates at 10,000 cells per well and cultured for
24 h at 37°C. The cells were treated with SkQ1 for 17h,
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 2 2024
then a Cell Titer-Blue reagent (20μl per well) was add-
ed, after which the cells were incubated for 1 h before
fluorescence was measured (ex = 560 nm; em = 590 nm)
by using a Fluoroskan Ascent Microplate Fluorimeter
(Thermo Fisher Scientific).
Experiments with cultures of renal tubular ep-
ithelial cells. Primary cultures of renal tubular cells
were obtained from the kidneys of 5-7-day-old male
Wistar rats. The protocols for working with animals
were approved by the ethical committee of animal re-
search of the Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical
Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Proto-
col3/19 of 18 March 2019). The kidneys were sterilely
isolated, cut into small pieces and incubated with a
0.125% solution of type II collagenase (Gibco, Thermo
Fisher Scientific) in DMEM/F12 without bicarbonate at
37°C for 15min.
After incubation, the kidney pieces in the collage-
nase solution were dispersed by pipetting for several
minutes, and the resulting suspension was centrifuged
for 5 min at 400g to sediment the tubule fraction.
Theresulting pellet was resuspended in a complete cul-
ture medium consisting of DMEM/F-12 (1/1) containing
10% FBS, 2% amino acids, 1% vitamins, and 1% L-glu-
tamine, and seeded in a 96-well plate. Cells were cul-
tured in an incubator with 5% CO
. After 24 h of cell
seeding, the culture medium was replaced to remove
cell debris. After 24h, SkQT, SkQ3 and SkQ1 were add-
ed at concentrations of 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16,
and 32µM and the renal tubular epithelial cells were
incubated with these substances for 24 h in a complete
nutrient medium. Control cells were incubated in the
same medium without addition of SkQT, SkQ3, or SkQ1.
Cell viability was assessed by the standard MTT test,
for which the culture medium was replaced with a
DMEM/F-12 without bicarbonate containing 5 mg/ml of
MTT reagent and incubated for 1 h. Then the medium
was removed and 50 µl of DMSO were added to each
well. Formazan absorbance was measured at 540 nm
with a Zenyth 3100 plate spectrofluorimeter (Anthos
Labtec, Austria).
Antibacterial action of SkQs. It was previous-
ly shown that addition of the micromolar concentra-
tions of SkQ1 or C
TPP to bacteria results in inhibi-
tion of their growth and bactericidal effect [20, 24].
Table 1 shows measured minimum inhibitory concen-
trations (MICs) for three Gram-positive (B. subtilis,
S. aureus, M. smegmatis) and one Gram-negative bac-
terium (E. coli). For all the SkQs we studied, MIC val-
ues comparable to those of SkQ1 were obtained for
Gram-positive bacteria as well as for Gram-negative
E. coli. Just as in the case of SkQ1, all the SkQs we stud-
ied demonstrated antibacterial action only against the
deletion mutants deficient in the tolC and acrB genes,
while against other deletion mutants deficient in the
acrD, acrF, mdtB, mdtF, macB, emrB, and emrY genes,
antibacterial activity was comparable to that exhibited
against the wild-type E. coli. The MIC values for all dele-
tion mutants (except ∆tolC and ∆acrB) were similar for
all SkQs, indicating that all other SkQs, just like SkQ1,
are pumped out only by the AcrAB-TolC MDR pump.
SkQ1 docking in TolC. Our data demonstrate
important role of the AcrAB-TolC MDR pump in bac-
terial resistance to SkQ1 [20-22]. We started the work
on modeling the process of SkQ1 interaction with this
pump. In the first step, molecular docking calculations
were performed for the TolC pump component. The re-
sults (Fig. 2) allow us to conclude that no obvious bind-
ing pockets for SkQ1 are present on the inner surface
of TolC in both of its states (closed and open). How-
ever, an interesting clustering of sites appears at the
entrance of the pump in the closed state, where the
phosphonium group interacts with the abundant GLU
and ASP residues, the aromatic rings stack with three
tyrosine residues, and ASP371 forms hydrogen bonds
with the quinone. Unfortunately, scoring functions for
ranking the docking results do not allow estimating
affinity of such binding even approximately. It can be
concluded that the most specific binding site of SkQ1
in TolC is the entrance of the pump in the closed state.
Table 1. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (µM)
SkQ B. subtilis S. aureus M. smegmatis E. coli tolC ∆acrB other*
SkQ1 1 1 1 35 1 1 35
SkQ3 1 1 1 35 1 1 35
SkQT 2 2 2 35 2 2 35
SkQT-para 1 1 1 35 1 1 35
SkQThy 1 1 1 35 1 1 35
Note. Asterisk (*) denotes deletion mutants deficient in other TolC-containing pump proteins (AcrD, AcrF, MdtB, MdtF, MacB,
EmrB and EmrY).
NAZAROV et al.216
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 2 2024
Fig. 2. Results of modeling SkQ1 docking to the internal cavity of TolC in its closed state. Structure of TolC is shown in gray,
demonstrating secondary structure elements. SkQ1 positions are shown in different colors to display covalent bonds.
Antibacterial activity depends on the amount
of cells. Although SkQ1 can be considered as an an-
tibacterial agent or as an antibiotic, its properties still
differ from those of the traditional antibiotics. Unlike
for other antibiotics, activity of SkQ1 depends on the
number of cells, which is explained by its lipophilici-
ty and protonophore-like properties, allowing it to re-
duce bacterial membrane potential. Fig. 3a shows the
6-h growth curves for the samples containing different
amounts of B. subtilis cells cultured overnight in the
medium with the same concentration of SkQ1. The ob-
tained results indicate that antibacterial action of the
lipophilic cation SkQ1 decreases with the increase in
the number of cells and, consequently, the amount of
cellular membranes/lipids. Thus, despite the fact that
the protonophore-like effect of SkQ1 is mediated by
free fatty acids, addition of exogenous fatty acids may
result not in the increase in the protonophoric effect,
but in the protective effect due to competition of fatty
acid micelles with bacterial cells for SkQ1 [35]. Such
protective mechanism was previously described for
S. aureus, which was resistant to daptomycin due to
decrease in the activity of this antibiotic through the
release of membrane phospholipids into the external
environment with subsequent incorporation of the
antibiotic in phospholipid micelles [36]. In the case of
addition of exogenous fatty acids, we observed a pro-
tective effect (Table 2): MIC increased 2-4-fold, which
further confirms dependence of the antibacterial ac-
tion on the amount of membranes/lipids or micelles.
Itshould be noted that addition of exogenous fatty ac-
ids did not have a negative effect on the growth of bac-
terial cells without the addition of SkQ1.
Protective effect of dead cell population against
the action of SkQ1. Addition of the heat-killed bacte-
ria to the live S. aureus cells prevented the SkQ1-me-
diated death of live S. aureus bacteria, and the more
killed bacteria were present, the stronger the protec-
tive effect was (Fig.3b). Interestingly, with a 1000-fold
excess of dead bacteria, growth rate of live cells in-
creased approximately 2-fold relative to the control,
which can be explained not only by the SkQ1 sorption
Table 2. Increase in the minimum inhibitory concentration of SkQ1 upon addition of exogenous fatty acids (µM)
Acids Formula Fatty acid, µM SkQ1 MIC, µM
Myristic acid C
0.5 2-4
Palmitic acid C
0.5 2-4
Stearic acid C
0.5 2-4
Linoleic acid C
0.5 2-4
Without any additives 0 1
Note. Addition of fatty acids did not affect growth rate of the B.subtilis population.
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 2 2024
Fig. 3. Antibacterial action depends on the number of cells. a)Dependence of antibacterial action of 0.5µM SkQ1 on the num-
ber of B. subtilis cells. b)Effect of dead S. aureus cells on bacterial survival under the action of SkQ1. Bacteria at concentration
of ~60,000 CFU per ml were incubated for 3 h at 37°C in a saline solution with glucose (0.9% NaCl, 5mM D-glucose, 1μM SkQ1).
Control cells(c) were incubated without SkQ1. Relative results of bacterial survival (CFU) when incubated with 0.5μM SkQ1 in
the presence of aliquots of dead bacteria (1 to 1; 1 to 10; 1 to 100; 1 to 1000) are presented. Mean ± SEM values are given, n = 4.
*p < 0.01 when compared with the “C” sample by unpaired Student’s t-test.
on the dead cells and prevention of its toxic effect, but
also by the presence of metabolites from the dead cells
in the incubation medium. The dead cells are appar-
ently used by the live bacteria for growth and repro-
duction (necrotrophic growth)[37].
Volume of the incubation medium affects bac-
terial survival under the action of SkQ1. When
aureus was incubated with 1 μM SkQ1, it was found
that increase in the volume of the incubation medium
leads to the significant decrease in bacterial survival
(Fig.4), which apparently indicates the ability of bacte-
ria to accumulate SkQ1 from the incubation medium.
Effect of SkQs on eukaryotic cells. Although ac-
cording to the theory [27] mitochondria of eukaryotic
cells should accumulate an order of magnitude more
SkQs than prokaryotic cells, experiments on various
cell cultures show that cytotoxic effect is observed at
higher concentrations than for prokaryotic cells.
SkQT, SkQ3, and SkQ1 had a pronounced cytotoxic
effect on the cells of the primary culture of rat renal
tubules only at concentration of 32 μM (Fig. 5a), which
is more than 2 orders of magnitude higher than the
MIC for Gram-positive bacteria and is comparable to
the MIC for E. coli.
Primary renal tubular cell culture treated with
SkQT at concentrations of 0.125-16 μM did not show
decrease in viability compared to the control group.
Moreover, at concentration of 1 μM, which is the MIC
for Gram-positive bacteria, SkQT increased the cell
survival. When incubated with SkQ3, cell viability
exhibited a tendency to increase up to concentration
of 2 μM. However, at concentration of 4 μM or more,
SkQ3 was already causing a slight decrease in viability.
SkQ1 at concentration of 0.125-4 μM did not reduce cell
viability in the primary renal tubules cell culture, and
concentrations of 0.5 and 1 μM improved cell survival.
Increasing concentration to above 8 μM led to the de-
crease in cell viability. Thus, toxicity for the primary
cell culture was comparable with what we have previ-
ously observed for immortalized HeLa cancer cells[20].
A completely different situation was observed
for the human colon carcinoma RKO cell line and
MRC5-SV40 fibroblasts (Fig. 5b). Human lung fibroblast
Fig. 4. Survival of S. aureus in various volumes of incuba-
tion medium with 1 µM SkQ1. Bacteria at concentration of
~15,000 CFU per ml were incubated for 3 h at 37°C in var-
ious volumes of the medium (0.9% NaCl, 5 mM D-glucose,
1 μM SkQ1). Results of bacterial survival (CFU) are presented.
Mean ± SEM values are provided, n = 4. * p < 0.01 when com-
pared with the control (–SkQ1) by unpaired Student’s t-test.
NAZAROV et al.218
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 2 2024
Fig. 5. Evaluation of mammalian cell viability upon addition of SkQs. a)Cell viability of the primary culture of rat renal tubule
cells after addition of SkQs. The cells were incubated for 24h. Cell viability was determined by using MTT test. b)Viability of
human colon carcinoma RKO cells and MRC5-SV40 fibroblasts after addition of SkQ1. The cells were incubated for 17h. Cell via-
bility was determined by using CellTiter-Blue Reagent (Promega, USA).
MRC5-SV40 cells were also not affected by the SkQ1
cytotoxicity at concentration of 1μM, but a significant
decrease in their viability was observed at 10 μM of
SkQ1. For the RKO carcinoma cells, 1 μM concentration
of SkQ1 was already causing noticeable cytotoxicity.
At the concentration of 10µM, survival was only 10%.
Thus, toxicity was significantly higher than what we
had previously observed for the HeLa cells[20], which
apparently indicates a difference in metabolism and
gene expression in these immortalized cells.
Despite the significant progress in the study of
MTAs, the mechanisms of their action on prokary-
otic and eukaryotic cells remain not fully understood.
Just like SkQ1, a well-studied MTA, other quinone
derivatives, such as SkQT [38, 39], SkQThy [40, 41],
and SkQ3 [9, 42] also exhibited pronounced antioxi-
dant properties, however, antibacterial activity has not
been demonstrated experimentally for any of them.
All living cellular organisms without exception
contain MDR pumps localized on their cell membrane.
Bacteria have six classes of these pumps divided into
two large groups: ATP-dependent pumps and H
gradient-dependent pumps [43], so it was very like-
ly that one of them could recognize SkQs and start
pumping them out, thereby increasing bacterial resis-
tance. All the more surprising is the observed fact that
all of the SkQs we have studied are pumped out by the
single AcrAB-TolC pump.
Thus, if only the AcrAB-TolC pump is capable of
pumping out SkQs, then many Gram-positive bacteria
would be sensitive to SkQs since they simply cannot
possess such pumps (with the possible exception of
Negativicutes). In the case of Gram-negative bacteria,
in which existence of such pumps is possible, resis-
tance would depend on the presence of the AcrAB-TolC
pump or a similar one, structure of which is close to
that of the E. coli AcrAB-TolC pump [22]. In the case of
eukaryotes, such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast, the
SkQ1 pumping occurs due to operation of at least sev-
eral ATP-dependent pumps, including Pdr5[44].
Moreover, the main MDR pumps in eukaryotes are
ATP-dependent, since the process of energy genera-
tion is separated from the process of substance trans-
port and occurs within mitochondria and not on the
plasma membrane. Thus, decrease in the membrane
potential due to the SkQ1 protonophore-like cycle
leads to the shutdown of the H
dent pumps (such as AcrAB-TolC) in prokaryotes, but
does not result in a shutdown of the ATP-dependent
pumps in eukaryotes.
Unlike in the case of prokaryotes where the
mechanism of cytotoxic action of SkQ1 and protection
against it is sufficiently clear, no such clarity exists for
eukaryotes. Indeed, eukaryotic mitochondria should
theoretically pump out an order of magnitude more
SkQs than bacterial cells. The difference in electric
potentials between the extracellular environment and
the mitochondrial matrix in eukaryotes is approxi-
mately –240 mV (~ –60 mV on the plasma membrane
and –180 mV on the inner mitochondrial membrane),
whereas potential on the bacterial membrane is only
–180 mV. Since the eukaryotic plasma membrane has a
lower electric potential than the bacterial cell mem-
brane, accumulation of SkQs in the cytoplasm of eu-
karyotic cells should be less efficient than in bac-
terial cells. It should be noted that operation of the
AcrAB-TolC pump in the Gram-negative bacteria only
reduces the rate of SkQs accumulation on the inner
membrane of bacteria, giving the Gram-negative bac-
teria a chance to increase their biomass and, thereby,
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 2 2024
Fig. 6. Scheme illustrating accumulation of SkQs in eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells and protective effect of the membrane-en-
closed intracellular organelles, lipid/membrane micelles, dead cells (due to SkQs deposition) and live cells (due to decrease
inthe SkQs/membrane ratio) ([27], with modifications).
reduce the ratio of SkQs to membrane fractions due to
the cell division. Results of our experiments studying
dependence of the antibacterial action of SkQ1 on the
number of cells and on the presence of dead cells con-
firm this conclusion.
Another mechanism protecting eukaryotic cells
from the toxic effects of SkQs is the presence of mem-
brane organelles (intracellular vacuoles, Golgi appa-
ratus, endoplasmic reticulum, lysosomes, endosomes,
etc.), in which lipophilic SkQs molecules could be tem-
porarily deposited, which also reduces the rate of SkQs
accumulation at the inner mitochondrial membrane.
Results of our experiments on the effect of addition
of exogenous fatty acids on the antibacterial action of
SkQ1 confirm this conclusion. Figure6 shows a scheme
of the distribution of the penetrating SkQ cation out-
side and inside eukaryotic (left) and prokaryotic (right)
cells. To be specific, for this diagram, we assume that
SkQ concentration outside of the cells is 1 pM, with
the external space serving as an infinite source of this
compound. Then, as a result of its potential-dependent
accumulation in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells, SkQ
concentration will be 10 pM, and ~100 nM within the
plasma membrane (due to the high membrane-water
distribution coefficient). In the case of prokaryotic
cells, SkQ concentration in the cytoplasm should be
1000 pM = 1 nM, and ~10 nM SkQ should accumulate
in the mitochondrial matrix of eukaryotic cells. When
the outside source of SkQ is limited, which should be
the case of a real-life situation, concentration of SkQ
inside the mitochondria should be below 10 nM due
to the presence of other membrane organelles in the
cells, which should effectively accumulate hydropho-
bic SkQ. Similarly, dead cells and lipid micelles outside
of the cell will effectively accumulate hydrophobic
SkQ and reduce its concentration within the live cells
in a real-life situation.
The Δψ values on the plasma membrane and the
inner mitochondrial membrane are taken to be –60 and
–180 mV, respectively. The membrane/water distribu-
tion coefficient for SkQ is assumed to be 10,000 : 1[27].
The obtained results allow us to conclude that an-
tibacterial activity of SkQs depends on the amount of
lipid components of the membranes or micelles (Fig.6).
This allows us to formulate several major reasons that
determine the increased resistance of eukaryotic cells,
namely: (i) presence of a large number of membrane
organelles (endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus,
etc.) which deposit a certain amount of SkQs within;
(ii) difference in the cell membrane potential in pro-
karyotes (~180 mV) and eukaryotes (~60 mV), which
determines slower penetration of SkQs into eukaryotic
cell; (iii) spatial separation of the processes of energy
generation (mitochondria) and substance transport
(cell membrane) in eukaryotes, in contrast to com-
bination of these processes on the cell membrane
of prokaryotes; (iv) difference in the composition of
MDR pumps on the membranes of eukaryotes (main-
ly ATP-dependent pumps) and prokaryotes (mainly
gradient-dependent pumps). Together, all four
of these major factors determine the increased resis-
tance of eukaryotic cells compared to their theoreti-
NAZAROV et al.220
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 2 2024
cally expected sensitivity. Difference in the sensitivity
of different eukaryotic cell types is apparently deter-
mined by: (i) the degree of membrane organelle de-
velopment (endosome system, Golgi apparatus, etc.),
(ii) energy status of the cell [45], and (iii) level of the
MDR pump expression in them.
Acknowledgments. The authors wish to express
their gratitude to N. V. Sumbatyan for assistance in the
study and fruitful discussion of its results. The authors
are grateful to A. I. Sorochkina for help in translating
the article.
Contributions. P.A.N., Yu.N.A., M.V.S., R.A.Z., and
E.Yu.P. study concept and management; P.A.N., L.A.Z.,
A.A.B., K.G.L., and A.V.G. conducting experiments; P.A.N.,
Yu.N.A., M.V.S., R.A.Z., E.Yu.P., M.V.K., A.V.G., and K.G.L.
discussion of the results; P.A.N., M.V.S., A.V.G., E.A.K.,
R.A.Z., E.Yu.P., M.V.K., and Yu.N.A. writing the man-
uscript; P.A.N., E.A.K., E.Yu.P., and M.V.K. editing the
Funding. The present study was carried out with
financial support of the Russian Science Foundation
(grant no.22-15-00099, P. A. Nazarov). The experiments
on human cell lines were carried out with financial
support of the Russian Science Foundation (grant
23-14-00061, K. G. Lyamzaev). Molecular docking was
performed with support of the Moscow State Uni-
versity Interdisciplinary Scientific and Educational
School “Brain, Cognitive Systems, Artificial Intelli-
gence” (A. V. Golovin).
Ethics declarations. All the applicable interna-
tional, national and/or institutional guidelines for
the care and use of animals were followed. The pro-
tocols for working with animals were approved by
the ethical committee of animal research of the Be-
lozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Lo-
monosov Moscow State University (Protocol 3/19
of March 18, 2019).
Conflict of interests. M. V. Skulachev is the direc-
tor of the Mitotech company which develops and com-
mercializes drugs based on SkQ-type MTAs. The au-
thors of this work declare that they have no conflicts
of interest.
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