Mod(mdg4)-67.2 PROTEIN 627
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 4 2024
zinc fingers(ZF) of the C2H2 type [10,11]. It has been
shown that the architectural proteins specifically bind
to the extended motifs of 12-15bp by its 4-5 C2H2 do-
mains. In Drosophila, the best described architectural
protein is Su(Hw) (suppressor of Hairy-wing), which
has about 2000 binding sites in the genome [12-15].
Su(Hw) was originally discovered as an insulator pro-
tein that blocks interactions between the enhancers
and gene promoters by binding to 12 sites within the
gypsy retrotransposon [12-14]. Subsequently, it was
shown that Su(Hw) is involved in formation of pro-
moters and is capable of repressing transcription from
some of them [15,16]. In the center of the Su(Hw) pro-
tein there is a cluster consisting of 12 C2H2 ZFs, which
bind to the consensus sequence [17]. At the N-terminus
of the Su(Hw) protein there are two conserved regions
that interact with the BTB (bric-a-brac, tramtrack, and
broad complex) domain of the CP190 protein (centro-
somal protein 190 kD), which is involved in formation
of active insulators and promoters of housekeeping
genes [18, 19]. At the C-terminus of the protein, a do-
main is mapped that interacts with one of 30 isoforms
of the Mod(mdg4) protein (modifier of mdg4) [20-22].
All Mod(mdg4) isoforms at the N-terminus have a
TTK (Tramtrack group)-like BTB domain, which is re-
sponsible for formation of hexamers [23, 24]. The
Mod(mdg4)-67.2 isoform has a unique C-terminus that
interacts exclusively with the C-terminal domain of
the Su(Hw) protein. In addition, it was found that the
Su(Hw)-dependent complexes could also include other
proteins: HIPP1 (HP1 and insulator partner protein1),
which interacts with the same C-terminal region of
Su(Hw) as Mod(mdg4)-67.2 [25-27], ENY2 (enhancer of
yellow 2), which interacts with the zinc fingers 11 and
12 of the Su(Hw) protein [28], and RNA-binding pro-
teins [29, 30]. All isoforms of the Mod(mdg4) protein,
like the CP190 protein, are SUMOlated and, as a result
of multiple protein–protein interactions, form speckles
in the nucleus [31-33]. It is assumed that multimeriza-
tion of the BTB domains and interaction between the
SUMO (small ubiquitin-like modifier) proteins form
the speckle core, to which “passenger” proteins such as
Su(Hw) and other architectural proteins are attached.
According to the proposed model, speckles function as
reservoirs of architectural proteins that bind to new
DNA during its replication [32,33].
In the present work, we investigated the ability
of the mutant protein Su(Hw)
, which does not by
itself bind DNA, to be recruited to the Su(Hw) depen-
dent chromatin sites. A point replacement of histidine
at position 459 with tyrosine in the Su(Hw)
[34] leads to the destruction of the seventh C2H2 do-
main, which is necessary for binding of the protein to
chromatin [17]. As a result, Su(Hw)
cannot bind to
Su(Hw)-binding sites invitro and is not detected on the
polytene chromosomes [17]. However, we have demon-
strated that in the presence of the chromatin-binding
mutant of Su(Hw) with N-terminus deletion (Su(Hw)
ΔN), the Su(Hw)
the protein is recruited to the
Su(Hw)-dependent insulator sites. Efficient binding of
is mediated by the Mod(mdg4)-67.2 protein.
Generation of recombinant genetic constructs.
All constructs for Y2H (yeast two hybrid) assay were
created on the basis of the pGBT9 vector containing
the DNA-binding domain of the yeast GAL4 protein
(Clontech, USA).
To create the pGBTSu(Hw)
construct, the PCR
product 5′-ggaacagcacaagtcacgtg 3′/5′ caccaatgcagaaaa
cttcttgtc-3′ was treated with BglII endonuclease, and
the PCR product 5′-gcccttaaaaagTatcgacgct-3′/5′-aatccgt
gcgttccataat-3′ with endonuclease EagI. Su(Hw) cDNA
was used as a template for PCR. The resulting DNA frag-
ments were co-cloned into the plasmid pGBTSu(Hw)
digested with BglII and EagI.
To create the pGBTSu(Hw)
Δ114 construct, the
XhoI-AflII fragment containing deletion of 114 a.a.
from pGBTSu(Hw)Δ114, was cloned into the plasmid
digested with XhoI and AflII.
To create the pGBTSu(Hw)
Δ283 construct, the
EagI-SalI fragment containing a 17-aa deletion from
pGBTSu(Hw)Δ283 was cloned into the pGBTSu(Hw)E8
plasmid treated with EagI and SalI.
Plasmids pGBTSu(Hw), pGBTSu(Hw)Δ283,
pGADMod(mdg4)-67.2, and pGADCP190 were obtained
and described previously [18,20].
Yeast two-hybrid system. Analysis of protein in-
teractions in Y2H was performed using plasmids and
protocols from Clontech. Plasmids were transformed
into a yeast strain pJ69-4A by lithium acetate meth-
od as described by the manufacturer and plated on a
medium without tryptophan and leucine. After 3 days
of growth at 30°C, the cells were subcultured onto a
selective medium without tryptophan, leucine, histi-
dine, and adenine, and growth of yeast colonies was
compared after 2-3 days. As a negative control, inter-
action of Su(Hw) protein derivatives expressed in the
pGBT9 vector with the pGAD24 vector was tested. In-
teractions of the full-length Su(Hw) protein with the
Mod(mdg4)-67.2 or CP190 proteins, described previ-
ously, served as a positive control [18,20]. Each exper-
iment was repeated three times.
Analysis of Drosophila transgenic lines pheno-
type. All flies were kept at 25°C on a standard yeast me-
dium (Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center). Effects
of different combinations of mutations were assessed
independently by two investigators. Level of expres-
sion of the yellow and cut phenotypes was assessed in
males aged 3-5 days, developing at 25°C. Changes in