BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 5 2024
To overcome these drawbacks, new strategies for
the CAR T cell generation are being actively being de-
veloped [12, 13], including the use of different (non-
T cells) leukocytes as CAR-bearing cells (Fig. 1). CAR-
expressing cells have been derived from γδ T cells,
regulatory T cells (Tregs), mucosal-associated invariant
T cells (MAIT cells), double-negative T cells (DNTcells),
natural killer (NK) cells, natural killer T cells (NKT
cells), cytokine-induced killers (CIKs), macrophages,
dendritic cells (DCs), and even B lymphocytes.
Preclinical studies have shown that many alterna-
tive immune CAR cells with a high antitumor activity
have fewer or none of the typical drawbacks of CAR
T cells. However, such cells are poorly studied. Only a
few cell products have entered phase I/II clinical tri-
als; some have preclinical data, while others are still
under development. This review discusses the features
of CAR function in different types of immune cells and
the results of available preclinical and clinical studies
of CAR-bearing immune cells.
Below we discuss the properties of different im-
mune cells that could be used in the development of
novel CAR-mediated immunotherapies, focusing on
the results of preclinical and, if available, clinical stud-
ies of CAR expression and efficacy in these cells.
Natural killer (NK) cells are innate immune cells
of the lymphoid lineage. NK cells account approx-
imately 10% of peripheral blood lymphocytes [14].
Unlike T lymphocytes, they recognize malignant and
infected cells with a variety of non-polymorphic acti-
vating and inhibitory receptors. The directionality of
the NK cell response in each case is the result of a bal-
ance of various signals. When the signals from the ac-
tivating receptors outweigh those from the inhibitory
receptors, an NK cell causes a lysis of the target cell.
NK cells express a variety of activating and inhibiting
receptors on their surface, the most important among
them are receptors that recognize the major histocom-
patibility complex MHC I and MHC I-like molecules.
Cells that express these molecules are recognized as
healthy by NK cells [15]. It is important to note that red
blood cells do not carry the ligands (either activating
or inhibiting) for the NK cell receptors on their surface
and therefore are not recognized as targets by these
cells. In addition to MHC, NK cells can recognize other
cell surface ligands, in particular, the stress markers
MICA, MICB, and UL16BP1, due to the presence of spe-
cific receptors, including the NKG2D receptor, which is
also present on the surface of γδ T cells [16]. In addi-
tion, the expression of FcγRIIIa allows NK cells to rec-
ognize and kill cells opsonized by antibodies [17].
The cytotoxic function of NK cells is manifested by
the formation of an immunological synapse between
the NK cell and the target cell and the subsequent se-
cretion of granzyme-containing lytic granules. NK cells
can also kill target cells by inducing programmed cell
death through FasL and TRAIL. Finally, activated NK
cells release a number of pro-inflammatory cytokines,
in particular, interferon γ (IFNγ) and tumor necrosis
factor (TNF) [14].
The cytotoxic properties of NK cells and the lack
of need for the antigen presentation in the MHC con-
text required for the recognition of target cells (unlike
in T cells), have significantly contributed to the devel-
opment of anti-cancer therapies based on genetically
modified NK cells, including those expressing CARs.
In most studies, NK cells have been transduced with
the CAR constructs originally developed for the CAR
T cells therapy. In addition to the CD28 and 4-1BB co-
stimulatory domains, some of the CARs expressed
in NK cells contained the 2B4 costimulatory domain
(Fig. 2). The 2B4 receptor is one of the activating re-
ceptors of the SLAM (signaling lymphocytic activation
molecule) family on NK cells. It is important to note
that CAR constructs originally designed for expression
in T cells can also function in NK cells due to the pres-
ence of common signaling pathways that control cell
activation in both cell types. In particular, the signal-
ing from some activating receptors in NK cells involves
the CD3ζ signaling domain which is intended for use
in T cells [18]. NK cells transduced with the second-
generation 2B4-containing CAR targeting CD5 had a
higher cytotoxic activity against malignant cells and
showed more rapid proliferation and enhanced cyto-
kine production compared to NK cells expressing CARs
with the CD28 domain [19]. In addition to the CD3ζ do-
main, CARs developed for the expression in NK cells
can contain the DAP10 and DAP12 domains, which are
involved in the signaling from a number of activating
NK cell receptors. It has been shown that the antitu-
mor activity observed for the constructs with the CD3ζ
domain was higher than that of those with the DAP10
domain, but lower than the activity of CARs with the
DAP12 domain [20,21]. Cifaldi etal. [22] proposed the
use of DNAM-1 as a part of a CAR adapted to NK cells.
DNAM-1 recognizes the poliovirus receptor (PVR) and
nectin-2, which are expressed on the virus-infected
cells and many malignant cells. Receptors contain-
ing the 2B4 and CD3ζ domains in addition to DNAM-1
cause further activation of NK cells.
It should be emphasized that CAR-expressing NK
cells can potentially exhibit cytotoxic activity against
malignant cells in a CAR-independent manner due to
their own activating receptors, as well as their abili-
ty to recognize cells opsonized by antibodies [20,23].
The presence of a CAR-independent antitumor activ-
ity enhances the efficacy of the CAR NK cell therapy.