ISSN 0006-2979, Biochemistry (Moscow), 2024, Vol. 89, No. 5, pp. 784-798 © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2024.
Peptide-Based Inhibitors
of the Induced Signaling Protein Interactions:
Current State and Prospects
Vladimir Y. Toshchakov
Sirius University of Science and Technology, 354340 Sirius Federal Territory, Krasnodar Region, Russia
Received January 5, 2024
Revised February 29, 2024
Accepted March 12, 2024
AbstractFormation of the transient protein complexes in response to activation of cellular receptors is a com-
mon mechanism by which cells respond to external stimuli. This article presents the concept of blocking interac-
tions of signaling proteins by the peptide inhibitors, and describes the progress achieved to date in the develop-
ment of signaling inhibitors that act by blocking the signal-dependent protein interactions.
DOI: 10.1134/S000629792405002X
Keywords: Toll-like receptors, TIR domains, signaling complexes, peptide inhibitors of protein interactions
Abbreviations: ACE2,angiotensin-converting enzyme2; AMP,antimicrobial peptide; BP,blocking peptide; BB-loop, the loop
between second β-strand and second α-helix; CPP,cell-permeating peptide; DD,death domain; IL,interleukin; LPS,lipopoly-
saccharide; MyD88,myeloid differentiation primary response protein88; PID,protein interaction domain; TIR,domain ho-
mologous in insect Toll proteins, human IL-1R, and plant disease-resistance protein; TIRAP,TIR-containing adapter protein,
also known as Mal; TLR,Toll-like receptor; TNF,tumor necrosis factor; TRAM,TRIF-related adapter molecule, also known
asTICAM-2; TRIF,TIR domain-containing adapter inducing IFN-β, also known as TICAM-1.
Formation of multicomponent protein complexes
of a definite structure in response to activation of cel-
lular receptors is a common mechanism by which cells
translate external signals into a biologically relevant
response. The general principles of operation of such
complexes, often called signaling complexes, were
described at the end of the last century [1, 2]. This
conceptual understanding was complemented in the
recent two decades with achievements in structural
biology revealing the fine structure of many oligomer-
ic complexes consisting of signaling proteins or their
separate domains with resolution sufficient for visual-
izing localization of individual atoms[3]. This knowl-
edge significantly expanded our understanding of the
mechanisms of assembly of such complexes and their
functioning. At the same time, it has been recognized
that the data accumulated so far are fragmentary and
do not reflect dynamics of real complexes. Further-
more, considering that majority of the complexes have
been resolved using recombinant DNA technology,
there is a problem in validation of physiologically rel-
evant structures.
Formation of signaling complexes in the vast ma-
jority of cases is mediated by specialized protein do-
mains often called protein interaction domains (PIDs)
[2, 4]. Some of the PIDs, such as SH2, SH3, or bromo-
domains recognize specific features or short motifs
present in the protein primary structure, while other
domains such as TIR-domains [homology domain be-
tween insect Toll-protein, human IL-1R (interleukin 1
receptor), and plant disease-resistance proteins] or
death domains (DDs) do not have specific binding
motifs. PIDs of the last type can establish multiple
cooperative interactions with the domains of same
type either homo- or heterotypically [5, 6]. Currently
available structures of signaling complexes demon-
strate wide topological diversity and uniqueness of
the sites mediating individual binary interactions of
the components within the oligomeric complexes [3].
Structural diversity of signaling complexes includes
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 5 2024
linear double-stranded complexes formed by TIR do-
mains of activated Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and their
adapter proteins, and by members of the IL-1R family
[7,8], as well as helical complexes of different struc-
tures, including single- and double-stranded helices,
as represented by Myddosome [9], PIDDosome [10],
MDA5-MAVS[11], inflammasomes[12-14], and others
Cell signaling is an important pharmaceutical tar-
get. This notion is supported by more than 25 years of
clinical success of therapeutic antibodies designed to
block cellular receptors, as well as cytokines that acti-
vate these receptors [17-19]. Another indication of the
importance of signaling pathways as pharmacological
targets is the fact that small molecules that block bind-
ing of the G-protein-coupled receptors with ligands
represent a significant part of the existing drug pool
[20-23]. Considering that small molecules are not very
effective in blocking receptors activated by macro-
molecules (such as cytokines or exogenous molecules
from pathogens), as well as the fact that many signal-
ing pathways do not have circulating agonists, it seems
reasonable to assume that blocking of signaling path-
ways by disrupting assembly of signaling complexes
could be a promising approach for the development of
new pharmaceuticals. However, progress in the devel-
opment of new pharmaceuticals with such mechanism
of action is limited at present. At the same time, a large
amount of experimental data obtained both in  vitro
using cultivated cells and in various in  vivo models
indicates that targeted development of inhibitors of
signal transduction from the activated receptors by
blocking assembly of signaling complexes is possible.
Considering that the assembly of signaling complexes
in the majority of cases is mediated through interac-
tions between the PIDs[2], PIDs are among most pop-
ular targets of the inhibitors developed to date. This
article reviews current progress in the development of
signaling complex assembly inhibitors and discusses
the prospects and further progress in the field.
Many examples (some of which will be discussed
below) demonstrate that relatively short peptides cor-
responding to fragments of protein primary sequence
comprising functional protein–protein interaction sites
are capable of blocking protein function. Such pep-
tides, often called blocking peptides (BPs) or decoy
peptides, act through binding to the interaction sites
of their prototype protein with its protein partners,
thereby preventing formation of a functional complex
and, subsequently, inhibiting downstream functions
(Fig. 1). Because the assembly of signaling complexes
is an intracellular process, the segment mimicking the
interaction site must be complemented by the segment
facilitating permeation of the construct into the cell.
Peptide vectors, which are either derived from a natu-
ral protein or artificially obtained, are most often used
for facilitation of transmembrane transfer of blocking
peptides. Hence, the peptide-based blockers of interac-
tions between cytoplasmic proteins consist from two
functional parts: a specific part designed to mediate
binding with the target proteins and a peptide vector
required for intracellular permeation of the construct.
Below typical features of these two parts will be dis-
cussed separately.
Target-binding segment of blocking peptides.
Functional role of this peptide part is to block the pro-
totype protein interactions, causing the consequent
prevention of signaling complex formation (Fig. 1).
In the cases when the site of interaction in the pro-
tein is known, design of blocking peptides seems ob-
vious. However, results of screening of large peptide
libraries have demonstrated that a large fraction of the
peptides, which do correspond to the binding site, nev-
ertheless do not exhibit inhibitory activity in in vitro
or invivotests [24-26]. The most often factors account-
ing for the lack of functional activity in these cases
Fig. 1. Mechanisms of action of blocking peptides – preven-
tion of formation of the protein complex by competing with
the protein prototype for the functional binding site. a)Inter-
action of PID1 (blue shape) with PID2 (green sector) results
in formation of a functional binary complex. b)Peptide cor-
responding to the PID1 binding site of PID2 (blue triangle) re-
tains its ability to bind PID2. c) Binding of the peptide with
PID2 prevents formation of the PID1–PID2 complex.
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 5 2024
are nonspecific peptide binding by the components
of cell proteome, insufficient peptide solubility, neg-
ative effect of the target-binding part on the peptide
permeability, biological instability of the peptide, and
others [27]. In the cases, when boundaries of the bind-
ing site are unknown, inhibitory sequences are deter-
mined via screening of the peptide libraries or select-
ed empirically [5, 26, 28]. Typical size of binding sites
involved in the transient interactions of signaling pro-
teins should be taken into consideration in the case of
empirical selection. General characteristics of protein
interaction sites have been investigated in detail and
described in a number of publications [29-32]. Anal-
ysis of the known structures of signaling complexes
formed by PIDs confirms these general characteristics
and further specifies that the typical surface area of
binary interactions in signaling complexes (250-800 Å
is lower than the average size of protein interactions
in general [7-9, 33]. Taking into account that circulari-
ty of the interaction sites in globular proteins typically
is high (0.7, as an average [29]), upper estimate of a
binary interaction site in such complex could be mod-
elled by a circle of ~30 Å diameter. Alpha- or 3
of such length would correspond to the peptides con-
sisting of 20 or 15 aa, respectively, while the peptide of
same length in the β-strand conformation would con-
sist of 8-9 aa[34]. These simplified estimates correlate
quite well with the range of sizes of target-binding seg-
ments in the experimentally verified blocking peptides
Vectors facilitating intracellular penetration
of the blocking peptides. Peptide-based vectors are
frequently used to carry macromolecules across plas-
ma membrane. In the late 1980s, a natural capability
of Transcriptional transactivator (Tat) protein of Hu-
man immunodeficiency virus to translocate across
the plasma membrane was discovered [35, 36]. Soon
after this discovery, a similar capability to translocate
across plasma membranes was discovered for the
Drosophila Antennapedia homeodomain [37]. It was
shown that the permeating capability of Antennapedia
homeodomain is due to the presence of the 16 aa-long
segments of the primary sequence, which forms the
third α-helix of the protein [38]. Later, functionally
similar short sequences (often called cell-permeating
or cell-penetrating peptides, CPPs) have been found in
Tat and other proteins capable of permeating cell plas-
ma membranes [39-42]. Today, more than 1000 CPPs of
different types have been discovered [43, 44]. In addi-
tion to CPPs from natural proteins, artificially created
CPPs have been reported [40, 42,45]. Based on physi-
cochemical properties of peptides, the following types
of CPPs are recognized: cationic, hydrophobic, and
amphipathic consisting of cationic and hydrophobic
parts [45]. Permeating sequences of Tat(RKKRRQRRR)
and Antp(RQIKIWFQNRRMKWKK) proteins, as well as
other members of the family of transcription factors
that contain homeodomain, are examples of cation-
ic CPPs [42, 46]. Several artificial sequences, e.g., oli-
goarginines or oligolysines, also belong to this group
[45, 47]. Transportan, an artificially created combi-
nation of fragments of two natural proteins, is an ex-
ample of amphipathic CPP [48]. There are only a few
known hydrophobic CPPs, they are less sensitive to
amino acid substitutions [45]. Lower efficiency of hy-
drophobic CPPs in comparison with the CPPs of other
types has been noted.
CPPs internalization mechanisms remain a sub-
ject of discussion in the literature [42, 49]. It is recog-
nized that CPPs are internalized via either endocytosis
with subsequent release from endosomes, or via direct
interaction with the plasma membrane; moreover, in-
dividual CPPs could use multiple mechanism for pene-
tration with their importance differing for individual
peptides and cell lines. At the same time, CPPs do not
use protein transporters for cell penetration, which
explains versatility of their action with respect to dif-
ferent cell types. Length of the used CPPs varies in the
range 5-30 aa. In addition to proteins and peptides,
CPPs are capable of transporting macromolecules of
different nature to the cells including nucleic acids,
medicinal preparations, and contrast agents, as well as
complex supramolecular structures such as liposomes
and nanoparticles[45, 49,50]. Peptide vectors are effi-
cient for intracellular transport of various compounds
not only in a monolayer of cultivated cells. Numerous
studies demonstrated that CPPs also increase tissue
permeability, including permeability of blood-brain
barrier. In particular, it was shown in the early study
by Schwarzeetal.[51] that Tat-peptides facilitated pen-
etration of the intraperitoneally administered β-galac-
tosidase, a 120-kDa protein, into all tissues including
brain. Subsequent studies confirmed efficiency of CPPs
for intracellular transport of cargo of different nature
in vivo, as well wide distribution of cargo in the or-
gans, which was shown in the cases of both intraperi-
toneal and intravenous injections [52-55]. At the same
time, predominant accumulation of CPPs in liver and
kidneys was noted, while accumulation in brain and
muscles was significantly lower [53,54].
It is worth mentioning that typical working con-
centration of CPPs in cell culture are in a narrow range
varying from 1-5 µM to 50-100 µM for a wide variety of
CPPs, transported agents, and cell lines [26]. The most
plausible reason for existence of the lower limit of
effective concentration is low efficiency of transport
at lower concentrations of CPPs. This is confirmed by
significantly higher affinities of blocking peptides to
their protein targets demonstrated invitro using a re-
combinant protein, in comparison with the effective
peptide concentration in cell culture. One of the exam-
ples is the TLR-blocking peptide, 2R9, which exhibits
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 5 2024
a ~40 nM binding affinity to its target, TIR-domain
of the adaptor protein TIRAP, while the effective con-
centration of 2R9 in macrophage cell culture is almost
500-fold higher [56]. Existence of the upper limit of CPP
concentration used in cell is due to cytotoxicity often
observed, when concentration of BP is above 100 µM,
which is due to their membranotropic action and abili-
ty to form membrane pores at high concentrations.
Another manifestation of CPP membranotropic
activity is their antimicrobial properties, which are
due to similarity of their physicochemical properties
with the properties of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs)
[57, 58]. AMPs are plant and animal peptides that func-
tion as an element of antimicrobial defence effective
against various classes of pathogens, including bac-
teria, viruses, and fungi[59]. Both classes of the pep-
tides, CPPs and AMPs, are predominantly represented
by cationic peptides, which also contain a high num-
ber of hydrophobic amino acids [57, 60,61]. Both CPPs
and AMPs exhibit less cytotoxicity to animal cells in
comparison with their activity against prokaryotes.
Despite the discovery of many new CPPs, two vec-
tors discovered first, the Tat-peptide and the vector
based on Antp (also known as penetratin), are most
frequently used as CPPs. It must be mentioned that rel-
ative efficiency of these vector varies in different sys-
tems and depends on both the cell model and the na-
ture of molecular target: in some systems Tat has been
found to be more efficient, and in others– penetratin.
There is no unambiguous and verifiable explanation
for this fact in the literature, and primary selection of
CPP is performed by the researchers empirically. One
of the good features of penetratin is simplicity of quan-
tification of the penetratin-containing BPs. Penetratin
contains tryptophans, and, hence, its concentration can
be determined spectrophotometrically, while existence
of such option for the BPs containing Tat depends of
the presence of absorbing amino acid residues in the
blocking part of the peptide. It must be mentioned that
natural sequences mediating penetration of a protein
into the cell are evolutionary very well preserved.
Inparticular, penetrating sequence of the Drosophila
protein Antp is 100% preserved in the human homolog
[62]. The high degree of evolutionary conservation of
penetrating sequences reflects their biological signifi-
cance for the function of proteins, which contain such
It is worth noting in conclusion of this section
that the concept of blocking peptides is based on the
often-observed ability of the peptides corresponding to
the fragment of the primary sequence of the protein
forming the site (or major part of the site) of the func-
tional protein–protein interaction to bind the protein
partner, and, as a result, to block this function of the
prototype protein. The concept of BPs is applicable
to intracellular targets if the peptide vectors capable
of transporting the specific blocking part of the pep-
tide inside the cell are used. The highest number of
the currently known examples of successful use of BPs
is related to the blocking of interactions mediated by
PIDs, protein domains specialized in the protein–pro-
tein interactions associated with signaling.
First successful attempts to modulate biological
functions with synthetic BPs have been reported in
1990s. The first targets of these studies were extracel-
lular protein interactions. In particular, different vari-
ants of the integrin-binding motif- (RGD) containing
peptides were used as agents to block cell adhesion in
attempts to develop new medicinal preparations [63].
Another early example of realization of the BP con-
cept is Akt protein kinase inhibition by peptides-pseu-
dosubstrates, as well as by the BP containing the βA
strand of TCL1 protein [64, 65]. Use of peptide-based
cell-permeating vectors in combination with the seg-
ments that provide the target binding specificity sig-
nificantly expanded applications of the blocking pep-
tide strategy. In particular, the peptides blocking NEMO
(nuclear factor kappa-B (NF-κB) essential modulator)
oligomerization, as well as peptides corresponding to
the NEMO-binding domain of IKK, inhibited activation
of NF-κB induced by tumor necrosis factor (TNF) or li-
popolysaccharide (LPS) [66-68]. The peptide containing
the 10 aa Tat sequence in combination with the 20  aa
JNK-binding motif of JNK interacting protein 1 was used
in the study by Borselloetal.[69]. Interestingly, both
L- and D-isomers of this peptide blocked the kinase ac-
tivity of JNK and exhibited neuroprotective effect in
the brain ischemia models [69]. Another example of
the protein segment blocking the mitogen-activated
protein kinases(MAP) activity is the MEK1-derived se-
quence (13 aa), which effectively inhibited the activity
of ERK kinases [70]. A peptide containing C-terminal
segment of Gα
protein linked with penetratin is an ex-
ample of successful realization of the BP concept with
respect to G-protein-coupled receptors. This peptide
specifically inhibited cAMP production stimulated by
adrenoreceptor agonists [71].
A number of studies used the BP concept for de-
velopment of TLR inhibitors. Horng et al. [72] were
the first to use synthetic cell-penetrating peptides for
inhibiting TLRs. The authors demonstrated that the
peptide consisting of the BB-loop (loop between sec-
ond β-strand and second α-helix of the TIR domain)
of adapter protein TIRAP linked to penetratin blocked
the LPS-induced activation of NF-κB and MAP-kinases
in a macrophage cell line. This peptide, however, did
not exhibit inhibitory activity when the cells were
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 5 2024
stimulated with a TLR9 agonist or IL-1[72]. TheTIRAP
peptide also selectively blocked production of the
TLR4-dependent cytokines and dendritic cell matura-
tion [72]. Another study compared the effects of BPs
containing the BB-loop of 4 adapter proteins that me-
diate the TLR signal transduction [73]. This and other
studies have demonstrated that the peptides contain-
ing the BB-loop of the TIR-containing adapter proteins
MyD88 (Myeloid differentiation primary response pro-
tein 88), TRIF (TIR domain-containing adapter induc-
ing IFN-β, also known as TICAM-1), and TRAM (TRIF-
related adapter molecule, also known as TICAM-2
inhibited TLR4 signaling [41, 73-76]. The inhibitory
efficiency of individual adapter peptides however dif-
fered, with the BP from TRAM been most potent [73].
A peptidomimetic imitating the central part of the
TRAM BP exhibited a cardioprotective effect in the
mouse model of myocardial infarction [77]. Authors
interpreted this observation as an indication of a sup-
pression of the TLR4-dependent inflammation by the
TRAM BP [77]. In the following study, the same group
confirmed that the dimeric peptidomimetic imitating
the TRAM BB loop inhibited the LPS-induced transcrip-
tion of IFN-β and CXCL10 in a dose-dependent manner
[78]. This agent, however, demonstrated only partial
selectivity as it also inhibited IFN-β induced by TLR8
and MDA5/RIG-I agonists [78]. TLR2 and TLR4 peptides
designed similarly to the adapter BB-peptides blocked
the activity of their respective prototype receptor and
exhibited some cross-reactivity, while the peptide
containing homologous sequence from TLR1 or TLR6
(these TLRs do not induce signaling as homodimers,
but only through heterodimerization with TLR2) did
not exhibit inhibitory activity [79].
The next step in the development of the blocking
peptide methodology was the screening of PID-derived
peptide libraries. This approach was based on then
emerging understanding of binding versatility of the
PIDs, together with the lack of information on the ex-
act positions of the PID interaction sites. The first com-
prehensive library representing the entire PID surface
was the library from the TIR of TLR4[5]. The library
comprised 11 peptides, each of which included a seg-
ment of TLR4 TIR primary sequence as the blocking
part. The segments were selected such that each repre-
sented a non-fragmented patch of the domain surface.
Penetratin was used as a penetrating sequence. Results
of this study validated the BP concept and indirectly
confirmed the assumption of multiple binding sites
present in TIR domains. Five peptides inhibited the
LPS-induced activation of MAP kinases and transcrip-
tion factors, and the expression of cytokine mRNA [5].
Inhibitory effect was exhibited by the peptides that
corresponded to the site connecting the TIR-domain
with the transmembrane portion of TLR, the AB and BB
loops, as well as α-helices B and D (Fig.2,a andb) [5].
A follow-up study performed a screening of the simi-
larly designed peptide library from the adapter TIRAP
[80]. The screening also identified 5 active peptides
derived from the following structural elements of the
TIR-domain: the AB loop, and the α-helices B, C, D,
and E [80]. Interestingly, activity of the BB loop pep-
tide used in this study, peptideTR4, was significantly
lower than the activity of the previously used TIRAP
BB-peptide, which differed from TR4 by one hydropho-
bic amino acid residue [72]. Peptide libraries from the
TIR-domains of adapter proteins of the MyD88-inde-
pendent pathway, TRAM and TRIF, were screened later
[55, 81]. Two active peptides were identified in each
of the libraries. In addition to the previously identi-
fied peptides derived from the BB loop of both adapt-
er proteins [73], the inhibitory activity was observed
for the peptide TM6 from the third helix in TRAM and
peptide TF5 from the second helix in TRIF [55, 81].
Using deletion analysis, the authors identified TM6-ΔC
and TF5-ΔC, which are fully active, truncated (9 aa)
versions of the corresponding parent peptides. Sub-
sequent studies that screened analogous peptide li-
braries from TIR-domains of TLR2, TLR2 co-receptors
(TLR1 and TLR6), TLR9, TLR7, and TLR5 identified in-
hibitory sequences in each of the screened libraries
[25, 26, 56, 82, 83]. Based on the analysis of positions
of the segments that represent the active BPs, it was
concluded that the active peptides originate from four
topologically conserved TIR domain regions responsi-
ble for the assembly of signaling complexes by activat-
ed TLRs (Fig. 2) [26, 83-85]. Two sites (S1andS4) are
located on the opposite sides of the TIR-domain near
the edge-forming strands of the β-sheet. In addition
to the amino acid residues forming the strand B, the
site S1 could include segments of the loops AB and/
or BB, and, as is the case for TLR2, TLR4, and TLR7
TIR, the segment connecting TIR with the transmem-
brane helix[5, 24,26]. The site S4 is represented by the
peptides corresponding to the strand E, as well as the
adjacent to the stand E α-helixE[24-26]. The sitesS2
andS3 are formed by three helical regions adjacent to
the convex side of the β-sheet i.e. helices B, C, andD.
The helicesB and/orC form the S2 site; the helixD
siteS3(Fig.  2c)[26, 83]. It was proposed that the pri-
mary TLR signaling complexes assemble through mu-
tual interactions of site S1 with site S4, and of site S2
with siteS3 (Fig.2,d ande) [26,83]. This assumption
is also based on the results of structural analysis of
oligomeric complexes formed spontaneously in vitro
by the recombinant TIR-domains of the adaptor pro-
teins TIRAP and MyD88[7,8].
In addition to the BP design strategy mimicking
the eukaryotic protein interaction sites, other studies
used the approach based on the ability of some bacte-
rial and viral pathogens to block antimicrobial defenc-
es of higher animals by producing proteins capable
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 5 2024
Fig. 2. The structure of TIR-domains, location of sites corresponding to the inhibitory BPs, and suggested architecture of TLR
signaling complexes. a)Schematic representation of the secondary structure of TIR domains[84]. TIR domains belong to the
class of α/β protein domains with the secondary structure consisting of alternating β-strands and α-helices[84]. According to
the most popular nomenclature of the secondary structure elements TIR-domains are alphabetized starting from the N-termi-
nus. For example, βA and βE [shown in panel(a) by triangles] denote first and fifth strands, and αB and αD– second and fourth
helices (shown in the figure with brown circles). Loops are designated by two capital letters corresponding to the elements
of the secondary structure they connect. For example, the BB loop connects the second strand with the second helix, and the
DE-loop– fourth helix with fifth strand. b)Tertiary structure of the human TLR2 TIR domain [85]. A typical TIR domain consists
of 5strands arranged into a parallel β-sheet forming the domain core. α-Helices are located on both sides of the sheet– the first
and the last helices are located at the convex side. c)Four binding sites of TIR domains that mediate receptor TIR dimeriza-
tion and subsequent recruitment of adapter proteins are denoted as S1–S4. SitesS1 andS4 are located at the opposite sides of
the TIR domain near the edge strands in β-sheet. SitesS2 andS3 are located in one semi-sphere. SiteS2 is formed by helices B
and/orC; siteS3– by helix D together with adjacent loops [26,83]. d)TIR domain interactions in the signaling complex during
TLR9 activation in the presence of both adapters of the MyD88-dependent pathway, TIRAP and MyD88. SitesS1 and S4 in-
teract reciprocally and form links inside each strand of the two-stranded structure, while sites S2 and S3 form interchain
connections[83]. e)Interaction of TIR domains in the signaling complex during TLR9 activation in the absence of TIRAP[83].
The complex can grow unidirectionally.
ofbinding the components of immune system [86,87].
One example of such proteins is cowpox virus pro-
teins A46R and A52R that have the ability to bind TIR
domains of TLR4 and TLR4 adapter proteins, there-
by blocking the assembly of TLR signaling complexes
[88, 89]. These studies identified short peptides capa-
ble of inhibitingTLR in both viral proteins. In particu-
lar, the A52R-derived, polyarginine-linked peptide P13
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 5 2024
effectively inhibited cytokine production induced by
the TLR3, TLR4, and TLR7 agonists in cultured cells,
and reduced the lethality in the mouse model of sep-
tic shock induced by administration of LPS and D-ga-
lactosamine [90, 91]. Screening of the A46R peptide
library identified a potent TLR4 inhibitor effective in
cell culture at 1–5 µM concentrations [28]. This pep-
tide, named VIPER, was specific towards TLR4 and did
not inhibit TLR2, TLR3, or TLR9. The authors system-
atically investigated the effects of amino acid substi-
tutions on VIPER activity. Interestingly, substitution of
a single amino acid at any position except the central
leucine did not suppress the inhibitory activity of the
peptide [28].
Bacterial TIR domain-containing virulence factors
TcpB and TcpC are capable of inhibiting TLR signal-
ing due to MyD88 bindings [92]. Snyderetal.[93] ex-
amined the BB and DD loop peptides from the TcpC
TIR domain. Both peptides suppressed the LPS-in-
duced macrophage activation. By using immunopre-
cipitation, the authors demonstrated that the BB loop
peptide binds TLR4, whereas the DD peptide binds
MyD88[93]. Keetal.[94] screened the peptide library
of the TIR-domain from TcpB (TIR-containing protein
in Brucella). The screening identified two peptides,
TB-8 and TB-9, both of which inhibited response to
LPS in invitro and invivo models [94].
Blocking peptides also were used in attempts to
develop antiviral agents that block the entry of SARS-
CoV-2 virus into host cells [95]. The study examined
peptides derived from viral Spike protein and from
the human Spike receptor, angiotensin-converting
enzyme 2 (ACE2) [95]. Based on the structure of the
Spike–ACE2 complex, Loietal.[96] designed a series of
short peptides originating from different Spike-ACE2
interaction sites and demonstrated that these peptides
reduce the binding of virus to ACE2-expressing cells
when used separately or (more efficiently) in combi-
Thus, literature presented in this section demon-
strates that peptide-based blockers can target interac-
tions of extracellular proteins as well as interactions
of proteins located in the cytoplasm. In the latter case,
the blocking part must be supplemented with a pep-
tide vector to facilitate the BP transmembrane transfer.
Receptor signaling function could be suppressed via
blocking either receptor-receptor or adapter-adapter
interactions, or a combination of these. The screening
of peptide libraries created from PIDs is often more
productive due to multiple protein interaction sites
typically present in a PID. Another general observation
that could be made based on the analysis of available
publications is a relatively narrow range of effective
BP concentrations for suppression of the intracellular
targets. Effective BP concentration in a cell culture
typically is in the range of 5-40 µM, which could be
explained by the efficiency of transmembrane trans-
port by peptide vectors.
The blocking peptide concept is based on the as-
sumption that BPs retain, to a large extend, the spec-
ificity and affinity of interactions mediated by the
corresponding site of their full-size prototype protein.
However, in practice, BPs are identified based not on
the binding with their protein target in an invitro sys-
tem, but in functional tests using either screening or
existing knowledge of the location of the binding site
required for realization of the function that should be
inhibited. Obviously, verification of the mechanism of
action of BPs identified based on inhibition of the func-
tion should include confirmation of either direct bind-
ing of the BP with the target protein or/and blocking of
interaction of the target with the full-size protein-pro-
totype of the peptide. Currently there are data con-
firming this mechanism of action for the vast majority
of BPs. In particular, it was shown in one of the earlier
studies using immunoprecipitation technique that the
peptide corresponding to the BB loop of the TIR-do-
main in MyD88 prevents dimerization of MyD88[97].
Piao et al.  [56] demonstrated later using dot-blotting
technique that the peptide derived from the BB-loop in
the TIR-domain of MyD88 binds TIR-domains of TIRAP
and TLR9, in addition to MyD88. Another example of
multi-specific binding is the peptide7R11 correspond-
ing to the fifth helix of the TIR-domain of TLR7 (siteS4;
Fig. 2c). 7R11, but not a control peptide, was shown
to bind TIR-domains of both MyD88 and TIRAP; while
the peptide 7R9 from the 4th helix of the TIR-domain
from TLR7 (siteS3; Fig.2c) was shown to bind TIRAP,
but not MyD88 or the control protein[24]. It was re-
ported in the later studies that many BPs derived from
the TIR-domains demonstrate multi-specific binding
interacting with a specific subgroup of TIR-domain,
which correlates with the properties of full-size PIDs
[26]. These observations indicate that BPs could bind
several targets, which, in turn, define functional prop-
erties of each particular peptide.
At the same time, certain peculiarities in the spec-
ificity of binding of BPs derived from PIDs have been
noted. In particular, the BPs corresponding to the 4th
helix of the TIR-domain from TLR interacted with the
TIR-domains of adapter proteins, but not with the
TIR-domains of the receptors [26]. For example, the
peptide4R9 (D helix of TLR4) did not bind TIR-domains
of TLR4 and TLR2[5], but interacted with the TIR-do-
main of the TIRAP adapter [81]. The peptide2R9 (4th
helical region (D helix) of the TIR-domain from TLR2)
also predominately interacted with the TIR-domain of
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 5 2024
TIRAP, but not with the TIR-domains from TLR1, TLR4,
TLR6, or TLR9[56]. Similarly, the BPs from the 4th he-
lical region of the receptors TLR1 and TLR6 predom-
inantly interacted with the TIR-domains of adaptor
proteins, MyD88 and TIRAP, respectively, but not with
the TIR-domain of TLR2, which is a co-receptor of the
protein-prototypes of these BPs [82]. Another exam-
ple of specific interactions of BPs from TIR-domains is
binding exhibited by the peptides of the adapter pro-
tein TRIF belonging to the MyD88-independent signal-
ing pathway [81]. The peptide TF4 interacted with the
TIR-domain of the TLR4 receptor, and the TF5 peptide
with the TIR-domains of both TLR4 and TRAM, but
none of the TRIF-peptides exhibited binding with the
adapter proteins of the MyD88-dependent pathway,
TIRAP and MyD88[81].
One of approaches that could confirm that bind-
ing of the protein with the peptide is indeed involved
in the inhibition of function of this protein, could be
matching of the apparent binding constant for the pro-
tein–BP pair measured in a cellular system with the
constant of inhibition of the protein function measured
also in the cellular system. In order to obtain such con-
firmation a system based on the Forster resonance
energy transfer was developed in our research group
to examine quantitatively binding of the peptides
with their protein targets directly in the cell. A panel
of plasmids was designed that encoded hybrid pro-
teins consisting of the TIR-domain conjugated with a
fluorescent label. To evaluate peptide finding with the
TIR-domains, the fluorescently labeled TIR-domains
considered as possible peptide targets were ectopically
expressed in the HeLa cells, and the cells were incu-
bated in the presence of blocking peptide labeled with
the fluorescent dye capable of quenching fluorescence
of the label on the TIR-domain[5,98]. Binding of the
peptide with the TIR-domain was evaluated from the
quenching of fluorescence of the protein label mani-
fested as a reduction of its fluorescence lifetime. Nu-
merous examples discussed in detail in the previously
published literature review [26], as well as in two pa-
pers published later[24,25] demonstrated practically
complete coincidence of the effective concentrations
required for blocking protein function by the cell-pen-
etrating BPs and for quenching fluorescence of the la-
belled TIR-domains. The apparent binding constants
measured in a cellular system for the inhibitory BPs
with the TIR-targets are in the range 1-20 µM for all ef-
ficiently binding BP-TIR pairs known at present [26].
Such relatively narrow range of the effective concen-
tration for a sufficiently large group of BPs identified
now is, likely, a consequence of the commonality of the
mechanism for BP penetration through the cell plas-
ma membrane. This hypothesis was confirmed by the
fact that BPs demonstrate significantly higher binding
constant in the in  vitro tests using recombinant protein
targets in comparison with the binding in the cellular
systems. For example, the peptide2R9 binds to the re-
combinant TIR-domain of the adapter protein TIRAP in
solution with K
~ 40 µM, which is significantly lower
than the apparent dissociation constant for this pair
in the cellular system [56]. Differences between the
binding constants measured in  vitro and in the cellular
system could be in part explained also by nonspecific
binding of the peptide with the extra- and intracellular
proteins. It was shown, in particular, that 2R9 binds to
the serum albumin with K
~ 1.5 µM [56]. The experi-
ments conducted with the help of surface plasmon res-
onance technique confirmed that high affinity of the
peptides to TIR-domain is due to the high rate of asso-
ciation and low rate of dissociation [56].
It could be stated in conclusion of the section that
the experimental data accumulated until now confirm
binding of the target proteins with the blocking pep-
tides as a main mechanism of BP action. And, although,
some BPs derived from PIDs, similar to their prototype
proteins, demonstrate ability to bind several proteins
representatives of the same class of proteins, many in-
teractions are selective. One of the examples of selec-
tivity of such interactions are interactions of the BPs
derived from α-helixD of the TIR-domains from TLR
with the TIR-domains of the adapter proteins, while
these peptides do not interact with the TIR-domains of
the receptors.
The peptide-based blockers of protein–protein in-
teractions identified in the experiments with cell cul-
tures were tested in the in  vivo experiments. It must
be mentioned, however, that at present the reported
examples of using BPs in  vivo are limited to the exper-
iments with small laboratory animals, and in the ma-
jority of cases involve testing of TLR inhibitors. In the
first attempts to modulate TLR functions in  vivo with
the help of BPs the peptides derived from the viral
proteins A46R and A52R were used. Tsung et al. [91]
demonstrated that the P13 peptide from the A52R pro-
tein decreased the level of circulating TNF induced
by administration of LPS to mice almost 2-fold. Simi-
lar effect was observed for the VIPER peptide in the
case of intravenous administration, which resulted
in the decrease of circulating IL-12p40 by ~50% [28].
Coutureetal.[80] were the first to test the TLR block-
ing peptides based on the mammalian proteins in
the mouse model. Two peptides identified during the
screening of the peptide library of the adapter pro-
tein TIRAP were tested; these were peptides from the
second and third helical site of the TIRAP sequence,
named, respectively, TR5 and TR6. The peptides
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 5 2024
were injected intraperitoneally to mice at the dose
10 nmol/g 1  h prior to administration of sublethal dose
of LPS. Both peptides, but not the control cell-penetrat-
ing peptide of the similar length practically completely
blocked influx of TNF into circulation as a response to
LPS introduction, and also significantly decreased the
level of circulating IL-6[80].
In the following study, Piao et al. [55] evaluated
efficiency of BPs in the animal model in more detail.
Inhibitory peptides derived from the adapter protein
TRAM belonging to the MyD88-independent signaling
pathway were examined [99]. The experiments con-
firmed systemic inhibitory activity demonstrated by
the peptides administered to mice. The peptides TM4,
TM6, as well as the truncated peptide TM4-ΔC de-
creased the levels of circulating TNF and IL-6 by ~90%
of their peak levels [55]. The authors compared ac-
tivity of the peptides administered intraperitoneally
and intravenously. The BPs significantly decreased
systemic levels of the cytokines in both cases of ad-
ministration, however, inhibitory activity of the pep-
tides following intraperitoneal administration was
higher [55]. Efficiency of BPs was also investigated
in the case of so-called “therapeutic administration.”
Order of administration of BP and LPS was changed
in these experiments, BP was administered 30 min af-
ter administration of LPS, not one hour prior to that.
The experiments demonstrated significant decrease
of the levels of circulating cytokines already 1.5 h af-
ter “therapeutic administration” of BP[55]. In another
series of experiments from the same study the ability
of TRAM-peptides to prevent lethality due to adminis-
tration of LPS to mice was evaluated. Administration
of the TM4 and TM4-ΔC peptides at the dose 10 nmol/g
one hour prior to administration of LPS at the dose
17.5 µg/g prevented lethal outcome in 100% of cases,
while the peptides TM6 and TR6 were effective in ~65-
80% of cases [55]. Survival of mice after therapeutic
administration of the TM4-ΔC peptide (3 h after ad-
ministration of the lethal dose of LPS) decreased, as
expected, in comparison with the prophylactic admin-
istration, and was ~70% versus 100%-survival in the
case of the peptide administration 1 h prior to admin-
istration of LPS [55].
Use of several variants of the peptides derived
from the third helical fragment of the TIRAP sequence
has been reported in the literature. In particular,
Shahetal.[100] used the peptide MIP2, with eight of 12
amino acid residues in its sequence significantly over-
lapping with the sequence of TR6, inhibitory peptide
identified by Coutureetal.[80] in the original screen-
ing of the peptide library of the TIR-domain from
TIRAP. MIP2 demonstrated multi-specific effect with
respect to TLR inhibiting TLR2, TLR3, TLR4, TLR7, and
TLR9 [100]. This observation confirmed and expand-
ed the data presented in the Coutureetal. study[80],
in which effect of TR6 was evaluated only on TLR2
and TLR4. It was shown using the LPS-induced septic
shock model that MIP2 increased the 72-h survival
of mice from 0 to 20-25% [100]. Shah et al. [100] in-
vestigated in detail effects of MIP2 in the models of
chronic inflammatory diseases: psoriasis induced by
introduction of imiquimod, a TLR7 agonist; lupus (us-
ing the MRL/lpr mouse line spontaneously developing
this disease); as well as non-alcoholic fatty liver dis-
ease (NAFLD) induced by the diet with low content of
methionine and choline. The authors reported that the
6-day course of MIP2 had a significant anti-inflamma-
tory effect (similar to the effect of methotrexate) in
the psoriasis model, when the peptide was used at a
lower dose (1 nmol/g); the effect, however, decreased,
when the MIP2 peptide was used at high doses (10
and 20 nmol/g) [100]. In the mouse lupus model, the
20-day course of MIP2 significantly slowed progress
of inflammatory symptoms of the disease, while in
the model of NAFLD, a prolonged administration of
the peptide significantly decreased manifestations of
inflammation, although did not decrease the levels of
liver markers and histological signs of hepatic steatosis
[100]. Another example of the blocking peptide derived
from the third helical fragment of the TIRAP sequence
is TR667, which represents an evolutionary preserved
segment of the surface of TIR-domain differing from
MIP2 by the single- amino-acid shift towards the C-end
of TIRAP[25]. TR667, similarly to MIP2, exhibited multi-
specific inhibitory properties towards TLR and inhib-
ited TLR2, TLR4, TLR5, and TLR9; however, unlike the
MIP2 peptide, itdid not inhibit TLR7[25].
Efficiency of the peptide 2R9 with respect to sys-
temic production of cytokines induced by the TLR2
and TLR7 agonists, as well as for suppression of cyto-
kine response to a replication-capable pathogen (PR8
strain of the flu virus H1N1B was used) was evaluated
in the study by Piaoetal.[56]. The preliminary inves-
tigation showed that the peptide 2R9 identified during
screening of the peptide library of the TLR2 TIR-do-
main was multi-specific and blocked TLR2, TLR4,
TLR7, and TLR9 due to the binding of TIRAP, adapter
protein enhancing signal transduction from these re-
ceptors [56]. Administration of 2R9 to mice resulted
in significant inhibition of the cytokine response to
both Pam3Cys(S-[2,3-bis(palmitoyloxy)-(2-RS)-propyl]-
-OH), agonist of TLR2, and
to R848 (resiquimod), agonist of TLR7, as well as to
ODN1668, TLR9 agonist [56, 83]. 2R9 also blocked by
80-90% the MyD88-dependent secretion of TNF, IL-6,
and IFN-β by the cultivated peritoneal macrophages
infected with the flu virus [56]. Excessive secretion
of cytokines could be the cause of lethal outcome in
acute viral infections. Based on this consideration the
authors tested whether 2R9 could decrease lethality of
mice infected with the dose of flu virus (strain PR8)
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 5 2024
that causes ~90% lethality. The experiments showed
that the 5-day course of daily injections of the pep-
tide starting 48 h after infection with the virus signifi-
cantly reduced lethality [56]. However, it was shown
in another study that the effect of suppression of the
TLR-dependent immune response on the outcome of
disease significantly depends of the time of the start
of the therapy [101], very early administration of the
agents suppressing immune response could aggravate
the course of infection diseases.
The presented studies demonstrate efficiency
of BPs for both suppression of cytokine production
induced by introduction of synthetic agonists of spe-
cific receptors, as well as in more complex models of
chronic inflammation or inflammation induced by in-
fectious agents.
Studies of recent decades have led to a significant
progress in the discovery of new BPs and understand-
ing of mechanisms of their action. At present, tech-
niques for BP identification, evaluation of their bind-
ing specificity to targets invitro and in cellular models,
as well the methods for evaluation of their efficiency
in vivo have been established. High efficiency of the
methodology of blocking peptides for the development
of inhibitors of signaling pathways with mechanisms
of action based on blocking transient interaction of
signaling proteins realized through the specialized
protein domains has been demonstrated. Experiments
with small laboratory animals have demonstrated
that BPs are capable of suppressing the systemic re-
sponse to stimulation of certain receptors both in the
cases of intraperitoneal and intravenous injections of
the peptides. Moreover, there are examples of high
efficiency of BPs during prolonged administration
for suppression of chronic inflammatory processes.
It is recognized that the multi-specificity of binding
demonstrated by some BPs is not only important for
understanding of their biological effects, but also sig-
nificantly contributes to their efficacy in complex an-
imal models.
Nevertheless the large number of known BPs, ex-
act molecular determinants of their activity remain
to be established. This lack of understanding likely
stems from such factors as the diversity of inhibitory
sequences, the tolerance of BPs to amino acid substi-
tutions, multiplicity of binding sites of individual BPs,
as well as the lack of structural knowledge on the
BP-target complexes. Determination of high-resolution
3D-structures of BP complexes with their target pro-
teins should improve our understanding of signaling
protein recognition mechanisms, and suggest ways for
rational optimization of already known BPs. BPs’ effi-
cacy also could be improved via optimization of pene-
trating sequences for targeted delivery of the inhibitor
or via use of peptidomimetics to improve the biologi-
cal stability of the BPs.
Funding. This work was financially supported by
the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the
Russian Federation (Agreement no. 075-10-2021-093;
project NIR-IMB-2102).
Ethics declarations. This review does not contain
original studies with human participants or animals
performed by the author. The author is co-owner of
the copyrights for commercial use of some of the pep-
tides described in the review.
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