BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 5 2024
Finally, α-KG stimulates FA oxidation, which is a com-
mon feature of M2 macrophages. Interestingly, a high
α-KG/succinate ratio contributes to M2 polarization,
while the low one, on the contrary, determines the
proinflammatory M1 phenotype. Since α-KG is a co-
factor of JMJD3, while succinate inhibits this enzyme,
their combined action allows to regulate H3K27 de-
methylation [90].
2-Hydroxyglutarate (2-HG), which exists in both
L- and D-isoforms, is also involved in the epigenetic
regulation. 2-HG can be synthesized by the nonspecific
activity of several enzymes, such as malate dehydro-
genase (MDH), LDHA, and mutant IDH1/2mut isoform
found in tumor cells [91, 92]. 2-HG, succinate, and fu-
marate inhibit α-KG at the epigenetic level [93, 94],
therefore, the ratio between these compounds, espe-
cially between 2-HG and α-KG, is important in several
immune processes. 2-HG accumulates in tissues under
hypoxic conditions or at low pH [95], as well as in M1
macrophages in response to LPS activation [96]. In vitro
experiments have shown that L-2-HG inactivates HIF
prolyl hydroxylase, stabilizes HIF-1α, and thus pro-
motes IL-1β production and activation of glycolysis
[96]. In contrast, D-2-HG, also formed in M1 cells, con-
tributes to the suppression of inflammatory processes
at the late stage of LPS-induced response in vitro and
is a regulator of local and systemic inflammatory re-
actions in vivo [97].
Amino acid metabolism is important not only
in cell homeostasis and protein synthesis, but also in
many immune processes, including macrophage po-
larization [98]. The deficit of amino acids in the me-
dium impairs migration, proliferation, maturation,
and effector functions of immune cells. The effects of
arginine, glutamine, glycine, and serine on the macro-
phage functions have been studied in more detail.
Activated macrophages require arginine as a sub-
strate for two competing enzymes – ARG1 and iNOS.
Typically, ARG1 expression in M2 macrophages is in-
creased. ARG1 converts arginine into urea and orni-
thine; ornithine initiates the synthesis of polyamines
involved in tissue repair. Overall, ARG1 contributes to
the anti-inflammatory phenotype of macrophages and
thereby suppression of T cell proliferation and cyto-
kine production [94]. Ornithine is also essential for
the immune functions of macrophages in the context
of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection [99, 100]. The
expression of iNOS in macrophages is upregulated by
proinflammatory stimuli (LPS, TNF, IFNγ). iNOS con-
verts arginine to nitric oxide and citrulline; NO spon-
taneously reacts with oxygen and ROS, resulting in
the generation nitrogen and oxygen species with the
antimicrobial and regulatory activities. ASS1 converts
citrulline into argininosuccinate, which is further de-
graded to arginine and thus maintains NO production.
In addition to the ROS generation, NO is involved in
the remodeling of mitochondrial ETC during M1 polar-
ization. Thus, the treatment of macrophages with LPS/
IFNγ leads to the induction of NO synthesis along with
the decrease in the activity of complexesI and II; the
short-term action of NO on the macrophages results in
the reversible inhibition of complex IV, due to the NO
competition with oxygen for the enzyme catalytic site
[101, 102]. Although disturbances in the functioning of
complex I contribute to the increase in the ROS pro-
duction in the mitochondria and expression of proin-
flammatory factors such as IL-1β and TNF [103], recent
studies have shown that this process is not directly re-
lated to the NO action [104, 105]. Apparently, at later
stages of activation, NO has the regulatory functions
due to the ability to inhibit mitochondrial complexes
and to reduce their number [106]. Moreover, the effect
NO on the ETC leads to changes in the mitochondrial
morphology and is one of the factors preventing re-
polarization of M1 macrophages to the respiration-de-
pendent M2 phenotype [57].
Another important compound for the macro-
phages is glutamine which is required for the syn-
thesis of amino acids and nucleotides, production
of NADPH and energy, and many other biosynthet-
ic processes [107, 108]. Depending on the metabolic
pathway, glutamine stimulates either M1 or M2 mac-
rophage polarization. On one hand, glutamine can en-
ter the Krebs cycle through α-KG, thereby stimulating
the synthesis of succinate in M1 macrophages [32],
which is also significant for the HIF-1α stabilization
and glycolysis maintenance [109]. At the same time,
upregulation of succinate biosynthesis is accompanied
by an increase in the expression of the SLC3A2 glu-
tamine transporter gene and activation of glutamine
uptake [110, 111]. Interestingly, some of succinate in
LPS-activated macrophages is produced by the gam-
ma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) shunt. In this pathway,
which bypasses the Krebs cycle, glutamine is used for
the sequential synthesis of glutamate, GABA, succinic
semialdehyde, and eventually succinate. Inhibition of
GABA transaminase, the key enzyme of this pathway,
significantly reduces the amount of succinate produced
from glutamine and, as a result, prevents HIF-1α sta-
bilization and IL-1β secretion in response to LPS [32].
On the other hand, the deficiency of glutamine in
the medium or inhibition of glutaminase by its se-
lective blocker bis-2-(5-phenylacetamido-1,3,4-thiadi-
azole-2-diyl) ethyl sulfide (BPTES) during macrophage
activation by LPS prevents the development of endo-
toxin tolerance [90], similar being demonstrated in a
mouse model of toxic shock [112]. Endotoxin tolerance
is an important mechanism of homeostasis mainte-
nance, as acquisition of the tolerance toward repeated
LPS stimulation by the macrophages helps to protect
the body against possible excessive immune system ac-
tivation [113]. Therefore, glutamine is involved in both