ISSN 0006-2979, Biochemistry (Moscow), 2024, Vol. 89, No. 5, pp. 839-852 © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2024.
Tumor-Associated Senescent Macrophages, Their Markers,
and Their Role in Tumor Microenvironment
Tamara V. Pukhalskaia
, Taisiya R. Yurakova
, Daria A. Bogdanova
and Oleg N. Demidov
Sirius University of Science and Technology, 354340 Federal Territory Sirius, Sirius Russia
Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences, 119991 Moscow, Russia
Institute of Cytology, Russian Academy of Sciences, 194064 St. Petersburg, Russia
INSERM UMR1231, Université de Bourgogne, 21000 Dijon, France
Received December 21, 2023
Revised April 27, 2024
Accepted April 27, 2024
AbstractTumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) are an important component of the tumor microenvironment
(TME) and the most abundant population of immune cells infiltrating a tumor. TAMs can largely determine direc-
tion of anti-tumor immune response by promoting it or, conversely, contribute to formation of an immunosup-
pressive TME that allows tumors to evade immune control. Through interactions with tumor cells or other cells in
the microenvironment and, as a result of action of anti-cancer therapy, macrophages can enter senescence. In this
review, we have attempted to summarize information available in the literature on the role of senescent macro-
phages in tumors. With the recent development of senolytic therapeutic strategies aimed at removing senescent
cells from an organism, it seems important to discuss functions of the senescent macrophages and potential role
of the senolytic drugs in reprogramming TAMs to enhance anti-tumor immune response and improve efficacy
ofcancer treatment.
DOI: 10.1134/S0006297924050055
Keywords: senescent cells, p16
, p21
, CD206, CXCR1, tumor microenvironment, immunosuppression
Abbreviations: Arg1,arginase; BMDM,bone marrow-derived macrophages; LCCM-BMDM,bone marrow-derived macrophages
cultivated in L929-cell conditioned medium; M-CSF-BMDM, bone marrow-derived macrophages cultivated with recombi-
nant M-CSF; NAD,nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide; SCA,single-cell analysis; TME,tumor microenvironment; SASP,senes-
cence-associated secretory phenotype; TAMs,Tumor-associated macrophages; TGF-β,transforming growth factor beta.
* To whom correspondence should be addressed.
Tumor microenvironment (TME) comprises a
complex heterogenous system including immune cells,
endothelial and stromal cells, as well as extracellular
matrix [1-7]. Recent analysis of single-cell transcrip-
tome (single-cell analysis, SCA) demonstrated that up
to 90% of cells in the tumor microenvironment could
be non-transformed [8]. TME composition varies de-
pending on the type and stage of the tumor devel-
opment; organ in which a primary tumor emerges;
factors expressed by the tumor cells, and patient’s an-
amnesis [9].
Recently more attention has been paid to the ef-
fects of cell aging, or the so-called senescence state on
the tumor growth and development [10]. Phenotype of
senescent cell is heterogenous and depends on the type
of the cells subjected to senescence and factors causing
this state. In general, senescence is defined by the irre-
versible arrest of cell cycle, elevated lysosomal activi-
ty, resistance to apoptotic stimuli, enhanced glycolysis,
increased DNA damage, as well as by the increased
secretion of chemokines, cytokines, and growth fac-
tors combined under the name senescence-associated
secretory phenotype (SASP). Through the paracrine
effects on the surrounding cells, SASP could facilitate
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 5 2024
initiation of epithelial-mesenchymal transition [11, 12],
acquiring pluripotency (stemness) by the cells [13, 14],
local tissue invasion [15], angiogenesis [16], fibroblast
activation [17], immunosuppression [18, 19], enhanced
metastasizing [20], and resistance to therapy [21].
Based on the above-mentioned functions, identi-
fication of the senescent cells most often is based on
such markers as enhanced expression of cell cycle in-
hibitors, p16
and p21
[22]; increased activity of
lysosomal β-galactosidase associated with aging [23];
increased content, in comparison with other cells, of
the phosphorylated form of H2AX histone reflecting
presence of DNA damage; cytokines typical of SASP,
such as, IL-6 [24]. It must be mentioned that at present
there is no unique single marker of senescence, and
most often several methods are used to confirm this
cell phenotype.
In addition to spontaneous aging, the therapy-in-
duced aging is often detected in TME. It was shown in
various studies that the classic cytotoxic therapy, tar-
geted therapy, and immunotherapy could induce cell
aging [25]. Under the action of these factors all cell
types in TME could be subjected to senescence and af-
fect tumor cells. However, the tumor-associated mac-
rophages (TAMs), which play an important role in TME
comprising the most prevalent population of immune
cells infiltrating tumor, attract most attention in the
context of senescence [26]. As immune system cells,
they define, to a large extent, immune landscape of the
TME, and could facilitate the disease progression [8].
In particular, it was shown that the presence of TAMs
in a tumor is associated with poor prognosis of the dis-
ease and low efficiency of therapy [27-29]. Despite the
fact that removal or reprogramming of senescent TAMs
seems as a promising approach to increase efficiency
of cancer therapy, up to recent times information on
the phenotype typical for the senescent macrophages
in TME and mechanism underlying its formation was
practically absent. Hence, it seems reasonable to dis-
cuss progress in the area of research associated with
the active search for universal biomarkers of the se-
nescent TAMs and with the recently introduced novel
models for detection of biological effects of this cell
subpopulation on the tumor growth and development.
Same as other types of cells in tumor microenvi-
ronment, TAMs could be subjected to senescence, how-
ever, potential biological mechanisms of appearance
of senescent macrophages in a tumor and their prog-
nostic value are poorly understood [28]. The fact that
the in  vivo and in  vitro phenotypes of the macrophages
from the same type of tumor could differ significantly
complicates investigation of this issue. Moreover, the
heterogeneity of the mechanisms and pleiotropy of
the senescence mediators in tumor diseases is further
complicated by the genetic diversity of human tumors
and complex interactions between the tumor cells and
cells in their microenvironment during oncogenesis
[30]. At the same time, cells in TME could also have
a very heterogenous phenotype. In particular, macro-
phages in  vivo are characterized by the wide spectrum
of subpopulations, in which subpopulation of senes-
cent macrophages seems to be therapeutically signifi-
cant. The features of senescent macrophages allowing
to distinguish them from other subpopulations of mac-
rophages will be described below (figure).
Phenotype of senescent TAMs. To date the fol-
lowing subpopulations of TAMs have been described
the most: proinflammatory M1-like and immunosup-
pressive M2-like macrophages [more detailed descrip-
tion of M1 and M2 macrophages are provided in the
paper by Yurakova etal. [31] in this issue of Biochem-
istry (Moscow) journal]. Phenotype of the senescent
macrophages in the tumor microenvironment could
be assigned neither to the traditional polarization
classes typical for M2 (high expression of Arg1), nor
typical for M1 (high expression of iNOS). Macrophages
in TME could have different phenotypes depending of
the tumor type, nature of therapy, and particular clin-
ical manifestations [32]. Hence, search for the specific
markers allowing selective distinguishing of the senes-
cent macrophages from the other TAMs is an import-
ant task for the development of therapy targeting this
population of the cells. Available data and identified
markers typical for the senescent and M1/M2 macro-
phages are summarized and compared in Table1 [33].
Aging is accompanied by chronic inflammation,
which is manifested by the increase of expression of
SASP components: proinflammatory cytokines IL-1α,
IL-6, and TNF, C-reactive protein, matrix metallopro-
teases MMP-3 and MMP-9 modulating extracellular
matrix, as well as chemokines CXCL-1 and CXCL-10 at-
tracting neutrophils and monocytes, respectively [46,
54]. All these factors could affect tumor cells and their
environment. It was concluded in the recent meta-re-
view by Moss etal. that the markers of proinflamma-
tory (M1) macrophages including CD11c, iNOS, MHC-II,
and CD80 commonly increase with age [55]; however,
it is still unknown how this is associated with the pat-
tern of tumor microenvironment.
Another part of the data is concentrated on the
fact that the senescent macrophages have a M2-like
phenotype. It is generally recognized that the macro-
phages with M2-polarization demonstrate enhanced
expression of arginase-1 (Arg1) involved in arginine
metabolism [33], and facilitate development of the
non-small-cell lung cancer, and their presence in a tu-
mor microenvironment correlates with lower survival
of the patients, increased metastasizing, and enhanced
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 5 2024
Potential markers of senescent TAMs. More universal markers found in different models of tumor genesis are shown on the
left; and characterized TAMs from the lung tumors are shown on the right. Combined increase of the expression of inhibitors of
cyclin-dependent kinases p16
and/or p21
, Arg1, CD206, CXCR1, CD38 is typical for the senescent TAMs, as well as increased
arginine metabolism and glycolysis. SASP of the senescent TAMs is characterized by secreted molecules such as TGF-β, IL-10,
IL-6, TNF, IL-1β, MMP12, TIMP2, CXCL12, CXCL13, HGF. For the lung cancer models the following molecules secreted by the
TAMs were detected: Bmp2, Ccl2, Ccl7, Ccl8, Ccl24, Cxcl13, and Il10. The markers Abca1, Fizz1, Rack1, Mcp-1, Cd40, Cox2 have
been less investigated, but have certain diagnostics potential for identification of senescent macrophages. Created with the
help of
Table 1. Comparison of the markers typical for M1/M2 and senescent macrophages
[8, 34, 37, 38]
[38, 39]
[38, 40]
[38, 41-43]
Senescent macrophages
[8, 44-53]
TNF, IL-6 + + +
IL-10 + + + + +
TGF-β + + +
IL-1 + + +
CD206 + +
ARG1 + + + +
iNOS + + + +/–
MHC-II, CD80 + +/–
CD163 + + +
CD38 + +
Expression of Toll-like
receptors (TLRs)
TLR2/4 TLR1/8
of all TLRs decreases
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 5 2024
proliferation of tumor cells [56, 57]. Moreover, the ag-
ing TAMs also exhibit the M2-like immunosuppressive
phenotype, which was demonstrated in several studies
[8, 34, 37-43]. Gene clusters expressed in the senescent
macrophages from the samples derived from the pa-
tients with refractory bladder cancer were identified
using single-cell transcriptome analysis [27]. Among
those genes, the gene of transforming growth factor
beta (TGF-β) was detected, which is characteristic for
the immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment. Ex-
pression of the aldo-keto reductase B gene (AKR1B1)
was also noted, which plays an important role in in-
flammation and metabolism of various chemotherapy
preparation, as well as in cell differentiation, prolifer-
ation, and apoptosis [28, 58].
Both in humans and in mice the senescent TAMs
demonstrate reduced expression of the molecules of
major histocompatibility complex (MHCII) and of the
Toll-like receptors (TLR) [52], which is accompanied by
the decrease of phagocytic activity [59], efferocytosis,
and autophagy [46]. This also characterizes the aging
macrophages as more immunosuppressive cells de-
spite the enhanced expression of SASP.
New potential markers of the senescent macro-
phages (ABCA1, FIZZ1, RACK1, MCP-1, CD40, COX2) re-
ported in the recent systematic review by Moss etal.
[55] should be also mentioned. It is likely that these
markers also play an important role in the senes-
cence of TAMs. Despite the fact that there is no unique
marker identifying aging cells, overexpression of the
cyclin-dependent kinases p16
and p21
has been
used for a long time as a marker of aging cells invitro
and in  vivo both in mouse and human models [48, 60,
61] including for macrophages [49, 50, 62].
Metabolism of senescent TAMs. In addition to
phenotypic characteristics, functional and metabolic
features of the senescent macrophages also should be
considered. One of the peculiarities of the senescent
cells is preservation of metabolic activity supporting
SASP program and other specific functions despite the
arrest of cell cycle [63]. As a rule, accumulation of dys-
functional mitochondria occurs in the senescent im-
mune calls, as well as activation of glycolysis instead
of oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS), which leads to
bioenergetic imbalance [64].
Similar metabolic adaptations are typical for the
proinflammatory M1 macrophages, which predominate-
ly use glycolysis and demonstrate reduced OXPHOS,
while the alternatively activated M2 macrophages de-
pend mostly on OXPHOS [65, 66]. From the functional
point of view enhanced glucose metabolism in TAMs
is required for synthesis of various molecules involved
in SASP, in particular, it facilitates enhanced secretion
of cathepsin-B by macrophages and tumor progression
[63, 67, 68]. Interestingly enough, metabolic adapta-
tions of other types of senescent cells could be differ-
ent from the adaptations in the senescent TAMs. For
example, increase of oxidative phosphorylation is typi-
cal for the senescent endothelial cells [69], hepatocytes
[70, 71], β-cells in diabetes [72, 73], and hematopoietic
stem cells [74]. However, increase of glycolysis is more
typical for the senescent macrophages. Inhibition of
this metabolic pathway could potentially be an ap-
proach for senolytic therapy [75].
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) is pres-
ent in an organism in an oxidized (NAD
) and reduced
state (NADH). NAD is an important coenzyme for re-
dox reactions, which plays one of the key roles in the
energy metabolism [76], and also is a substrate for sir-
tuins, PARP1, and ectoenzymes CD38 and CD157 [77].
Numerous studies have shown that NAD
levels de-
crease with age [78]. It has also been shown that the
monocytes and macrophages of elderly patients have
reduced respiratory capacity due to insufficient level
of NAD [64].
Activation of CD38 during aging could lead to in-
creased signalling by NF-κB in macrophages [53, 79],
which facilitates induction of the SASP factors ex-
pression [80]. The SASP factors, such as IL-6 secreted
in the tumor microenvironment, could activate the
expression of CD38 in macrophages [63]. The ectoen-
zymes CD38 and CD157, in turn, can hydrolyse NAD
in tumour tissues and release extracellular adenosine,
which is involved in immunosuppression [81]. Hence,
aging cells expressing CD38 could initiate loss of NAD
which could lead to an increase of the number of se-
nescent cells through the effects of SASP factors via
the positive feedback mechanism.
The NF-κB signaling and the level of mitochondri-
al Ca
) play an important role in regulation of
inflammatory response, induction of the SASP pheno-
type, and polarization of macrophages [82]. Association
between the NF-κB signaling and calcium metabolism
was observed during analysis of 700 human transcrip-
tomes. This analysis revealed that age correlates with
the expression of the mitochondrial calcium uniporter
gene (MCU) and its regulatory subunit MICU1. These
genes play an important role in the transmission of
signals [47].
Pathogenic effects of senescent macrophages on
growth and development of tumors in the non-small
cell lung cancer models were demonstrated in the re-
cent year. Haston et al. established a mouse model,
p16-FDR, which allowed to establish that TAMs and,
to a lesser degree, endothelial cells comprise the main
pool of senescent cells populating the KRAS-induced
lung tumors [8]. Removal of the p16
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 5 2024
Table 2. Main senolytics currently used
Senolytic/Senomorphic Mechanism of action Effect on senescent macrophages References
Dasatinib + Quercetin
inhibition of Src/Abl
HIF-1α, PI3-kinase
exerts effects [84, 85]
ABT-263 (Navitoclax) inhibition of proteins of Bcl-2 family exerts effects [86]
ABT-737 inhibition of proteins of Bcl-2 family exerts effects [8]
Venetoclax proteins of Bcl-2 family not investigated [87]
Fisetin PTEN-mTor cascade exerts effects [88]
SR12343 inhibitor of NF-Kb not investigated [89, 90]
Apigenin IRAK1/IκBα/NF-κB not investigated [91, 92]
Cardiac glycosides mainly inhibitors of Na
-ATPase not investigated [93-95]
cells using senolytic approaches was shown to pro-
long survival and inhibit tumor growth [8, 83]. Senes-
cent TAMs in the p16-FDR model demonstrated the
phenotype and also expressed numer-
ous tumor-stimulating SASP factors, which were found
to be unique to the tumors formed in the lungs (Bmp2,
Ccl2, Ccl7, Ccl8, Ccl24, Cxcl13, and Il10), and not typical
for the previously described classic SASP factors such
as Tnf, Mcp1, Il6, Il1b Il7, Mmp12, Timp2, Cxcl-12/13,
Hgf) [8, 50, 51]. The study by Haston etal. [8] became a
key study in the field of senescent macrophages in tu-
mors, as there was no clear understanding of whether
the macrophages actually had senescent cells proper-
ties. Interestingly enough, the macrophage phenotype
similar to that one observed in the KRAS-induced lung
tumors in mice was also found in the old mice at the
age of 20-22 months.
A previously established transgenic mouse line
(INK-ATTAC) [29] was used in the study by Prieto
et al. Using SCA, the authors found with the help of
SCA a population of senescent alveolar macrophages
localized in the tissues of old
mice and in lung tumors. The SIGLEC
subpopulation promoted adenoma formation and in-
hibited proliferation and tumor infiltration with the
lymphocytes. Targeted depletion of the p16
senescent cells in the INK-ATTAC model prevented de-
velopment of negative effects mediated by the senes-
cent cells in TME, and slowed down oncogenesis in the
KRAS mice [29].
The studies by Prieto etal. [29] and Haston etal.
[8] show that the strategy involving removal of senes-
cent macrophages from the TME has an anti-tumor po-
tential. This approach could be suggested as an adju-
vant therapy for treatment of oncological diseases.
A new class of drugs, the senolytics have been
suggested as agents for selective removal of senescent
cells. Information on the most popular and widely
used senolytics is presented in Table2. Some of them
have already been approved for clinical use in the
treatment of various diseases, hence, so their repur-
posing for senolytic therapy could occur within a short
period of time, and such preparations might be used
for reprogramming of tumor microenvironment in the
cancer patients in the nearest future.
In the final section of the review, we consider im-
portant to summarize existing approaches to model-
ing of TAMs and discuss whether some of the models
could be used to model senescent TAMs. In particular,
the following in  vitro approaches have been suggested
in the literature: association of the primary macro-
phages or cell lines with the tumor adding tumor-cell
conditioned medium [96], co-cultivation, cultivation in
a Transwell® system [33, 97], isolation of TAMs direct-
ly from tumor tissues and their following in  vitro culti-
vation [98-100].
Human TAMs in  vitro. The most popular approach
is based on the use of transformed human monocytic
cell lines such as THP-1 and U937 after stimulation
with phorbol-myristate-acetate. The obtained mac-
rophages are cultivated in a tumor-cell conditioned
medium [101], in some cases factors facilitating de-
velopment of the M2-like phenotype (IL-4 and IL-10)
are added [102]. This approach helps with the model
standardization; however, this approach has several
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 5 2024
drawbacks for investigation of senescent TAMs such
as initial priming of the cells in the direction of the
M2-like phenotype, which limits the possibilities for
monitoring changes in the transcription and metabolic
profiles in this particular model in response to associa-
tion with tumor and following induction of aging.
Another method for creation of human TAMs is
based on obtaining macrophage precursors from the
human peripheral blood by cultivation in the presence
of human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating
factor (GM-CSF) followed by activation with IFN-g, LPS
for M1, while for obtaining of M2 and TAMs macro-
phages are differentiated in the medium containing
human macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF)
followed by stimulation with IL-4 [103].
It is worth noting that the 2D in  vitro system, in
which TAMs are prepared by adding tumor-cell con-
ditioned medium directly to macrophages, is often
insufficient to detect changes associated with the se-
nescent macrophages. In particular, only co-cultivation
of macrophages with tumor cells in the study by Enu-
kashvily etal. [104] allowed detecting transcription of
pericentromeric satellite repeats HS2/HS3, which are
likely to be associated with aging. These differences
demonstrate importance of direct intercellular interac-
tions between the cells of microenvironment and tu-
mor cells, which is also important to consider during
selection of the model of TAMs.
Mouse TAMs in  vitro. It is our opinion that the
in  vitro models of human and mice TAMs have a
number of fundamental differences. In particular,
the main approach to generate mouse TAMs in  vitro
is based on the use of bone marrow-derived macro-
phages (BMDM). Two possible methods of macrophage
differentiation for modelling mouse TAMs have been
described for mouse TAMs modeling in the litera-
ture: (i) by addition of mouse M-CSF (M-CSF-BMDM);
(ii)by addition of a medium conditioned by the L929
(LCCM) cell line (LCCM-BMDM) [31]. In addition to
M-CSF, LCCM contains chemerin (Rarres2), factor in-
hibiting migration of macrophages (Mif), osteopontin,
Ccl7, Ccl2, Cxcl1, Cx3cl1, Ccl9, Gerem1, and Tgf-β [105].
Macrophages generated by these two methods differ
in a number of parameters, which has been described
previously; the differences were observed both in the
case of stimulation with LPS and in the non-activat-
ed state. The LCCM-BMDM secrete Tnf, Il-6, and Il-12
at lower levels after LPS stimulation compared to the
M-CSF-BMDM, show increase of glycolysis indicators,
have larger mitochondrial mass with high percent of
dysfunctional mitochondria. Secretion of Il-10 by the
non-activated LCCM-BMDM has been demonstrated in
comparison to M-CSF-BMDM [106]. This has to be tak-
en in consideration when working with the senescent
TAMs models in  vitro, as the increase of the Il10 ex-
pression in macrophages in the course of inflammato-
ry processes has been described as one of the changes
associated with aging [55].
The models investigating interactions of TAMs
with tumor microenvironment in  vitro provide sev-
eral clear advantages despite being artificial to a cer-
tain degree. In particular, this approach enables less
labor-consuming experimental design, is low-cost, and
provides the possibility to perform high throughput
screening of large libraries of chemical compounds
with the goal of identification of novel medicinal
preparations allowing to decrease negative properties
of TAMs and to increase their anti-tumor activity.
In recent years investigations of tumor microen-
vironment using cultivation of tumor organoids have
been actively developing. This approach occupies an
intermediate position between the studies of the role
of TAMs in  vitro and in  vivo; while this approach re-
mains relatively simple and cost-effective, it allows ef-
fective modeling of complex three-dimensional inter-
actions of TAMs with extracellular matrix and various
types of cells in TME [107]. Considering rapid progress
in this area, it could be expected that the experimen-
tal protocols involving cultivation of organoids will
become very popular in the nearest future.
Study of TAMs in  vivo. Experimental laboratory
animal models of oncogenesis using predominantly
mouse models remain the gold standard for the study
of TAMs. Supplemented with success in single-cell se-
quencing (single-cell analysis, SCA) and SCA data on
different signatures of TAMs derived ex  vivo from the
biopsies of cancer patients, this approach allows re-
ceiving most accurate results and expand our knowl-
edge on the role of macrophages at different stages of
oncogenesis [108-111]. In the section devoted to the ef-
fects of senescent TAMs on tumor progression, success-
ful examples of creating and using in  vivo models to
study senescent TAMs have been presented [29]. Data
on characteristics of these mouse models and a num-
ber of other promising in  vivo
models for the study of
senescence are summarized in Table  3. Information
presented in the Table  3 could help the interested re-
searchers with selection of an appropriate experimen-
tal model [8, 29, 48, 62, 98-100, 112, 113].
Acquiring senescent phenotype by the cells of tu-
mor environment including TAMs could significantly
affect tumor progression and its resistance to mod-
ern anti-tumor therapies. Senescent modality of TAMs
does not totally fit to the presently existing function-
al classification of macrophages such as M1/M2 po-
larization. Number of studies devoted to analysis of
tumor microenvironment at the level of single cells
is increasing exponentially; furthermore, novel and
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 5 2024
Table 3. Mouse models for investigating senescence
of the mouse
Reporter system
(color of senescent cells)
for removal
of senescent cells
of the system
BAC transgene;
reporter cassette
under control
of p16
(red, ex584/em607)
+ ganciclovir
only cell
removal –
p16-Cre and
of the cassette
into the last exon
STOP codon
(green, ex484/em510)
for p16-CREERt2
of the CreERT2 gene
into the first exon
of p16
(orange, ex554/em581)
Tamoxifen +
+ diphtheria
attP transgene;
reporter cassette
under control
of the minimal
(orange, ex554/em581);
or (green, ex484/em510)
Tamoxifen [48]
reporter cassette
under control
of the minimal
promoter p16
(green, ex488/em507)
only cell
removal –
[29, 116]
of the cassette into
the last exon
the STOP codon;
Rosa26 frt-STOP-frt-EGFP
(green, ex488/em507)
or DTR-mCherry
(red, ex587/em610)
only cell
removal –
Note. HSV-TK, herpes simple virus thymidine kinase gene; DTA, diphtheria toxin A gene; DTR, diphtheria toxin receptor
gene; LPo, optimized flippase-recombinase gene; mTmG, loxP-tdTomato-STOP-loxP-GFP; FKBP–Casp8–FK506-binding-protein
caspase8 gene.
improved in  vivo models for investigation of senes-
cent TAMs have been suggested in recent years. All
this would facilitate detailed characterization of this
subpopulation of myeloid cells in tumors and expand
our understanding of the role of senescent TAMs in
oncogenesis in the nearest future. We hope that the
progress in methodology of investigation of senescent
TAMs discussed in this review will help the readers to
select appropriate strategy in investigation of various
aspects of tumor growth. Senescent TAMs, as a sepa-
rate population of cells, deserves special attention of
the researchers; the recently introduced new class of
therapeutic preparations, senolytics, which limit nega-
tive effects of the senescent cells by changing the frac-
tion of senescent cells in the tumor microenvironment,
could increase significantly efficiency of various anti-
cancer therapies.
Acknowledgments. The authors are grateful to
Drutskaya Marina Sergeevna for valuable discussions
and advices.
Contributions. T.V.P., O.N.D., conceptualization;
T.V.P., D.A.B., wrote the manuscript; T.V.P., D.A.B., visu-
alization; O.N.D., D.A.B., T.R.U., T.V.P., edited the manu-
script. All authors have read and agreed to the pub-
lished version of the manuscript.
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 5 2024
Funding. This work was financially supported by
the Russian Science Foundation (grant 19-75-20128).
Work of T. V. Pukhalskaia and D. A.  Bogdanova was
in part supported by the Ministry of Science and High-
er Education of the Russian Federation (Agreement
no.075-10-2021-093; Project NIR-IMB-2102).
Ethics declarations. This work does not contain
any studies involving human and animal subjects.
Theauthors of this work declare that they have nocon-
flicts of interest.
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