ISSN 0006-2979, Biochemistry (Moscow), 2024, Vol. 89, No. 5, pp. 912-922 © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2024.
Lymphocyte Phosphatase-Associated Phosphoprotein
(LPAP) as a CD45 Protein Stability Regulator
Natalia A. Kruglova
, Dmitriy V. Mazurov
, and Alexander V. Filatov
Center for Precision Genome Editing and Genetic Technologies for Biomedicine,
Institute of Gene Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences, 119334 Moscow, Russia
National Research Center Institute of Immunology,
Federal Medical Biological Agency of Russia, 115522 Moscow, Russia
Department of Immunology, Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119234 Moscow, Russia
Received November 5, 2023
Revised January 14, 2024
Accepted January 16, 2024
AbstractLymphocyte phosphatase-associated phosphoprotein (LPAP) is a binding partner of the phosphatase
CD45, but its function remains poorly understood. Its close interaction with CD45 suggests that LPAP may po-
tentially regulate CD45, but direct biochemical evidence for this has not yet been obtained. We found that in the
Jurkat lymphoid cells the levels of LPAP and CD45 proteins are interrelated and well correlated with each other.
Knockout of LPAP leads to the decrease in the surface expression of CD45, while its overexpression, on the con-
trary, caused its increase. No such correlation was found in the non-lymphoid K562 cells. We hypothesize that
LPAP regulates expression level of CD45 and thus can affect lymphocyte activation.
DOI: 10.1134/S0006297924050110
Keywords: LPAP, CD45, Tcell receptor, lymphocyte activation
Abbreviations: KO, knockout; LPAP, lymphocyte phosphatase-associated phosphoprotein; mKO, monoclonal culture with
knockout of the gene of interest; pKO, polyclonal culture with knockout of the gene of interest; PMA, phorbol-12-myri-
state-13-acetate; TCR,Tcell antigen-specific receptor.
* To whom correspondence should be addressed.
Lymphocyte phosphatase-associated phosphopro-
tein (LPAP) was first described as a molecule bound to
the phosphatase CD45 [1]. CD45 protein plays an im-
portant role in lymphocyte activation, and it has been
studied quite well [2]. LPAP, unlike its partner, has not
been thoroughly studied. LPAP has no homologues in
the human proteome and its function is still unknown.
There is only indirect evidence of its role in T  cell ac-
tivation and B cell development [3]. Close association
of LPAP with the CD45 phosphatase and its multiple
phosphorylation, including the ERK-dependent Ser-163
phosphorylation, suggest that this protein is a partic-
ipant of the activation cascade [4,  5]. The CD45 mol-
ecule is able to regulate the Lck kinase required to
trigger activation cascade of lymphocytes after stim-
ulation of the T  cell antigen-specific receptor (TCR).
Byinteracting with CD45, LPAP can affect signal trans-
duction from the TCR in lymphocytes.
Formation of a tight complex between LPAP and
CD45 suggests that these proteins are functionally re-
lated. Since LPAP does not have phosphorylated ty-
rosines, it is not a direct substrate of CD45 phospha-
tase, which dephosphorylates only modified tyrosines.
There is some evidence that LPAP prevents formation
of CD45 dimers, which are characterized by lower
phosphatase activity than the monomeric form, and,
thus, indirectly regulates activity of CD45 [6].
Several observations have shown that the CD45
molecule is important for maintaining stability of
LPAP and its mouse homolog CD45-AP. First, in the lym-
phoid cell lines with knockdown of the phosphatase
CD45, the LPAP protein is synthesized, but is rapidly
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 5 2024
degraded [1]. Second, in the T cell line experiments
with induced CD45 expression, it was established that
accumulation of the LPAP protein begins only after ac-
tivation of the CD45 synthesis [7]. Knockdown of CD45
by shRNA reduces the level of LPAP protein [8]. Data
on the reverse effect of LPAP on CD45 are limited and
contradictory. In the lymphocytes of two LPAP-knock-
out mouse models, the level of CD45 was reduced [9,
10]. In the third LPAP knockout mouse line, this effect
was not observed [11], as well as in the Jurkat cells
with LPAP knockdown [12].
Some data indicate that the effects of CD45 on the
level of LPAP protein are carried out at the post-tran-
scriptional level [1,  13]. The Jurkat WT (CD45
) and
J45.01 (CD45
) cells have high levels of LPAP mRNA,
but the protein is detected only in the wild type Jurkat
cells. When the construct encoding CD45 was trans-
fected into the J45.01 cells, the level of LPAP protein
was restored [1]. Transcriptional analysis of the CD45
and CD45
variants of T cells has shown that produc-
tion of LPAP and CD45 mRNAs are regulated inde-
pendently [13].
Thus, the body of published data indicates exis-
tence of a relationship between the LPAP and CD45
protein levels. We have suggested that LPAP acts as
a chaperone for CD45 that controls stability and lev-
el of the CD45 protein. Jurkat cells with the CD45 or
LPAP knockouts and a series of cell lines with differ-
ent levels of the LPAP protein were produced to test
this assumption. These cell lines showed correlation
between the LPAP and CD45 protein levels. Existence
of correlation was confirmed in the clonal and poly-
clonal populations. Our results suggest that the LPAP
function could involve regulation of the CD45 expres-
sion in the cell.
Cell culture, antibodies, and flow cytometry.
Jurkat and K562 cells were cultivated in a RPMI-1640
medium supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum,
4  mM L-glutamine, and gentamicin (80  mg/liter) (Pane-
co, Russia) at 37°C in a humidified atmosphere contain-
ing 5%  CO
. Mouse monoclonal antibodies CL7 (IgG2a,
anti-LPAP), LT45 (IgG2a, anti-CD45), EC101 (IgG1, anti-
CD59), MC7E7 (IgG1, anti-CD98) were produced previ-
ously in our laboratory [4]. Antibodies CD69-PE (Bio-
Legend, USA), OKT3 (eBioscience, USA), anti-Flag M2
(Sigma, USA) were also used.
For intracellular staining, 1 ml of PBS contain-
ing 1% paraformaldehyde was added to the cell pellet
and cells were incubated for 10  min at room tempera-
ture. The cells were next washed twice in PBS, the cell
pellet was resuspended in a permeabilization buffer
(PBS containing 0.1% saponin, 0.1% BSA, 0.05% NaN
The cells in the permeabilization buffer were mixed
with the antibody CL7-Alexa 594 or LT45-Alexa 594
and incubated for 30min, then the cells were washed
twice in the permeabilization buffer. Surface stain-
ing and washing were carried out in PBS. The stained
cells were analyzed with a CytoFLEXS flow cytometer
(Beckman Coulter, USA). The cells were sorted using
FACSAriaII (Becton Dickinson Biosciences, USA).
Generation of Jurkat cell lines with a double-
nicking knockout of LPAP or CD45 using CRISPR/Cas9
method. Two target sequences for PTPRCAP and PTPRC
genes encoding LPAP and CD45, respectively, were select-
ed using the online
resource [14]. Oligonucleotides were synthesized in
the company Evrogen (Russia) (table).
Oligonucleotides were annealed and cloned
into a pKS-gRNA-BB vector at the BbsI restriction site
[15,  16]. To perform knockout, Jurkat cells (1.5 ×  10
were transfected using a Neon electroporation sys-
tem (Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA) according to the
manufacturers protocol. Electroporation mixture in a
buffer R contained 0.5 μg of plasmids encoding guide
RNAs gR-LPAP-1 and gR-LPAP-3 for LPAP knockout or
gRNA-CD45-1 and gRNA-CD45-2 for CD45 knockout, and
3 μg plasmids pcDNA3.3-Cas9 D10A (#41816, Addgene,
USA). In the case of LPAP knockout, cells were seed-
ed into a 96-well plate 24  h after transfection, tested
for LPAP expression three weeks later, and knockout
clones were selected. In the case of CD45 knockout, 5
days after transfection, CD45 expression in the cells
was assessed, and the CD45-negative population was
expanded and sorted.
Generation of LPAP knockout Jurkat cell lines
using the SORTS method. Knockout was performed
using the SORTS (Surface Oligopeptide knock-in for
Rapid Target Selection) method [17]. Briefly, principle
of the method was as follows. Using CRISPR/Cas9 tech-
nology, a short DNA construct was inserted into the
gene of the target protein (a process also called knock-
in), which blocked expression of the endogenous pro-
tein. At the same time, in the knockout cells, a marker
peptide was expressed on the plasma membrane. Pres-
ence of a label made it possible to select cells with a
knockout, and the use of two labels made it possible to
select cells with a knockout of two alleles. For this pur-
pose, two oligonucleotides with homology arms were
synthesized in the Evrogen company: 5′-2A-LPAP and
3′-2A-LPAP (table).
The resulting oligonucleotides were used as prim-
ers to obtain donor DNA. Plasmids pUCHR-mClover-
AID-P2A-CD5HA2-bglpA and pUCHR-mClover-AID-P2A-
CD5Flag2-bglpA, intended for introducing into the cell
genome constructs encoding the HA or Flag peptide
tag, respectively, were used as templates for PCR [17].
PCR products were run on a 1% agarose gel, a frag-
ment of approximately 450  bp was excised, and then
KRUGLOVA et al.914
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 5 2024
Oligonucleotides for PTPRCAP and PTPRC gRNAs
Name Sequence
Note. Sequences of homology arms are underlined, and regions of complementarity to the template plasmid are highlight-
ed in bold.
isolated from the gel using a GeneJET Gel Extraction
Kit (#K0692, Thermo Fisher Scientific) according to the
manufacturers instructions. Product concentrations
were measured using a NanoDrop-2000 spectropho-
tometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific).
To perform knockout, Jurkat cells (1.5 ×  10
) were
transfected using a Neon electroporation system as
described above. Electroporation mixture in a buffer
R contained 0.5  μg of plasmids encoding guide RNAs
gR-LPAP-1 and gR-LPAP-3, 3 μg of plasmid pcDNA3.3-
Cas9 D10A (#41816, Addgene), 0.4 μg of a donor DNA
(purified PCR product, see above) encoding the HA tag,
and 0.7  μg of a donor DNA encoding the Flag-tag. Five
days after transfection, cells were tested for effective-
ness of mono- and biallelic knockin based on expres-
sion of HA and Flag epitope tags using flow cytometry.
Cells were expanded and several rounds of positive
population sorting were performed. For simplicity, the
resulting cells were designated as LPAP
Generation of cell lines with stable expression
of LPAP. HEK293T cells were seeded at 0.1 million per
well of a 24-well plate, and after a day of cultivation,
transfection was performed using a Lipofectamine
2000 reagent (Invitrogen, USA). For this, three plas-
mids were used: 0.87  μg of a HIV-1 packaging vector
pCMVΔ8.2R (#12263, Addgene), 1.3 μg of a pUCHR-LPAP-
wt transfer vector, 0.27 μg of a pCMV VSVG plasmid
(#  8454, Addgene), encoding protein G from vesicular
stomatitis virus. After 6  h, the medium was changed;
after 48 hours, the supernatant was collected and fil-
tered through a 0.45-μm filter. For transduction, target
cells were seeded at 0.1 million per well of a 24-well
plate and 250  μl of supernatant containing lentivirus
was added. After 2 days, transduction efficiency was
assessed using flow cytometry. The pool of transduced
cells was cloned, and the clones were tested using flow
Cell activation. Cells were activated by adding
10  ng/ml phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA, Sigma,
USA) followed by 4  h cultivation. Alternatively, cells
were activated by culturing for 24 h in plates with
wells pre-coated with anti-CD3 antibody OKT3 (eBio-
science, USA) at a concentration of 0.1 to 10  μg/ml. Ac-
tivation was stopped by adding cold PBS to the cells.
Immunoprecipitation. Cells were suspended in
a cold lysis buffer containing 1%  (w/v)  Triton X-100,
20  mM  Tris-HCl (pH  8.0), 150  mM  NaCl, 5  mM  EDTA,
1  mM phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, 10  mM  NaF, and
1  mM sodium orthovanadate (all reagents from Merck,
USA). After 30 min of incubation on ice, nuclei and in-
soluble cell membranes were removed by centrifuga-
tion for 30  min at 4°C (20,000g). Immunoprecipitation
was performed using CL7 or LT45 antibody covalently
immobilized on an AffiGel-Hz carrier (Bio-Rad, USA).
Immunoprecipitates were washed three times in a ly-
sis buffer, the protein was eluted in a sample buffer
for SDS-PAGE (62.5 mM  Tris-HCl, pH  6.8, 10%  glycerol,
2%  SDS, 1%  2-mercaptoethanol, and 0.05%  bromophe-
nol blue) by heating for 5min at 80°C.
Electrophoresis and Western blotting (WB).
Eluted proteins were separated using electrophoresis
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 5 2024
in 10 or 18% polyacrylamide gel in the presence of so-
dium dodecyl sulfate (SDS-PAGE) under reducing con-
ditions in a Laemmli buffer system. After SDS-PAGE,
proteins were transferred to a PVDF membrane using
a semi-dry method. The membrane was blocked with
5%  dry skim milk in PBS supplemented with 0.1%
Tween20. Antigens were detected using primary and
then secondary antibodies against mouse IgG labeled
with horseradish peroxidase (GE Healthcare, USA).
The signal was detected with a ChemiDoc XRS System
(Bio-Rad) using chemiluminescence reagents from
Millipore (USA).
Statistical data processing. For statistical analy-
sis and data visualization, the GraphPad Prism8 pro-
gram (GraphPad Software, USA) was used. Data were
compared using a one-sample t-test. Results are shown
as a mean  ±  standard deviation (SD). Correlation was
assessed using the nonparametric Spearman test.
Levels of LPAP and CD45 proteins decrease in
the absence of the partner protein. It was previously
found that in the absence of CD45 phosphatase, the lev-
el of LPAP in the cell decreases [1]. At the same time,
data on the reverse effect of LPAP on CD45 expression
are contradictory. In order to evaluate mutual influ-
ence of these two proteins, we generated the CD45 or
LPAP knockout Jurkat cell lines using the CRISPR/Cas9
It was found that in the CD45 knockout Jurkat
T  cell line, the level of LPAP was only 10% of the amount
of the protein in the parental line, which correspond-
ed to the level of autofluorescence of the wild-type
cells (Fig.1,a,b). To examine relationship between the
LPAP and CD45 expression in more detail, we gener-
ated a panel of the Jurkat LPAP
sublines using two
Fig. 1. Levels of LPAP and CD45 proteins decrease in the absence of a partner protein. a)Representative cytograms of LPAP ex-
pression on the wild-type (WT) Jurkat cells, as well as on the CD45
cells. b)LPAP expression based on the results of
testing 7 CD45
clones; c, d) Expression of CD45 and “irrelevant” proteins CD59 and CD98 in the Jurkat LPAP
(c) or LPAP
cultures. Protein expression levels of LPAP, CD45, CD59 and CD98 were determined using flow cytometry. Normalized CD45 ex-
pression level was compared with a reference value of 100 using a one-sample Student’s t-test(b). To compare protein levels in
the wild-type and knockout cells, ANOVA was used with posthoc analysis using Tukey’s test (c, d). ****p<0.0001.
KRUGLOVA et al.916
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 5 2024
different approaches. First, we used the “tradition-
al” method of knocking out the LPAP gene using the
CRISPR/Cas9 technology, and after subsequent cloning
we obtained a series of monoclonal cultures of Jur-
kat LPAP
(hereinafter referred to as LPAP
). And
next, using the recently developed SORTS method [18],
we obtained a polyclonal Jurkat population with the
knockout of LPAP (hereinafter referred to as LPAP
The second approach has some advantages. Firstly, the
Jurkat cell line is heterogeneous, and when working
with individual clones of this line, there is a high risk
that the observed phenotype is due to characteristics
of a particular clone, and not to the experimental im-
pact. Secondly, it has been shown that the cell clones
can be very different from both the parental popula-
tion and polyclonal population of the sorted knockout
cells due to consolidation of the off-target genomic
changes [17-19].
In all Jurkat LPAP
cultures, the CD45 expres-
sion was reduced to 30% of the wild-type level (Fig.1c).
The CD45 level in the Jurkat LPAP
cells was 37% of
the CD45 level in the wild-type cells (Fig. 1d). Agree-
ment between the data obtained for the individual
clones and for the polyclonal population allows us to
exclude contribution of interclonal variability to the
observed phenotype. As a control, we used the CD59
and CD98 molecules as “irrelevant” proteins, for which
there is no data on their interaction with LPAP. The level
of “irrelevant” proteins CD59 and CD98 also decreased,
but to a significantly lesser extent than CD45 (Fig.  1c;
p <  0.0001). This indicates specific nature of the decrease
in the CD45 protein level in the LPAP knockout cells.
CD45 expression correlates with the level of
LPAP. After we discovered that the LPAP knockout
resulted in the decrease in the CD45 protein level, we
decided to investigate whether restoration of the level
of LPAP in the cells could increase the phosphatase ex-
pression. For this purpose, we selected one of the Jur-
kat LPAP
clones and introduced the gene encoding
into it using stable lentiviral transduction. The
resulting population was then cloned and the effect of
restoration of the expression of LPAP and CD45 pro-
teins was assessed using flow cytometry. When testing
21 Jurkat subclones, we found high level of correlation
between the CD45 and LPAP expression (Spearman
correlation coefficient r =  0.77, p <  0.0001) (Fig.  2a).
In contrast, for the clones tested, there was no signif-
icant correlation between the LPAP expression and
expression of the irrelevant protein CD98 (r = 0.02)
(Fig.2b). As an additional control, we used the Jurkat
WT clones, in which there was also no correlation be-
tween the levels of LPAP and CD45 (Fig.  2c). This con-
trol shows that the correlation shown in Fig.2a is not
the result of a cloning procedure.
Since the described result was shown in the cells
derived from a single Jurkat LPAP
clone and could
be due to characteristics of the randomly selected clone,
we decided to verify the results with the data obtained
from a polyclonal knockout. For this purpose, the gene
encoding LPAP
, or the GFP gene in the control sam-
ple, was introduced into the Jurkat LPAP
cells by
lentiviral transduction. During transduction, three in-
creasing doses of the virus were used (#1, #2, #3), after
which expression of LPAP and CD45 in the resulting
cultures was analyzed using flow cytometry. With in-
crease of the LPAP level (Fig.2d), the amount of CD45
in the cells also increased (Fig.  2,  e,  f). Difference be-
tween the levels of surface and total CD45 observed
in the pKO cells did not change upon re-expression
of LPAP (Fig.  2e). This indicates that in the absence
of LPAP, CD45 is degraded and is not retained and ac-
cumulated in the vesicular system of the cell.
In the cells with enhanced LPAP expression
the CD45 level increases. In the previous step, we
found correlation between the LPAP and CD45 levels
in the Jurkat cells with the LPAP levels ranging from
0% to 100% and CD45 levels ranging from 30% to
100%, relative to their endogenous expression levels.
However, the question arises whether this correla-
tion would persist with further increase in the level
of LPAP in the cells. Using lentiviral transduction, a
construct containing the LPAP-Flag-IRES-GFP cassette
was introduced into the Jurkat cells. After two rounds
of GFP
cell sorting, the level of LPAP increased mark-
edly (Fig.  3a). In order to distinguish between the
endogenous LPAP and exogenous LPAP-Flag, electro-
phoresis was performed in the 18% PAAG. Increase
in the intensity of the band with the increased mo-
lecular weight was observed, which corresponded to
the LPAP protein with the Flag peptide tag, compared
with the intensity of the endogenous LPAP bands
We hypothesized that in the Jurkat lymphoid cells
there is a special mechanism for homeostatic regula-
tion of LPAP levels, which cannot be bypassed by len-
tiviral transduction. Then we took the K562 cells of the
erythromyeloid lineage, which carry CD45 on the sur-
face, but are practically devoid of the endogenous LPAP
(MFI  =  3000). After lentiviral transduction, the K562
cells expressed high levels of LPAP-Flag (MFI  =  116,000)
(Fig.  3c). At the same time, the CD45 protein level also
increased 3.1-fold (Fig.  3d). Thus, both the increased
LPAP expression and its ectopic expression led to the
increased CD45 expression.
LPAP knockout reduces CD3-induced expres-
sion of the activation molecule CD69. One of the ear-
ly manifestations of T cell activation is upregulation of
the CD69 protein exposure on the plasma membrane.
In order to evaluate possible contribution of LPAP to
intracellular signal transduction, we compared expres-
sion of the CD69 molecule on the Jurkat WT and Jurkat
cells upon activation with PMA or antibodies
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 5 2024
Fig. 2. CD45 levels correlate with LPAP protein levels. a,b)Correlation between the levels of LPAP and CD45(a) or LPAP and
CD98(b) in the Jurkat LPAP
clones with LPAP
re-expression. c)Correlation between LPAP and CD45 levels in the Jurkat
clones; d,e) LPAP (d) and CD45 (e) levels in the Jurkat LPAP
cells stably transduced with the increasing doses of
virus to re-express LPAP
(#1, #2, #3) or express GFP. LPAP expression is normalized to the expression in the Jurkat LPAP
cells. ForCD45, values are shown for the surface (sCD45) and total (tCD45) levels. f)Correlation between LPAP and CD45 levels
in the Jurkat LPAP
clones stably transfected with LPAP
. Expression levels were determined from MFI values, which were
normalized to the Jurkat WT mean expression after subtracting the background level in the Jurkat CD45
or Jurkat LPAP
cells. Individual values as well as mean values ±SD are shown. Normalized expression level of LPAP in the transduced cells
was compared with the value of zero in the GFP-expressing cells using a one-sample Student’s t-test(d). ANOVA with posthoc
analysis using Tukey’s test was used to compare surface(s) and total(t) CD45 levels in the Jurkat LPAP
cells and transducers.
***p<0.001, ****p<0.0001. Mean values for LPAP and sCD45 levels from(e) were used to calculate the correlation(f).
against the CD3 receptor. When stimulated with PMA,
the pKO cells expressed 40% less CD69 molecules than
the wild-type cells (Fig.4a). We then used a more phys-
iological stimulus, CD3 cross-linking using the OKT3
antibody. Since the CD69 expression on the OKT3-ac-
tivated Jurkat cells has a bimodal distribution (Fig.4b,
left panel), we compared the LPAP knockout cells and
the wild-type cells by two parameters: percentage of
the activated cells and MFI of the CD69
cells from the
population with high level of CD69 (gating to the corre-
sponding populations is shown in Fig.4b, middle and
right panels).
KRUGLOVA et al.918
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 5 2024
Fig. 3. In the cells with enhanced expression of LPAP, the level of CD45 increases. a,b)Level of LPAP protein was analyzed in
the Jurkat and Jurkat LPAP-Flag cell lines after the first and second sorting (sort1 and sort2). Cells were lysed, LPAP or CD45
proteins were isolated by immunoprecipitation (IP), samples were separated by electrophoresis on a 12%(a) or 18%(b) gel, and
Western blotting was performed with the indicated antibodies. The lower blot(b) was stained with antibodies against Flag and
LPAP. The LPAP and LPAP-Flag bands are indicated by arrows. c,d)Expression of LPAP and CD45 on the surface of wild-type
K562 cells, as well as of the cells stably transduced with LPAP-Flag.
Jurkat cells are characterized by low level of CD3
expression, which is detected only on some cells. Wehy-
pothesize that these CD3
cells respond to stimulation
with the OKT3 antibody, resulting in the bimodal dis-
tribution of CD69. When activated via CD3, a significant
difference between the Jurkat WT and LPAP
was observed in the samples with high concentration of
OKT3 (1 and 10  μg/ml). Moreover, in the case of the pKO
population, almost all cells were activated, but the lev-
el of CD69 on them was reduced compared to the wild-
type cells (Fig.  4b, left panel). This difference could be
due to the different levels of CD3 on the two cell types
(Fig.  4c, left panel). In the pKO population, percentage of
the CD3
-positive cells was higher (Fig.  4c, middle pan-
el), while MFI of the CD3
-positive population was low-
er compared to the wild-type cells (Fig.  4c, right panel),
which is consistent with the result for CD69 expression.
Role of the LPAP protein in the cell remains un-
known, but formation of a tight complex with CD45 in-
dicates that the LPAP function may be associated with
regulation of this phosphatase. Changes in the phos-
phorylation status of LPAP upon T cell activation sug-
gest that LPAP is a participant of the Tcell lymphocyte
receptor signaling cascade [5].
Some studies suggest that the CD45 phosphatase is
required to maintain LPAP stability [7,  13]. This is in
good agreement with our data that in the CD45 knock-
out Jurkat cells, the level of LPAP decreases by 90%.
We previously showed that the knockdown of CD45
using shRNA reduced LPAP expression by more than
twofold [8]. Finally, the Jurkat-derived cell line J45.01,
which has only 5-8% of CD45 [20], expresses three