BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 5 2024
However, when an excess of E. coli cells was added,
20% of phagocytes adhered bacteria on the cell sur-
face without their internalization. We hypothesize that
along with phagocytosis, retention of bacteria on the
lymphocyte surface may be an important component
of antimicrobial function of the immunity system.
Quantitative analysis of phagocytic number in
minor cell populations that contain bacteria both in-
tracellularly and on the cell surface usually requires
the use of time-consuming confocal microscopy fol-
lowed by data analysis and 3D reconstruction in order
to determine the location of these bacteria. The use of
imaging flow cytometry in combination with dual-la-
beled E. coli preparations allows high-throughput and
high-accuracy quantification of bacteria inside and
outside the cells. Double-staining of E. coli has signifi-
cantly improved the accuracy of flow cytometry data
with cell visualization in the flow.
It was also shown that the majority of FITC pos-
itive lymphocytes retained bacteria externally, with-
out internalization, and only a minor fraction of these
cells was capable of phagocytosis. Further analysis of
subpopulations that rapidly phagocytize bacteria or
retain them on the surface by imaging flow cytometry
will provide more precise understanding of the func-
tion of individual cell populations in the processes of
adaptive and innate immunity.
Supplementary information. The online version
contains supplementary material available at https://
Acknowledgments. The authors thank S. A. Ne-
dospasov, O. K. Batsunov, and V. V. Zarubaev, for assis-
tance with the study; Resource Center for Cellular Tech-
nology and Immunology at Sirius University for Science
and Technology for providing equipment for the ex-
periments; Core Facility “Cytometry and Biomarkers”
at the Pasteur Research Institute of Epidemiology and
Microbiology in St. Petersburg for providing an Amnis
FlowSight imaging flow cytometer (Cytek,USA).
Contributions. E.V.L., A.N.S., S.A.C., V.S.L., and
N.A.A. conducted the experiments; E.V.L., N.A.A., A.N.S.,
and S.A.R. discussed the results; E.V.L., N.A.A., A.N.S.,
M.Yu.B., and V.S.L. calculated and analyzed results;
E.V.L. and S.A.R. wrote the text of the article; E.V.L.,
A.N.S., S.A.C., V.S.L., N.A.A., M.Yu.B., and S.A.R. edited
the manuscript; S.A.R. developed the research concept
and supervised the study.
Funding. This study was supported by the Rus-
sian Science Foundation (project no. 23-15-00443;
https://rscf.ru/project/23-15-00443/ [in Russian]; analy-
sis of phagocytosis by flow cytometry and confocal
microscopy, analysis of the results, preparation of the
manuscript) and the Ministry of Science and High-
er Education of the Russian Federation (agreement
no. 075-10-2021-093; project NIR-IMB-2102; prepara-
tion of double-labeled bacteria, quantitative analy-
sis, and validation of the bacterial preparation on an
Amnis FlowSight cytometer).
Ethics declarations. All procedures performed
in the study involving human subjects complied with
the national ethical standards, the 1964 Declaration
of Helsinki and its subsequent amendments and were
approved by the Bioethics Committee of Sirius Univer-
sity (protocol from 03/06/2023). Informed voluntary
consent was obtained from all participants prior to the
collection of blood sample. The authors of this work
declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
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