BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 5 2024
skin substitutes contain biologically active molecules:
growth factors, cytokines or their analogues that stim-
ulate the processes of integration of the tissue equiva-
lent into the damaged organ, regeneration of the adja-
cent tissues, and modulation of immune response.
One of the often complications of skin regenera-
tion, especially in the cases of extensive damages such
as burns requiring specialized therapy, is formation
of hypertrophic scars [13]. In addition to obvious cos-
metic issues, scars disrupt mechanical interactions in
the skin making it more fragile and prone to rapture.
Scars do not contain hair follicles and accompanying
sebaceous glands, which promotes drying of epider-
mis. One of the newest and most promising therapeu-
tic preparations for anti-scar therapy is verteporfin
(VP) [14-17].
Single administration of VP to mice at the early
stages of regeneration initiated the process of scar-
less healing[18]. VP also exhibits bactericidal activity,
which produces beneficial effects on would healing
[16]. Delivery of VP to the damage area for stimulation
of wound healing was successfully performed using
agents based on fibroin [15], polyvinyl [17], and poly-
lactide [14]. We investigated the possibility of using
collagen gel as a VP delivery agent to the wound, in
order to prevent scar formation after complete wound
The anti-scar properties of VP are considered to
be associated with its ability to inhibit interaction of
the transcription cofactor YAP1 with its targets from
the family of TEAD proteins. Activation of the YAP1
signaling cascades occurs during wound healing both
in epidermis and in dermis [19]. In epidermis it stim-
ulates migration and proliferation of keratinocytes in
the wound bed. Active nuclear YAP1 is associated with
proliferation of fibroblasts and increase of their con-
tractile ability, which is important for wound closing.
Activity of this signaling cascade decreases at the stage
of remodeling. Increase of the duration of activity of
the YAP1 signaling cascade in mice results in forma-
tion of common or hypertrophic scars, at the same
time, its inhibition in fibroblasts at the early stages of
wound healing stimulates regeneration of a fully func-
tional skin with all derivates [20].
Effect of VP on scarring processes were examined
both in vitro and in vivo. For the in vitro studies hu-
man fibroblasts isolated from hypertrophic skin scar
were applied as an analogue of myofibroblasts of the
wound bed. Effect of VP on viability, expression of con-
tractile markers, and contractile ability of fibroblasts
were examined. In the in vivo studies with laboratory
mice, efficiency of VP administration in composition of
collagen gel for stimulation of skin regeneration was
investigated. The following parameters were analyzed:
rate of the wound closure, structure of extracellular ma-
trix, and general morphology of the regenerated skin.
Isolation and cultivation of dermal fibroblasts.
Cells lines used in the study were isolated from hu-
man skin biopsies obtained in the course of recon-
structing surgeries in the Vishnevsky National Med-
ical Research Center for Higher Technologies with
informed consent of the donors. Experiments with
skin biopsies were performed in accordance with the
protocol approved by the Bioethics Committee of the
Koltzov Institute of Developmental Biology, Russian
Academy of Sciences (IDB) (no. 51 from 09.09.2021).
Biopsy samples were washed with a Hank’s solution
(PanEco, Russia) supplemented with 0.4 mg/ml of
gentamycin (BioFarmGarant, Russia) for disinfection,
next, subcutaneous fat and reticular layer of dermis
were removed mechanically in such a way that the up-
per layer of skin with epidermis was no thicker than
2 mm. Dermis with epidermis were cut into 2-3 mm
bands and incubated in a 2% Dispase solution (Gibco,
USA) for 1 h at 37°C; in the next step epidermis was
removed, dermis was cut by scissors to homogenous
state and incubated in 0.1% collagenase type I solution
(Gibco) for 24 h at 37°C. The obtained mass was cen-
trifuged at 140g for 10 min, precipitate was resuspend-
ed in a DPBS (Dulbecco’s phosphate-buffered saline;
PanEco); this procedure was repeated three times.
To isolate scar fibroblasts normal tissues were re-
moved from the biopsy sample, only regions with pro-
nounced scarring deformation were preserved, which
was followed by incubation of the sample for 1 h in a
2% Dispase solution at 37°C. After removal of epider-
mis, dermis was cut with scissors to homogenous state
and incubated in a 0.1% Liberase solution (Roche,
USA) for 24 h at 37°C. The obtained sample was centri-
fuged at 140g for 10 min; precipitate was resuspended
in DPBS; procedure was repeated 3 times.
Isolated fibroblasts were cultivated in 25 cm
ture flasks an Amniomax-II medium (Gibco) under
conditions of 5% CO
and 37°C. Culture medium was
replaced every 2-3 days. After reaching confluency,
cells were detached using a 0.05% trypsin-EDTA solu-
tion (Capricorn, Germany) followed by cultivation in
a DMEM medium (PanEco) supplemented with 10%
fetal bovine serum (Capricorn), 1% Glutamax (Cibco),
1% penicillin-streptomycin (Gibco). Cells after 2-3 pas-
sages were used in the study.
Samples of a healthy skin obtained from three
42-55 years old donors, and samples obtained from
the 33-45 years old donors with scar tissues were used
in the study. Produced cell lines were deposited to the
IDB collection of cell lines for biotechnological and
biomedical studies (general biology and biomedical
Detection of apoptosis. In order to determine
type of the cell death, fibroblasts were detached from