ISSN 0006-2979, Biochemistry (Moscow), 2024, Vol. 89, No. 11, pp. 1922-1929 © The Author(s) 2024. This article is an open access publication.
Neuroimmune Characteristics of Animals
with Prenatal Alcohol Intoxication
Inna Yu. Shamakina
*, Petr K. Anokhin
, Ruslan A. Ageldinov
, Viktor S. Kokhan
Serbsky National Medical Research Center of Psychiatry and Narcology,
Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, 119002 Moscow, Russia
Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, 121170 Moscow, Russia
Scientific Center for Biomedical Technologies of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia,
143442 Svetlye Gory, Russia
Received May 28, 2024
Revised July 22, 2024
Accepted July 29, 2024
AbstractNeuroinflammation can be an important factor of many disorders in central nervous system (CNS)
including cognitive dysfunction, affective disorders, and addictive behavior associated with prenatal alcohol
exposure and presented in early adulthood. In this study we used an experimental rodent model of prenatal
alcohol (PA) exposure (consumption of a 10% ethanol solution by female Wistar rats throughout pregnancy),
multiplex immunofluorescence analysis of interleukins (IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-3, IL-6, IL-9, and IL-12), tumor necrosis
factor (TNF-α), and chemokine CCL5, as well as quantitative real-time PCR to assess the level of cytokine mRNAs
in the prefrontal cortex of the sexually mature (PND60) offspring– male and female rats with prenatal alcohol
intoxication and control animals. Significant decrease in the content of TNF-α and interleukins IL-1β, IL-3, IL-6,
IL-9 was detected in the prefrontal cortex of male, but not in the female PA offspring. Importantly, PA males
also showed decrease in the level of TNF-α mRNA in the prefrontal cortex by 45% compared to the control
males, which may underlie the detected decrease in its content. Taken together, our study demonstrates that
a number of neuroimmune factors are regulated in a sex-specific manner in the prefrontal cortex and are
differentially affected in males and females by the prenatal exposure to alcohol. Sex factor must be taken into
account when conducting further translational studies of the fetal alcohol spectrum disorders and developing
new methods for prevention and therapy.
DOI: 10.1134/S0006297924110063
Keywords: prenatal alcohol intoxication, neuroinflammation, prefrontal cortex, interleukins, tumor necrosis fac-
tor, mRNA expression
Abbreviations: CNS,central nervous system; IL,interleukin;
PA, prenatal alcohol; TNF-α, tumor necrosis factor α.
* To whom correspondence should be addressed.
Consumption of alcohol by women during preg-
nancy leads to the development of a range of physio-
logical, mental, behavioral, and intellectual disorders
collectively termed “fetal alcohol spectrum disorders”
(FASD)  [1]. According to the averaged epidemiological
data from recent years, 10% of women consumed al-
cohol during pregnancy [2,  3], with the prevalence of
FASD in children varying from 3 to 31% across the
different world regions [4-6]. Severity of the disorders
resulting from prenatal alcohol exposure (PA) depends
on the dose, duration, and frequency of alcohol con-
sumption during pregnancy, as well as characteristics
of maternal metabolism  [7]. The most severe form
fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) – manifests in children
during the early postnatal period with the develop-
mental facial defects, growth retardation, and central
nervous system (CNS) dysfunctions [7]. However, most
common group of disorders is not associated with
the faciocranial dysmorphia or developmental delay,
but manifests as behavioral and cognitive disorders,
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 11 2024
aswell as high risk of substance abuse in adolescence
and adulthood [8]. Manifestation of these symptoms is
usually associated with the beginning of school educa-
tion, stress, and social interaction problems [9].
Numerous studies have shown that central mech-
anisms of dependence involve neuroadaptation in
the mesocorticolimbic dopamine (DA) system of the
brain, which originates in the ventral tegmental area
(VTA) and projects to the limbic structures, including
Nucleus accumbens (NAc), amygdala, hippocampus,
and prefrontal cortex [10]. In addition, dopamine,
beyond its neurotransmitter function, has the ability
to activate dopamine receptors located on astrocytes,
microglial cells in the CNS, and cells of the periph-
eral immune system [11, 12]. It has been shown that
dopamine modulates activity level of microglial cells
[13-15] and, conversely, cytokines play an important
role in regulation of the brain dopamine system [16].
Itcould be speculated that one of the mechanisms of
dopamine-dependent behavioral disorders in PA ani-
mals is associated with alterations in the functional
state of microglial cells and expression of neuroin-
flammatory factors. Aim of this study was to examine
expression of neuroinflammatory factors in the pre-
frontal cortex of PA and intact (control) animals. Pre-
frontal cortex is considered one of the most complex
functional structures of the mammalian brain, whose
primary role is to integrate inputs from cortical and
subcortical structures and generate goal-directed be-
havioral responses, including those oriented towards
obtaining rewards and suppressing risk behaviors
[17]. Considering that the balance between pro- and
anti-inflammatory cytokines is critically important for
neuronal functions [18], we hypothesized that chang-
es in this balance in PA animals might be one of the
factors causing development of behavioral disorders.
We conducted simultaneous measurements of six key
cytokine proteins from the interleukin family (IL-1α,
IL-1β, IL-3, IL-6, IL-9, and IL-2), tumor necrosis factor  α
(TNF-α), and chemokine CCL5 in the prefrontal cortex
of mature (PND60) male and female rats with PA in-
toxication and control animals. IL-1 belongs to pro-in-
flammatory cytokines with broad spectrum of effects
on normal CNS functions  [19]. Cytokines from the IL-1
family consist of two main related family members
(IL-1α, IL-1β), which demonstrate cell-specific patterns
of expression and release and are synthesized by both
glia and neurons. Traditionally considered pro-inflam-
matory, cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6,
IL-2, and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), play a vi-
tal role in brain development [20]. It has been shown
that disruptions in the IL-6 functions in brain are
associated with anomalies in the shape, length, and
distribution of dendritic spines  [21]. TNF-α is a key
mediator affecting synaptic remodeling, processes of
long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression
(LTD) in the brain [22, 23]. In addition to IL-2 being a
key cytokine in immune regulation, it may play a role
in the development and regulation of brain neurons
involved in spatial learning and memory. Studies have
shown that IL-2 knockout mice exhibit impaired spa-
tial learning, accompanied by reduction in the length
of hippocampal mossy fibers [24].
According to the literature data, IL-3, IL-9, and
CCL-5 could have neuroprotective effects  [25-27].
It has been shown that IL-3 is widely expressed in
the central nervous system and has a trophic effect on
cholinergic neurons of Septum pellucidum both in  vitro
and in  vivo [25], although the mechanisms underlying
neurotrophic action of IL-3 are not fully understood.
IL-9 and its receptor are also actively expressed in
the neural cells and specifically control programmed
cell death of neocortical neurons in the newborn mice
[26]. It has been suggested that the IL-9/IL-9R signal-
ing pathway represents an endogenous anti-apoptotic
mechanism for cortical neurons [26]. The chemokine
CCL5 and its receptors perform many functions in the
central nervous system, including neuromodulation of
synaptic activity and protection against neurotoxins
[27]. Highest level of the CCL5 mRNA expression is
found in oligodendrocytes, astrocytes, and microglia
of the brain cortex, caudate nucleus/shell, hippocam-
pus, and thalamus  [27]. Interestingly, in the midbrain,
the CCL5 mRNA is detected in the tyrosine hydroxy-
lase (TH)-positive cells of the ventral tegmentum, in-
dicating that CCL5 is expressed by subpopulation of
dopaminergic neurons in the mesolimbic system  [27].
It has been hypothesized that this chemokine may par-
ticipate in ensuring interaction between neurons and
glial cells  [27].
Animals. Experiments were conducted with out-
bred Wistar rats of both sexes (from the “Stolbovaya”
Laboratory Animal Breeding Facility of the Federal
State Budgetary Institution “Scientific Center of Bio-
medical Technologies of the Federal Medical Biological
Agency”). During acclimation, experimental rats were
kept under natural light conditions at temperature of
22  ±  2°C with free access to food and water.
Prenatal alcohol exposure. To obtain the F1
generation offspring, two sexually mature female rats
(PND60) were housed with a male for three days. There
were 10 males and 20 females in total. Pregnancy was
confirmed by detecting sperm in the vaginal smears of
the females. Females mated with a single male were
randomly divided into two groups: the experimental
group received a 10% ethanol solution as their sole
source of liquid throughout the pregnancy (from day
1 to day 21), while the control females were kept on
SHAMAKINA et al.1924
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 11 2024
a pure water regime during pregnancy. Alcohol con-
sumption by the females was measured daily through-
out the pregnancy. In this series, average daily alcohol
consumption by the females was 13.6 ±  2.1 g/kg. Vol-
ume of the consumed fluid was 31.0  ±  4.2  ml in the
experimental group and 35.1  ±  2.7  ml in the control
group, with no significant differences in the daily
volumes of fluid consumed. Body mass of females in
both control and experimental groups did not dif-
fer significantly at the beginning (210.0  ±  23.8  g and
207.0  ±  15.7  g, respectively) and at the end of the
experiment (325.0  ±  28.4  g and 331.0  ±  32.1  g, respec-
tively). After giving birth, all females were switched
to a water regime during the nursing period. Thus,
the offspring were exposed to alcohol only during the
prenatal period, corresponding to the first and second
trimesters of human pregnancy  [28]. On day 30 of life,
the offspring were weaned, sex-separated, and sub-
sequently housed six per cage (type: T/4B) with free
access to food and water.
Among the obtained offsprings, 18 PA rats (9males
and 9 females) and 18 control (9 males and 9 females)
rats were selected randomly. At the age of 60 days
(PND60), the rats were decapitated, and prefrontal
cortex was dissected (4.2 mm to 2.8  mm relative to
Bregma) according to the Paxinos and Watson rat
brain atlas [29]. The dissected tissue samples were
frozen and stored at –70°C.
Protein extraction for immunofluorescent
analysis. Samples were homogenized using glass
beads in a MagNA Lyser 230B homogenizer (Roche,
Switzerland) in a buffer solution containing 20 mM
Tris-HCl (pH7.5), 150mM NaCl, 1mM PMSF, 0.05% v/v
Tween-20, and 1% v/v Protease Inhibitor Cocktail II
(ab201116, Abcam, USA). The homogenates were cen-
trifuged at 12,000g for 15min at 3°C, and supernatant
was collected for further analysis. Protein content was
determined using the Bradford method with a com-
mercially available Quick Start Bradford Protein Assay
kit (Bio-Rad, USA).
Multiplex immunofluorescent analysis was con-
ducted using commercially available kits for determi-
nation of cytokines in the rat brain tissue (Cloud-Clone
Corp., China) according to the manufacturers instruc-
tions. The analysis was performed using a Bio-Plex
MAGPIX Multiplex Reader equipped with a Bio-Plex
Pro Wash Station (Bio-Rad). Cytokine concentrations
in the samples were automatically determined us-
ing standard calibration dilutions with the Bio-Plex
Manager Software  v.6.1 and Bio-Plex Data Pro Soft-
ware  v.1.2 (Bio-Rad). Content of target proteins was
normalized to total protein content in the sample.
Total RNA extraction was conducted using stan-
dard guanidinium thiocyanate-phenol-chloroform ex-
traction method with a PureZOL RNA Isolation Re-
agent, Bio-Rad. Tissue samples were homogenized in
1  ml of lysis buffer, mixed with 200  µl of chloroform
(Fluka, USA), followed by centrifugation for 15  min
at 4°C and 12,000g (Eppendorf 5804R, Germany).
An equal volume of isopropanol was added to the
supernatant, incubated at -20°C for 2  h, then centri-
fuged at 6,000g for 5  min. The pellet was washed with
70% EtOH, dried, and dissolved in a RNase-free water.
RNA aliquots were frozen and stored at –70°C. Amount
of total RNA was determined spectrophotometrically
(Eppendorf BioPhotometer, Germany). The obtained
RNA samples were treated with DNase (Thermo Fish-
er Scientific, USA) according to the manufacturer’s
instructions. cDNA synthesis was performed using
a Mint revertase kit (Evrogen, Russia) and used as a
template for quantitative PCR.
Real-time PCR. Primer sequences were designed
using the Primer-BLAST online resource (https://www. Oligonucleotide
primer sequences were the following: for TNF-α (for-
CATGGTGAAGTCAAC-3′); and β-actin (forward 5′-CACT-
CGATAGTG-3′). Amplification was conducted in a 25 µl
mixture containing 25  ng of template (cDNA), primers
at a final concentration of 0.4 µM, and 5  µl of 5× re-
action mixture qPCRmix-HS SYBR with SYBR Green  I
intercalating dye (Evrogen) using a CFX96 Real-Time
System C1000 Thermal Cycler (Bio-Rad) with the fol-
lowing regime: initial denaturation of the template
3  min at 95°C; denaturation– 95°C, 15 s; annealing of
primers – 60°C, 15  s; elongation – 72°C, 30 s. The re-
action was conducted for 40 cycles followed by analy-
sis of the melting curves of the PCR products. β-actin
was used as a reference gene for data normalization.
Quantitative assessment of relative mRNA expression
levels was conducted using the 2
method [30].
Statistical analysis. Data were processed using
Statistica software v.12 (StatSoft Inc., USA). Normality
of data distribution in the sample was assessed using
the Shapiro–Wilk criterion. Considering that all the
obtained data followed Gaussian distribution, a para-
metric method of analysis – two-way ANOVA – was
used, with factors being sex  ×  PA. Data are presented
as a mean ± standard deviation (SD). Post-hoc pro-
cessing was performed where significant differences
between the groups were identified, p-value of less
than 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Cytokine content in the prefrontal cortex. Data
processing of cytokine/chemokine levels, as summa-
rized in Table1, indicated significant effects of various
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 11 2024
Table 1. Content of cytokines in the prefrontal cortex of prenatally alcohol-exposed and control animals
Content of cytokines in the prefrontal cortex (pg/mg total protein) arithmetic mean ± SD
IL-1α IL-1β IL-2 IL-3 IL-6 IL-9 TNF-α CCL5
58.0 ± 21.2 9.1 ± 2.0 175.1 ± 27.5 3.4 ± 1.0 3.4 ± 1.0 3.3 ± 1.1 38.5 ± 19.9 58.6 ± 23.0
36.5 ± 16.0
6.4 ± 2,7*
(p = 0,01)
135.0 ± 57.9
2.1 ± 0.8
(p = 0.009)
1.9 ± 1.09
(p = 0.002)
1.9 ± 0.9
(p = 0.005)
21.4 ± 8.7*
(p = 0.03)
36.0 ± 6.4
45.9 ± 27.2
5.9 ± 2.0
(p = 0,005)
138.6 ± 64.8
1.8 ± 0.4
(p = 0.003)
2.0 ± 0.7
(p = 0.003)
1.7 ± 0.4
(p = 0.002)
26.8 ± 16.7 45.8 ± 20.0
57.9 ± 41.9 5.9 ± 2.0 116.4 ± 26.6 2.5 ± 1.3 1.4 ± 0.9 2.5 ± 1.2 21.7 ± 12.0 55.4 ± 33.4
Note. M_C,males, control group; M_PA,males, prenatal alcohol exposure; F_C,females, control group; F_PA,females, prenatal
alcohol exposure. *  p < 0.05 (M_PA relative to M_C);
p < 0.01 (F_C relative to M_C); Duncan’s post-hoc test.
considered factors. The prenatal alcohol (PA) factor
influenced TNF-α (F
=  4.9; p =  0.03), and the sex fac-
tor influenced IL-1β (F
=  6.7; p =  0.01). Interaction
between PA and sex factors was significant for IL-3
=  10; p=  0.003). Both PA (F
=  12.8; p=  0.001)
and sex (F
 = 9.9; p =  0.004) factors had significant
impacts on IL-6. Additionally, notable interactions be-
tween PA and sex factors were found analyzing IL-9
=  13; p=  0.001) and CCL5 (F
=  4.5; p=  0.04).
The highest cytokine concentrations in the prefrontal
cortex of both sexes were observed for IL-2, IL-1α,
and CCL5. The results of multiplex analysis revealed
significant differences in the levels of several inter-
leukins in the prefrontal cortex between the males
and females of the control group. Specifically, females
in the control group (F_C) showed decreased level in
IL-1β (p <  0.01), IL-3 (p <  0.001), IL-6 (p <  0.01), and
IL-9 (p <  0.001) compared to the control males (M_C)
(Table 1). Notably, prenatal alcohol exposure did not
influence cytokine levels in the females. At the same
time in the PA-exposed males (M_PA) there was a
significant decrease in the content of IL-1β by 29%,
IL-3 by 38%, IL-6 by 45%, IL-9 by 42%, and TNF-α by
45%, compared to the control males. Despite signifi-
cant differences being noted in the variance analysis
for chemokine CCL5, the post-hoc results were incon-
clusive; 39% reduction was observed in the PA males
compared to the control males (p =  0.06, Duncan’s test;
trend) (Table1). Importantly, in contrast to the control
groups, no significant sex differences were observed
in the PA animal groups.
To explore the reasons behind the decreased levels
of TNF-α and IL-1β in the prefrontal cortex of the males
exposed to alcohol prenatally, parallel investigations
ofTNF-α and IL-1β mRNA expression were conducted.
Expression of TNF-α and IL-1β mRNA in the
prefrontal cortex of prenatally alcohol-exposed
and control animals. The analysis revealed a sig-
nificant impact of prenatal alcohol exposure on the
TNF-α mRNA levels in the prefrontal cortex (F
=  8.2,
p =  0.007). Statistically significant reductions in the
TNF-α mRNA were observed in the prefrontal cortex
of the prenatally alcohol-exposed males compared
to the controls, with 45% decrease noted (p =  0.03).
This reduction may account for the lower TNF-α lev-
els observed. However, no significant differences in
the IL-1β mRNA expression between the groups were
found (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Relative mRNA expression levels of IL-1β and TNF-α
in the prefrontal cortex of control and prenatally alcohol-
exposed female and male rats. M_C, males, control group;
M_PA,males, prenatal alcohol exposure; F_C,females, control
group; F_PA, females, prenatal alcohol exposure. *  p <  0.05
(M_PA relative to M_C, Duncan’s post-hoc test).
SHAMAKINA et al.1926
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 11 2024
It has been previously demonstrated that the pre-
natal alcohol exposure is a significant risk factor for
future addictive behaviors, leading to increased volun-
tary alcohol consumption and elevated anxiety levels
during alcohol withdrawal in the male F1 offspring,
unlike in the female offspring when compared to the
respective control groups [31]. In this study, we also
identified the sex-specific delayed effect of prenatal al-
cohol exposure on the cytokine levels in the prefrontal
cortex of adult animals. Notably, there was a decrease
in the TNFα content in the prefrontal cortex of adult
male rats prenatally exposed to alcohol. These findings
are in agreement with the views of some authors [32]
that alcohol could suppress rather than enhance TNFα
expression in the brain. TNFα, traditionally regarded
as a pro-inflammatory cytokine, has been implicated
as a pathogenic factor in various brain diseases. How-
ever emerging evidence suggests its neuroprotective
roles, which include reducing nitric oxide and free
radical production, modifying excitatory amino acid
neurotransmission, maintaining neuronal calcium ho-
meostasis, and promoting synthesis of neurotrophic
factors  [33]. Transmission of signals in the cells with
participation of TNFα is realized through binding to
two receptors, TNFR1 and TNFR2  [34] and activation
of transcription factors NF-κB and AP-1, which me-
diate cell survival and proliferation [34]. NF-κB is
a transcription factor that regulates expression of
multiple genes encoding pro-inflammatory cytokines,
chemokines, and their receptors. Unlike TNFR2, TNFR1
includes a “death domain” in its cytoplasmic part,
potentially leading to cell death upon binding with
TNFα [34]. TNFR1 is expressed in almost all cell types,
whereas TNFR2 is primarily found in neurons and oli-
godendrocytes [34]. Previously TNFR2 was considered
as less significant for homeostasis, however, it has
been shown recently that the regulatory effects on
TNFα are associated precisely with the signal trans-
duction through TNFR2 [35].
The delayed effect of prenatal alcohol exposure
may stem from the long-term epigenetic modifica-
tions, as indirectly suggested by the decreased level
of TNFα mRNA expression. The mouse models with
Tnf gene knockout (C57BL/6-TNF
and C57BL/6-TNF
offer promising avenues for investigating the role of
TNF in behavior and central nervous system function-
ing in both health and disease. Current research using
these mouse models points to the role of TNF role in
regulating anxious behaviors and functioning of the
brain dopamine system [36].
Furthermore, cytokine IL-1β, produced in the
brain by microglial cells and neurons, contributes to
maintenance of the integrity and function of blood-
brain barrier [37]. IL-1β has been shown to influence
GABAergic synapses in the prefrontal cortex via two
distinct pathways: an anti-inflammatory (“survival”
PI3K/Akt) or a pro-inflammatory (MyD88/p38 MAPK),
with shift towards the PI3K/Akt pathway in the ab-
sence of alcohol, promoting survival [38]. Addition-
ally, research involving rodents with the IL-1β gene
knockout has revealed various behavioral and affec-
tive disturbances in such animals [39, 40].
Reductions in the IL-3, IL-6, and IL-9 levels in
the prefrontal cortex of males with prenatal alcohol
exposure could be associated with the diminished
neuroprotective properties of microglia. Studies have
demonstrated pivotal role of IL-3 in proliferation and
maintenance of the progenitor neuronal cells and
neuron survival [41]. IL-3 protects against the Aβ-in-
duced cell death, mediated by activation of phospha-
tidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/protein kinaseB (Akt) and
Janus kinase  2 (Jak2) [42]. IL-9 has been shown to ac-
tivate transcription factors STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5,
and downregulate activation markers in macrophages
such as CD45, CD14, CD68, and CD11b, induced by lipo-
polysaccharide and gamma-interferon, thus potentially
modulating other cytokine and chemokine expressions
and exhibiting anti-inflammatory and antiapoptotic
properties [43-45].
IL-6 plays a role in neurogenesis, affecting both
neurons and glial cells, and regulating activity of the
mature neurons and glial cells in health and disease
[46]. It functions similarly to neurotrophins, explain-
ing why this family of cytokines is referred to as
neuropoietins. Studies of the neuronal cultures have
demonstrated that IL-6 supports survival of various
neuronal types including cholinergic neurons of the
forebrain and septum, midbrain catecholaminergic
neurons, retinal ganglion cells, sympathetic neurons,
and dorsal root ganglion cells  [47,  48]. Examination of
the IL-6 KO mice has highlighted involvement of IL-6
in regulation of nociception, thermoregulation, emo-
tional reactivity, learning, and memory [49, 50].
Thus, our study indicates that both pro-inflamma-
tory and neuroprotective cytokine levels are reduced
in the prefrontal cortex of the prenatally alcohol-
exposed animals, with this effect being sex-specif-
ic and observed only in the sexually mature males.
Considering that neuroinflammation is a complex,
dynamic process involving changes in astrocyte and
microglial cell numbers, activation of cytokines, cel-
lular morphological alterations, migration, and gene
expression changes  [51], further research is needed to
understand dynamics of cytokine expression chang-
es at the mRNA and protein levels, their role in the
spectrum of disorders associated with prenatal alcohol
effects, and biological underpinnings of sex differenc-
es in these effects.
Study limitations. The “semi-forced” alcohol ex-
posure model for pregnant females presents challenges
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 11 2024
as a translational model in data interpretation. It is
crucial to accurately control the fluid intake in both
experimental and control animal groups when em-
ploying this model. Furthermore, this study did not
evaluate caloric intake of the diets provided to the
alcohol-consuming and control groups. Another lim-
itation concerns the age of offspring; the observed
biochemical alterations may be typical of late ado-
lescence and adulthood, but not of the prepubertal
period discussed by other researchers [52].
Contributions. I.Y.S. conceptualization, supervi-
sion, manuscript writing; V.S.K. experiment execution,
statistical analysis, research discussion, manuscript
editing; P.K.A. experiment execution, research discus-
sion, statistical analysis; R.A.A. experiment execution.
Funding. This research was financially support-
ed by the Russian Ministry of Health under the state
assignment titled “Study of pathogenetic mechanisms
of addiction to psychoactive substances using genet-
ic, biochemical, immunological, neurophysiological,
and neurocognitive approaches” (Reg. no. NIOKTR
Ethics declarations. This research adhered to
international guidelines for biomedical research in-
volving animals, the European Convention for the Pro-
tection of Animals used for Experimental and Other
Scientific Purposes (Strasbourg, 1986, with appendix
from 15.06.2006), the regulations of the Council of
the European Community (Directive 86/609/EEC from
14.11.2005 and Directive 2010/63/EU from 22.09.2010),
and the Principles of Good Laboratory Practice (Or-
der of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federa-
tion no. 199n from 01.04.2016, GOST R 53434-2009).
All ethical guidelines were followed, including mini-
mizing the number of animals used to achieve reliable
scientific results. The experimental protocol was ethi-
cally approved and met the standards for conducting
biomedical research involving animals by the ethical
committees of the Federal Medical Research Centre for
Psychiatry and Neurology named after V. P. Serbsky,
Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
The authors of this work declare that they have no
conflicts of interest.
Open access. This article is licensed under a Cre-
ative Commons Attribution4.0 International License,
which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution,
and reproduction in any medium or format, as long
as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s)
and the source, provide a link to the Creative Com-
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are included in the article’s Creative Commons license,
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