Freely Distributed Software
for EEG complex analysis
A. P. Kulaichev.
J Neurol Neurosci. 2024, 15 (4): 001-04
The paper considers the possibilities and procedure for working with a
freely distributed program Conan-EEG for Windows 7-10. It provides automatic
group analysis of EEG recordings and based on the most informative indicators
of EEG amplitude and synchronity with removing of blinks and similar distortions.
synchronity, EEG amplitude, blink artifacts, frequency domains, individual
and group differences, depression, sleep stages, schizophrenia, factor
analysis, cluster analysis, discriminant analysis.
Conan-EEG program performs automatic group analysis of EEG recordings using
indicators that are most effective for identifying intergroup and individual
differences. It was created at Moscow State University and is a modification
of the CONAN complex electrophysiological laboratory [1], which has been
used in hundreds of Russian scientific and educational organizations since
the early 90s.
The program implements the analysis of EEG correlation synchronity, analysis
of EEG amplitudes by derivations, removal of blink artifacts and similar
The program is distributed under the free license of The Free Software
Definition and can be downloaded from the MSU website by direct link
At the beginning of the work, it is necessary to create the Blinks folder
on disk C, into which to rewrite the EEG recordings files of examinees/patients
intended for analysis in EDF format, which must meet the requirements of
the EDF+ standard and be accurately tested by EDFChecker and Polyman. All
the results of working with the program will be placed in this folder.
The analysis of EEG correlation synchronity
method, created in 2010, has shown its high sensitivity in recognizing
inter-individual and group differences (norm and schizophrenia, depressive
disorders, sleep stages, etc. [2-5]), surpassing in this respect all known
EEG indicators and ensuring the reliability of differentiation of the compared
groups approaching 100%.
After starting the program, press the "2" key. After the message about
the completion of the procedure, the AKS-Alpha.txt file will appear in
the Blinks folder which includes the table "columns – file names, rows
- pairs of derivations” with correlation synchronity coefficients (values
in % of 1) calculated for alpha or other current frequency range (AKS-Delta.txt
, AKS-Teta.txt etc.).
The correct analysis of EEG amplitude
starting the program, press the "4" key. After the message about the completion
of the procedure, the DiapFiles.txt file will appear in the Blinks folder
containing a matrix of results: rows – subjects, columns – EEG amplitudes
by derivations. Recall that amplitude estimates are devoid of many errors
inherent in frequently used EEG power estimates [6].
The correct removal of blinks and similar distortions
There must be Fp1 or F3 derivation in the records. After starting the program,
press the "0" key. After the message about the completion of the procedure,
take the corrected files from the Blinks folder.
Before restarting the analysis, the text files of the results should be
deleted from the Blinks folder.
Additional features:
• Selection of the frequency domains of the analysis.
Press the "1" key and in the EEG analysis menu (Fig.1), set the required
domain according to the flip list , then cancel the menu. After that,
the calculated synchronities will be written to a file with the name of
this range. The set range will be valid until the next change.
Fig.1. EEG analysis menu
•• Changing frequency
domains. Press the "1" key and in the EEG
analysis menu that appears, press the
button. In the table that appears, change the number, names, and boundaries
of the frequency domains. Using the write and read buttons, these settings
can be archived and then read, if necessary, without manual adjustments.
The set domains will be valid until the next change.
• Changing the
list of derivation pairs. The calculation
of synchronity is performed according to a set list of derivation pairs.
To create a new list, you should use any text editor to create a line-by-line
list of derivation pairs separated by a space. Save the file in the program
folder in text format (*.txt), then change its type to .csg (initially
there are already three similar files and they can be viewed for review).
To change the current list of pairs, press the "1" key, in the EEG analysis
form that appears, perform
(Fig.2) and
among the list of files of the type.csg select the desired one, then cancel
the menu. The set pairs will be valid until the next change.
• Analysis of
a single record. Press
the "F3" key and read the desired EEG recording file from the list. Press
the "1" key to open the EEG analysis form, in which two continuations are
Fig.2. Synchronity analysis menu
button. and
in synchronity analysis menu (Fig.2) press
,button then the diagram of synchronities in the order of derivation pairs
and the color map of the distribution of synchronities on the scalp will
be displayed (Fig.3). If you right-click on this diagram and select the
item from the following list then the values X, Y will be transferred to
the clipboard). If in the right input field:.
of synchronity menu set some threshold value (less than 1, e.g. 0.5), then
only over-threshold synchronity estimates will be present on the diagram
and map. To re-analyze the same record, you need to read its file again.
Fig.3. Results of synchronity analysis
2. Press the
button and in the right half-window you will see the diagram of average
EEG amplitudes in frequency domains in the order of derivations and the
color topographic maps of their distribution on the scalp (Fig.4). When
you right-click in this half-window, a context menu appears in which, by
clicking the
the values of the column diagrams can be saved in a text file under the
name of the read EEG record.
Fig.4. Results of amplitude analysis
Statistical analysis of the results
as a result of the program, the matrices of the results of the examinees/patients-indicators
are obtained. Researchers are usually interested in identifying differences
(social, age, gender, ethnic, functional, clinical, etc.) between two groups
of subjects.
The first step may be to identify paired differences between columns or
rows according to known statistical criteria. Further, each file can be
individually subjected to factor analysis, to study the main factors and
the initial variables, mainly projected on them. On this basis, you can
try to choose a meaningful interpretation of the main factors. It is also
possible to visually study the projections of objects (subjects) on the
plane of the main factors for the uniformity of their changes or the presence
of some separate groupings. In the latter case, using a divisive cluster
analysis strategy, you can try to divide objects into an estimated number
of classes and verify this separation using discriminant analysis.
The total matrix with two groups of subjects can also be subjected to a
discriminant analysis to verify its division into two groups. If such a
classification turns out to be reliable and the number of incorrectly classified
subjects is small, then this will be a convincing argument that the EEG
synchronity in the two groups as a whole differs significantly. In addition,
the calculated discriminating function can be used to assign new indeterminate
subjects to a particular group.
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