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REVIEW: Mitochondrial Network: Electric Cable and More

Polina A. Abramicheva1, Nadezda V. Andrianova1, Valentina A. Babenko1,2, Ljubava D. Zorova1,2, Savva D. Zorov1,3, Irina B. Pevzner1,2, Vasily A. Popkov1,2, Dmitry S. Semenovich1, Elmira I. Yakupova1, Denis N. Silachev1,2, Egor Y. Plotnikov1,2, Gennady T. Sukhikh2, and Dmitry B. Zorov1,2,a*

1Belozersky Research Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119991 Moscow, Russia

2Kulakov National Medical Research Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, 117997 Moscow, Russia

3Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119991 Moscow, Russia

* To whom correspondence should be addressed.

Received July 12, 2023; Revised September 20, 2023; Accepted September 22, 2023
Mitochondria in a cell can unite and organize complex, extended structures that occupy the entire cellular volume, providing an equal supply with energy in the form of ATP synthesized in mitochondria. In accordance with the chemiosmotic concept, the oxidation energy of respiratory substrates is largely stored in the form of an electrical potential difference on the inner membrane of mitochondria. The theory of the functioning of extended mitochondrial structures as intracellular electrical wires suggests that mitochondria provide the fastest delivery of electrical energy through the cellular volume, followed by the use of this energy for the synthesis of ATP, thereby accelerating the process of ATP delivery compared to the rather slow diffusion of ATP in the cell. This analytical review gives the history of the cable theory, lists unsolved critical problems, describes the restructuring of the mitochondrial network and the role of oxidative stress in this process. In addition to the already proven functioning of extended mitochondrial structures as electrical cables, a number of additional functions are proposed, in particular, the hypothesis is put forth that mitochondrial networks maintain the redox potential in the cellular volume, which may vary depending on the physiological state, as a result of changes in the three-dimensional organization of the mitochondrial network (fragmentation/fission–fusion). A number of pathologies accompanied by a violation of the redox status and the participation of mitochondria in them are considered.
KEY WORDS: mitochondria, reticulum, network, electricity, membrane potential, fragmentation, fission, cardiomyocytes, spermatozoa, oxidative stress, redox, preeclampsia, fetal growth retardation

DOI: 10.1134/S0006297923100140