ISSN 0006-2979, Biochemistry (Moscow), 2023, Vol. 88, Nos. 12-13, pp. 1972-1986 © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2023.
Russian Text © The Author(s), 2023, published in Biokhimiya, 2023, Vol. 88, No. 12, pp. 2358-2374.
Changes in the Glutamate/GABA System
in the Hippocampus of Rats with Age
and during Alzheimers Disease Signs Development
Alena O. Burnyasheva
, Natalia A. Stefanova
, Nataliya G. Kolosova
and Darya V. Telegina
Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia
Received August 30, 2023
Revised October 12, 2023
Accepted October 17, 2023
AbstractGABA and glutamate are the most abundant neurotransmitters in the CNS and play a pivotal part in synaptic
stability/plasticity. Glutamate and GABA homeostasis is important for healthy aging and reducing the risk of various neu-
rological diseases, while long-term imbalance can contribute to the development of neurodegenerative disorders, including
Alzheimer’s disease(AD). Normalization of the homeostasis has been discussed as a promising strategy for prevention
and/or treatment of AD, however, data on the changes in the GABAergic and glutamatergic systems with age, as well
ason the dynamics of AD development, are limited. It is not clear whether imbalance of the excitatory/inhibitory systems
is the cause or the consequence of the disease development. Here we analyzed the age-related alterations of the levels
of glutamate, GABA, as well as enzymes that synthesize them (glutaminase, glutamine synthetase, GABA-T, and GAD67),
transporters (GLAST, GLT-1, and GAT1), and relevant receptors (GluA1, NMDAR1, NMDA2B, and GABAAr1) in the
whole hippocampus of the Wistar rats and of the senescence-accelerated OXYS rats, a model of the most common (>95%)
sporadic AD. Our results suggest that there is a decline in glutamate and GABA signaling with age in hippocampus of
theboth rat strains. However, we have not identified significant changes or compensatory enhancements in this system in
thehippocampus of OXYS rats during the development of neurodegenerative processes that are characteristic of AD.
DOI: 10.1134/S0006297923120027
Keywords: aging, Alzheimer’s disease, glutamate, GABA, hippocampus, OXYS rats
Abbreviations: AD, Alzheimer’s disease; GABA,gamma aminobutyric acid; GABAAR1,GABA-A receptor subunit1; GABA-T,
GABA transaminase; GAD,glutamic acid decarboxylase (glutamate decarboxylase); GAD67,glutamic acid decarboxylase iso-
form; GAT1, type1 GABA transporter; GLAST,glial glutamate and aspartate transporter; GLT-1, glial glutamate transporter1;
GluA1, AMPA receptor subunit1; NMDAR1, NMDA receptor subunit1; NMDAR2B,NMDA receptor subunit2B.
* To whom correspondence should be addressed.
According to the World Health Organization, Alz-
heimer’s disease(AD) becomes the major cause of se-
nile dementia, with its incidence increasing against the
background of longer life expectancy and aging of pop-
ulation in the developed and developing countries [1].
AD is manifested by the pronounced decline in cogni-
tive capacities against the background of accumulation
of toxic forms of amyloid-β peptide in the brain, for-
mation of amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles,
synaptic failure, and neuronal death [2-4]. Molecular
mechanisms underlying AD development are unclear;
there are no efficient approaches that can slow down
or stop progression of this disease. It is supposed that
the age-related changes in the balance of neurotrans-
mitters, i.e., the excitatory glutamatergic and inhibitory
GABAergic systems in the brain, can be a prerequisite
for the development of AD and make a significant con-
tribution to its progression [5]. Glutamate and gamma-
aminobutyric acid (GABA) control many processes in
the CNS, including total excitation level in the brain.
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 88 Nos. 12-13 2023
For example, excessive excitation of the inhibitory
GABAergic system suppresses and excessive activity of
the excitatory glutamatergic system causes excitotoxicity.
Balanced interaction between these two neurotransmit-
ters is necessary for physiological homeostasis, whereas
long-term imbalance can promote development of men-
tal and neurodegenerative disorders, including AD [6].
Elimination of the excitatory/inhibitory imbalance is
actively discussed as a promising strategy for AD pre-
vention and/or treatment [7]; at the same time, the data
on age-related changes in the GABAergic and gluta-
matergic systems, the more so at different stages of AD
development, are extremely limited. It remains unclear
whether imbalance of the excitatory/inhibitory systems
is a cause or a consequence of the AD development.
This is associated, first of all, with impossibility to study
early preclinical stages of this disease in humans and
with lack of its adequate models.
The present study was aimed at assessing contribu-
tion of the age-related changes in the balance between
the glutamatergic and GABAergic systems in the devel-
opment and progression of the most widespread (>95%
of cases) sporadic form of AD. The work was carried out
in the prematurely aging OXYS rats: a unique model of
the sporadic form of AD. In these animals, all of the key
signs of AD develop spontaneously in the absence of
mutations in the Psen1, App, and Psen2 genes typical of
hereditary AD [8-10]. Already at the age of 3-5months,
OXYS rats show behavioral disorders and decline in
cognitive functions, tau protein hyperphosphorylation,
impairment of long-term post-tetanic potentiation, syn-
aptic failure, and destructive changes in neurons, which
occur against the background of the increased level of
amyloid precursor protein(APP), enhanced accumula-
tion of β-amyloid, and formation of amyloid plaques in
the brain by the age of 12 months, and reach the clearly
marked stages of AD-like pathology by the age of 16-18
months [10, 11]. Previously we have studied age-related
changes in the glutamate/GABA system in the retina
of OXYS rats and assessed their potential contribution
to the development of retinopathy typical of rats [12].
The present work was aimed at comparing the age-
related changes in the glutamate/GABA system in the
hippocampus of Wistar rats (control) and OXYS rats
at different stages of the development of AD signs, in-
cluding preclinical stage. To this effect, we studied the
glutamate and GABA levels in the hippocampus, as well
as the levels of key enzymes regulating the glutamate/
GABA cycle: glutaminase catalyzing formation of glu-
tamate from glutamine; glutamine synthase catalyzing
synthesis of glutamine from glutamate; glutamate de-
carboxylase (GAD67) converting glutamate to GABA;
and the enzyme for GABA degradation: GABA trans-
aminase (GABA-T). In addition, we studied the lev-
els of glutamate and GABA receptors: subunit 1 of the
NMDA receptor (NMDAR1) and subunit 2B of the
receptor (NMDAR2B), subunit 1 of the AMPA recep-
tor (GluA1) and subunit α1 of the GABA-A receptor
(GABAAR1), as well as glutamate carriers: glial gluta-
mate and aspartate transporter (GLAST, also known as
EAAT1), glutamate 1 transporter (GLT-1, also known
as EAAT2), and GABA transporter (GAT1). Finally, we
compared age-related changes in the level of expression
of the genes associated with the glutamate and GABA
signaling pathways in the hippocampus of OXYS and
Wistar rats.
Experimental animals. All experiments were carried
out using OXYS and Wistar (control) male rats. Animals
were kept under the standard conditions of vivarium
with light cycle 12-h light/12-h darkness; they received
granulated feed and water adlibitum.
Enzyme immunoassay (ELISA). Glutamate and
GABA levels in the hippocampus of OXYS and Wistar
rats aged 1.5, 3, 12, and 18 months (n = 5 for each group)
were estimated by enzyme immunoassay(EIA) using an
ELISA Kit for Glutamic Acid (Glu) CES122Ge and
an ELISA Kit for Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (gABA)
CEA900Ge, according to the manufacturer’s protocol
(Cloud-Clone Corp., USA). ELISA kits were chosen
to detect only the levels of free glutamate and GABA.
Glutamate and GABA as protein components (bound
glutamate and GABA, respectively) were excluded from
the assay.
Total protein concentration was determined using a
ThermoFisher Pierce™ BCA Protein Assay kit (Thermo
Fisher Scientific, USA). Concentration was determined
by plotting a calibration curve using reference protein
provided by the manufacturer.
Western blot assay. Content of the key enzymes for
synthesis of GABA and glutamate [glutaminase, gluta-
mine synthase, glutamate decarboxylase (GAD67), and
GABA transaminase (GABA-T), transporter proteins
for glutamate (GLAST and GLT-1) and GABA (GAT1),
glutamate (NMDAR1, NMDAR2B, GluA1) and GABA
(GABAAR1) receptor subunits] were determined in the
hippocampus of OXYS and Wistar rats aged 1.5, 3, 12, and
18 months (n = 6 for each group) by Western blot analysis.
Rats were anesthetized by CO
inhalation and de-
capitated. Hippocampus was extracted on ice and frozen
in liquid nitrogen. The samples were stored at –70°C till
the moment of use. All stages of protein isolation were
carried out on ice at 4°C. Hippocampal samples were
homogenized using a RIPA lysis buffer (150 mM NaCl;
50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.4); 1% Triton X-100; 0.1% so-
dium dodecyl sulfate (SDS); 1% sodium deoxycholate
(Deoxycholic Acid, Sodium Salt), and 1 mM EDTA)
with protease and phosphatase inhibitors (P8340 and
P5726-5ML; Sigma-Aldrich, USA). After thorough
BURNYASHEVA et al.1974
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 88 Nos. 12-13 2023
homogenization, the protein solution was centrifuged
at 12,000g for 30 min at 4°C. Supernatant was stored
at –20°C. Total protein concentration was determined
using a ThermoFisher Pierce™ BCA Protein Assay kit
(Thermo Fisher; #23225). Calibration curve was used to
determine protein concentration using a reference pro-
tein from the kit.
Samples (50 μg of total protein) in a loading buf-
fer (10% SDS; 15% β-mercaptoethanol; 50% glycerol;
0.3 M Tris-HCl (pH 6.8); bromophenol blue) were ap-
plied onto the lanes of 8% polyacrylamide gel in
Tris-Glycine buffer (1.5 M, pH 8.8), separated by electro-
phoresis, and transferred onto a nitrocellulose membrane
(Bio-Rad, USA), which was then blocked with 5%BSA in
PBST(1 h). Next the membranes were incubated for 16 h
at 4°C with primary antibodies (anti-glutaminase, anti-
glutamate synthase, anti-NMDAR1, AMPA receptor an-
ti-subunit 1 (anti-GluA1), anti-GAD67, anti-GABA-T,
GABA-A receptor anti-α1, anti-GLT-1 and anti-GAT1
(ab93434, ab64613, ab109182, ab183797, ab26116,
ab152134, ab33299, ab41621 and ab426, respectively;
Abcam, USA; dilution of 1 : 1000), anti-GLAST and
anti-NMDA2B (PA519709 and 71-8600, Invitrogen,
USA; dilution of 1 : 1000). β-Actin (42 kDa; ab6276,
Abcam; 1 : 5000) and GAPDH (37 kDa; ab8245, Ab-
cam; 1 : 5000) were used as reference proteins. After
washing in PBST, the samples were incubated with anti-
mouse and anti-rabbit secondary antibodies (ab150115
and ab96886, respectively; Abcam; 1 : 5000) for 1 h
at room temperature. Fluorescence was detected with
a ChemiDoc MP Imaging System (Bio-Rad). Fluo-
rescence intensity of the bands was measured with the
ImageJ software (NIH,USA).
RNA-Seq analysis. High-throughput RNA se-
quencing (RNA-Seq) of the hippocampal samples of
OXYS and Wistar rats aged 20 days, 5 and 18 months
(n = 3 for each group) was performed using an Illumina
Genome AnalyzerIIx instrument at the Genoanalitika,
Russia. For each sample, ~40 million reads of 50 nucle-
otides in length were obtained. The reads were mapped
to the reference genome of Rattus norvegicus (version
Rnor_5.0.76) using the TopHat software (v. 2.0.10).
Based on the RNA-Seq data at a significance level of
padj < 0.05, lists of the differentially expressed genes
were compiled [13,14].
The list of genes for the glutamatergic signaling
pathway was retrieved from the rat genome database
(RGD; 126 rat genes; The list
of genes for the GABAergic synapse was obtained from
the KEGG pathway database (89 human genes; https://
Statistical analysis. Statistical processing of the
results was performed with the STATISTICA soft-
ware package (version 10.0). The Kolmogorov–Smirnov
test was used to check normal distribution. The anal-
ysis included all values lying within the range of three
root mean square deviations from the sample mean.
The analysis of variance was used, followed by posthoc
comparison of intergroup average values using the
Newman–Keuls test. “Genotype” and “age” were con-
sidered as independent factors. The data are presented
as a mean ±standard deviation (M ± SD). Differences
were considered statistically significant at p<0.05.
Assessment of glutamate and GABA levels in the
hippocampus of OXYS and Wistar rats of different ages.
The first stage of the work included enzyme immuno-
assay (ELISA) of free glutamate and GABA levels in
the hippocampus of Wistar and OXYS rats of different
age. No any inter-lineage and age-related differences in
the levels of glutamate (Fig. 1a) and GABA (Fig. 1b) in
the hippocampus of rats of both lineages were revealed.
Two-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA) did not show
any effects of “genotype” and “age” factors. Thus, the
level of neurotransmitters under the study remained
stable in the hippocampus of OXYS and Wistar rats
throughout their life.
Age-related changes in the glutamatergic system in
the hippocampus of Wistar and OXYS rats. When assess-
ing age-related changes in the glutamatergic system in
the rat brain, we analyzed expression of the key enzymes
for glutamate synthesis and degradation: proteins gluta-
minase and glutamine synthase, as well as transporter
proteins GLAST, GLT-1, and NMDAR1, NMDAR2B,
and GluA1 glutamate receptor subunits (AMPA recep-
tor subunits). Glutamate cannot penetrate through the
blood–brain barrier; accordingly, glutamate is synthe-
sized in the brain de novo in astrocytes and neurons
from glutamine with involvement of glutaminase. In as-
trocytes, glutamate is converted into glutamine with in-
volvement of glutamine synthase [15].
According to the two-way analysis of variance, the
levels of glutaminase (Fig. 2a) and glutamine synthase
(Fig.2b) does not depend on the age or genotype of the
animals: we have not observed any differences between
the levels of these proteins in the hippocampus of OXYS
and Wistar rats.
An important factor determining availability of glu-
tamate for signaling processes is the system of its recap-
ture and recycling. Glutamate uptake from the synaptic
cleft is necessary for normal neurotransmission in glu-
tamatergic synapses, because high level of extracellular
glutamate may have a toxic effect on the neurons and
synapses. The GLAST and GLT-1 transporters remove
glutamate from the extracellular space, which is nec-
essary to maintain low nontoxic concentrations of this
neurotransmitter [16] As assessed with ANOVA, the lev-
els of GLAST and GLT-1 proteins in the hippocampus
depended on the “age” factor (F
= 10.2; p < 0.001
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 88 Nos. 12-13 2023
Fig. 1. Levels of glutamate (a) and GABA (b) in the hippocampus of Wistar and OXYS rats of different age. The data are presented as
Fig. 2. Age-related changes in the protein levels of glutaminase(a), glutamine synthase(b), GLAST(c), GLT-1(d), NMDAR1(e), NMDAR2B(f),
GluA1 (g) in the hippocampus of Wistar and OXYS rats. h)Representative images of the Western blot analysis of the proteins: W, Wistar,
O,OXYS. The data are presented as M±SD(n=4-6).
and F
= 4.4; p < 0.01, respectively) but did not de-
pend on the “genotype” factor. Comparison of the av-
erage group values showed that the level of GLAST in the
rats of both lineages increased by the age of 12 months
and decreased to the level of 1.5-month-old animals by
the age of 18 months (Fig.2c). The level of GLT-1 in
the OXYS rats increased from 3 to 12 months and re-
mained at the same level at the age of 18 months, while
in the Wistar rats the level of GLT-1 did not significantly
change with age (Fig.2d). There were no inter-lineage dif-
ferences in the levels of GLAST and GLT-1 transporters.
Postsynaptic terminal recognizes glutamate using
glutamate receptors [6]. That is why we analyzed the
levels of subunits of the NMDA- and AMPA-type ion-
otropic glutamate receptors mediating fast neurotrans-
mission [AMPA receptor subunit 1 (also known as
GluA1) and NMDA receptor subunits NR1 and NR2B
(NMDAR2B and NMDAR1; also known as GluN2B
BURNYASHEVA et al.1976
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 88 Nos. 12-13 2023
Fig. 3. Age-related changes in the levels of proteins GAD67(a), GABA-T(b), GAT1(c), and GABAAR1(d) in the hippocampus of Wistar and
OXYS rats. e)Representative images of the Western blot analysis of the proteins: W,Wistar; O,OXYS. The data are presented as M±SD(n=4-6).
and GluN1, respectively)] in the hippocampus of Wistar
and OXYS rats of different age. Based on the two-way
analysis of variance, the level of NMDAR1 protein de-
pended only on the “age” factor (F
= 1.6; p < 0.05).
Comparison of the average group values showed that
the level of NMDAR1 decreased with age in the Wistar
rats: by the age of 12 months it became reliably low-
er (p < 0.05) compared to the 1.5-month-old animals
(Fig. 2e). In the OXYS rats no significant age-related
changes were detected; therefore, even at the age of
12 months, they demonstrated an increasing trend of
the level of NMDAR1 (p = 0.06) in comparison to the
Wistar rats; at the age of 18 months in the OXYS rats,
the level of NMDAR1 was reliably higher (p < 0.05;
Fig. 2e). The levels of NMDAR2B and GluA1 in the
hippocampus of OXYS and Wistar rats were not differ-
ent and did not change with age (Fig.2,fandg).
Age-related changes in the GABAergic system in
the hippocampus of Wistar and OXYS rats. Next, we as-
sessed expression of the key enzymes for GABA synthe-
sis (glutamate dexarboxylase, GAD67) and degradation
(GABA transaminase, GABA-T). As was shown by the
two-way analysis of variance, the level of GAD67 was
higher (F
= 4.2; p < 0.05) and the level of GABA-T
was lower (F
= 6.3; p < 0.02) in the OXYS rats com-
pared to the Wistar rats; at the same time, age had no
effect on the levels of these proteins (Fig. 3,a andb).
Age had no effect on the level of GAT1: the transporter
that removes GABA from the synaptic cleft. Differenc-
es in the GAT1 level in the hippocampus of OXYS and
Wistar rats were not detected either (Fig.3c).
The level of GABAAR1 depended on the age of an-
imals (F
= 39.7; p < 0.001) but was independent of
their genotype. The level of GABAAR1 significantly
increased by the age of 12 months and then decreased
by the age of 18 months in the rats of both lineages
(p < 0.05; Fig.3d). At the same time, comparison of the
average group values showed that the level of GABAAR1
at the age of 3 and 18 months in the OXYS rats was high-
er than in the Wistar rats (p<0.05).
Age-related changes in the expression of the genes as-
sociated with the glutamate and GABA signaling pathways
in the hippocampus of OXYS and Wistar rats. For assess-
ing the changes in expression of the genes associated with
glutamatergic and GABAergic synapses in the OXYS
rats, we analyzed the previous data obtained by RNA-Seq
of the hippocampus of 20-day-old, 5- and 18-month-
old OXYS and Wistar rats [13, 14]. In the OXYS rats,
expression of 29 out of 126 genes associated (according
to RGD) with glutamatergic synapse changed from the
age of 20 days to the age of 5 months, and expression
of 56 genes changed from 5 to 18 months. In the Wis-
tar rats, expression of 34 genes changed from the age of
20days to the age of 5 months and expression of 51 genes
changed from 5 to 18 months. Out of the 88 genes asso-
ciated (according to the KEGG pathway database) with
the GABAergic synapse, expression of 13 genes changed
from the age of 20 days to 5 months and expression of 41
genes changed from 5 to 18 months in the hippocampus
of OXYS rats; in the Wistar rats, expression of 21 genes
changed from the age of 20 days to 5 months and expres-
sion of 37 genes changed from the age of 5 to 18 months.
It should be noted that expression of the vast majority of
the genes associated with the glutamate/GABA signaling
pathways decreased at the age from 5 to 18 months in the
hippocampus of rats from both lineages (table).
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 88 Nos. 12-13 2023
Age-related changes in expression of the genes associated with the glutamate/GABA signaling pathways in the
hippocampus of OXYS and Wistar rats
Gene name Gene symbol
20days-5months 5-18 months
OXYS Wistar OXYS Wistar
4-Aminobutyrate aminotransferase Abat
Adenylate cyclase 1 Adcy1
Adenylate cyclase 2 Adcy2
Adenylate cyclase 4 Adcy4
Adenylate cyclase 5 Adcy5
Adenylate cyclase 6 Adcy6
Adenylate cyclase 9 Adcy9
Voltage-gated N-type calcium channel subunitalpha-1B Cacna1b
Voltage-gated N-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1C Cacna1c
Calcineurin-like EF-hand protein1 Chp1
Discs large MAGUK scaffold protein4 Dlg4
DLG associated protein 1 Dlgap1
Type1 protein associated with type A GABA receptor Gabarapl1
Type 2 protein associated with type A GABA receptor Gabarapl2
Type B GABA receptor subunit1 Gabbr1
Type B GABA receptor subunit2 Gabbr2
Type A GABA receptor subunit alpha 1 Gabra1
Type A GABA receptor subunit alpha2 Gabra2
Type A GABA receptor subunit alpha 3 Gabra3
Type A GABA receptor subunit alpha5 Gabra5
Type A GABA receptor subunit beta 1 Gabrb1
Type A GABA receptor subunit beta2 Gabrb2
Type A GABA receptor subunit beta3 Gabrb3
Type A GABA receptor subunit delta Gabrd
Type A GABA receptor subunit gamma 2 Gabrg2
Type A GABA receptor subunit gamma 3 Gabrg3
Type A GABA receptor subunit theta Gabrq
Glutamate decaboxylase 2 Gad2
BURNYASHEVA et al.1978
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 88 Nos. 12-13 2023
Table (cont.)
Gene name Gene symbol
20days-5months 5-18 months
OXYS Wistar OXYS Wistar
Glutaminase Gls
Glutaminase2 Gls2
Subunit G protein subunit alphai1 Gnai1
Gprotein subunitalphai3 Gnai3
G protein subunit alphao1 Gnao1
G protein subunit alphaq Gnaq
Complex locus GNAS Gnas
G protein subunit beta 1 Gnb1
G protein subunit beta 2 Gnb2
G protein subunit beta 4 Gnb4
G protein subunit beta 5 Gnb5
G protein subunit gamma 12 Gng12
G protein subunit gamma 2 Gng2
G protein subunit gamma 3 Gng3
G protein subunit gamma 4 Gng4
G protein subunit gamma 5 Gng5
G protein subunit gamma 8 Gng8
Glutamate ionotropic receptor AMPA type subunit 1 Gria1
Glutamate ionotropic receptor AMPA type subunit3 Gria3
Glutamate ionotropic receptor kainite type subunit 2 Grik2
Glutamate ionotropic receptor kainite type subunit 3 Grik3
Glutamate ionotropic receptor kainite type subunit 4 Grik4
Glutamate ionotropic receptor NMDA type subunit 2A Grin2a
Glutamate ionotropic receptor NMDA type subunit2B Grin2b
Glutamate ionotropic receptorNMDA type subunit2D Grin2d
Glutamate ionotropic receptorNMDA type subunit3A Grin3a
Glutamate ionotropic receptorNMDA type subunit3B Grin3b
Glutamate metabotropic receptor 1 Grm1
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 88 Nos. 12-13 2023
Gene name Gene symbol
20days-5months 5-18 months
OXYS Wistar OXYS Wistar
Glutamate metabotropic receptor 2 Grm2
Glutamate metabotropic receptor 3 Grm3
Glutamate metabotropic receptor 4 Grm4
Glutamate5 Grm5
Glutamate metabotropic receptor 7 Grm7
Huntingtin-associated protein 1 Hap1
Homer scaffold protein 1 Homer1
Homer scaffold protein 2 Homer2
Homer scaffold protein 3 Homer3
Inositol-1,4,5-triphosphate receptor type 1 Itpr1
Inositol-1,4,5-triphosphate receptor type 2 Itpr2
Member 3 of potassium inwardly rectifying channel subfamilyJ Kcnj3
Member 6 of potassium inwardly rectifying channel subfamilyJ Kcnj6
Mitogen-activated protein kinase1 Mapk1
N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor, vesicle-fusing ATPase Nsf
Phospholipase A2, group IIC Pla2g2c
Phospholipase A2, group III Pla2g3
Phospholipase A2, group IVE Pla2g4e
Phospholipase A2, group V Pla2g5
Phospholipase A2, group VI Pla2g6
Phospholipase C beta 1 Plcb1
Phospholipase C beta 4 Plcb4
Phospholipase C like 1 (inactive) Plcl1
Phospholipase D1 Pld1
Phospholipase D2 Pld2
Protein phosphatase3, catalytic subunit alpha Ppp3ca
Protein phosphatase3, catalytic subunit beta Ppp3cb
Protein phosphatase3, catalytic subunit gamma Ppp3cc
BURNYASHEVA et al.1980
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 88 Nos. 12-13 2023
Table (cont.)
Gene name Gene symbol
20days-5months 5-18 months
OXYS Wistar OXYS Wistar
Protein phosphatase3, regulatory subunitB, alpha Ppp3r1
cAMP-dependent protein kinase, catalytic subunit beta Prkacb
Protein kinase C alpha Prkca
Protein kinase C beta Prkcb
Protein kinase C gamma Prkcg
cAMP-dependent protein kinase X-linked catalytic subunit Prkx
SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains1 Shank1
Solute carrier family 12 member 5 Slc12a5
Solute carrier family 17 member 6 Slc17a6
Solute carrier family 17 member 8 Slc17a8
Solute carrier family 1 member 1 Slc1a1
Solute carrier family 1 member 2 Slc1a2
Solute carrier family 1 member 3 Slc1a3
Solute carrier family 1 member 7 Slc1a7
Solute carrier family 38 member 1 Slc38a1
Solute carrier family 1 member 2 Slc38a2
Solute carrier family 38 member 3 Slc38a3
Solute carrier family 6 member 1 Slc6a1
Solute carrier family 6 member 11 Slc6a11
Solute carrier family 6 member 1 Slc6a12
Solute carrier family 6 member 13 Slc6a13
Motor protein kinesin 2 Trak2
Member 1 of subfamily C of transient receptor cation
potential channels
Note. Upward pointing arrow,genes with the age-related increase in expression; downward pointing arrow,genes with the age-re-
lated decrease in expression.
At the age of 20 days, expression of only four genes
associated with the glutamatergic synapse in the hip-
pocampus of the OXYS rats was different from that in
the Wistar rats: the mRNA levels of Grin3b, Grm6, and
Slc1a2 were increased and that of Pla2g5 was decreased
(padj < 0.05). In the OXYS rats aged 5months, expres-
sion of the Grin3b and Pla2g2d was changed (increased);
at the age of 18 months, expression of the Pla2g6 gene
was increased and that of the Gng12, Grm6, Ppp3r1,
and Slc1a1 genes was decreased. Among the genes
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 88 Nos. 12-13 2023
associated with the GABAergic synapse, only at the age
of 18 months we identified differentially expressed genes
with reduced expression in the OXYS rats: Gad2, Gng12,
Plcl1, and Trak2.
Thus, we have failed to detect any significant inter-
lineage differences in the level of expression of the genes
associated with glutamatergic and GABAergic synaps-
es. With age, the hippocampus of rats of both lineages
showed, in general, similar changes in the expression of
the genes associated with glutamate and GABA signal-
ing pathways; at the same time, the mRNA level of the
vast majority of these genes showed a regular decrease
inboth Wistar and OXYS rats.
Cox et al. [5] consider age-related decline in the ef-
ficiency of glutamatergic signal transduction, which has
been found in different animal species, as one of the con-
servative manifestations of aging, similar to sarcopenia
or osteoporosis. Naturally, decline and impairment of
synaptic plasticity is accelerated in the case of prema-
ture aging, including AD. The main goal of the pres-
ent study was to assess contribution of the age-related
changes in the glutamatergic and GABAergic systems
to the emergence and progression of the signs of AD in
the brain of OXYS rats, the model of its sporadic form.
Unexpectedly, we have not revealed significant differ-
ences between functioning of these systems in the hip-
pocampus of OXYS rats and control Wistar rats. One of
the possible causes was the decrease in total protein lev-
el used to normalize the levels of glutamate and GABA
in the present work. In another work, where we stud-
ied hippocampal metabolome by NMR spectroscopy,
all parameters were normalized to the sample weight
and showed increase in the GABA level from the age of
20days to the age of 5 months and its decrease from the
age of 5 months to the age of 18 months in the rats of
both lineages, as well as analogous age-related changes
in the glutamate level in the OXYS rats [17]. Such results
indicate that the age-related changes in the balance of
the glutamate/GABA system occur in the hippocampus
of rats of both lineages. It should be noted that the pub-
lished data on changes in the level of glutamate and the
enzymes for its synthesis and degradation with age and
during AD development are contradictory. Some works
report age-related decrease in the level of glutamate in
the anterior cingulate gyrus, hippocampus, and other
brain regions [18-22]. Other authors state that there are
no age-related changes in the glutamate and glutamine
synthesis in the rat brain and in the glutamate cycle, as
confirmed by the data on the absence of changes in the
glutamate synthase activity [23,24].
The results of the current study have shown that
the levels of the key enzymes for glutamate synthesis
(neuronal glutaminase) and degradation (glial glutamate
synthase) do not change with age and are not different
in the OXYS and Wistar rats, indicating stability of its
synthesis in the hippocampus of rats throughout their
entire life. At the same time, it should be noted that
the absence of changes in the glutamate level cannot be
unambiguously considered as an indicator of stability
of the glutamatergic system in aging and AD develop-
ment. Glutamate excitotoxicity is mediated mainly by
the impairment of its recapture system, which leads to
the high level of glutamate in synaptic clefts and, as a
consequence, hyperactivation of NMDA receptors [25].
Thus, an important factor that determines avail-
ability of glutamate for the signal transduction pathway
is the system of its recapture and recycling. Glutamate
cannot penetrate through the blood–brain barrier and
is produced mainly by neurons and astrocytes. Never-
theless, neurons per se are unable to synthesize gluta-
mate from glucose via the tricarboxylic acid cycle due
to the absence of pyruvate carboxylase [15]. In view of
the above, glutamate formation in astrocytes plays an
important role; it occurs through the two pathways:
synthesis de novo in the tricarboxylic acid cycle (it ac-
counts for ~15% of glutamate) or glutamine “recycling”
from GABA and glutamate through recapture of neu-
rotransmitters [6]. Under physiological conditions, as-
trocytes remove ~90% of all glutamate released by the
CNS using excitatory amino acid transporters GLAST
and GLT-1 required for maintaining low, nontoxic con-
centrations of this neurotransmitter [26]. As our study
has shown, the level of GLAST in the hippocampus
of both Wistar and OXYS rats increased by the age
of 12months and decreased by the age of 18 months.
Wewere unable to find any age-related changes in the
level of GLT-1 in the Wistar rats, while in the OXYS rats
it increased considerably from the age of 3 to 12 months,
which may indicate the change in glutamate recapture.
This is probably due to accumulation of the toxic forms
of β-amyloid in the hippocampus of OXYS rats by the
age of 12 months[9]. It should be noted that insignifi-
cant changes in the amount of GLT-1 were also detected
in the hippocampus of AD patients: it has been reported
that the spatial pattern of expression of this transporter
ischanged and the increased immunostaining of GLT-1
is observed in the astrocyte processes and in neuropile,
especially in the CA1 and CA3 areas of the hippocam-
pus, as well as in the dentate gyrus [27].
The NMDA and AMPA receptors are present in
approximately 70% of synapses of the mammalian brain,
mainly in the cerebral cortex, amygdaloid body, striated
body, and hippocampus. Specific localization of these
receptors is of great significance, because glutamatergic
system plays an important role not only in neuroplasti-
city but also in excitotoxicity [28]. It has been shown that
the glutamatergic system mediated by NMDA recep-
tors becomes hypofunctional with age, and this deficit
BURNYASHEVA et al.1982
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 88 Nos. 12-13 2023
can lead to cognitive dysfunction under both normal
and pathological conditions [5]. In addition, there is
evidence that the number of NMDA receptors on the
postsynaptic terminals of neurons in the hippocampus
decreases with age [29, 30], thereby considerably re-
ducing glutamate bioavalability [31]. It is known that
NMDA receptors are heterotetramers consisting of two
obligatory subunits NMDAR1 and two regulatory sub-
units GluN2(A–D) or GluN3(A or B) localized mainly
in the dendrites of neurons. Since the hippocampus is
a cerebral area regulating cognitive functions, regula-
tory subunits are mainly represented by NMDA2A or
NMDA2B (GluN2A and GluN2B, respectively) [32].
In the present work, we have assessed the age-relat-
ed changes in the level of obligate subunit NMDAR1 and
subunit NMDA2B mediating excitotoxic effects of gluta-
mate in the rat hippocampus [33]. The NMDAR2B pro-
tein level did not change significantly with age and was
not different in the Wistar and OXYS rats, while the level
of subunit NMDAR1 decreased with age in the hippo-
campus of Wistar rats but did not change significantly in
the OXYS rats. As a result, the level of NMDAR1 became
much higher by the age of 18 months in the OXYS rats
compared to the Wistar rats. It should be noted that sim-
ilar changes in the level of NMDAR1 have been found in
the AD patients [34]. It is likely that the increased level
of NMDAR1 in the hippocampus in the case of AD is
a compensatory mechanism, because it has been report-
ed that the increased number of subunits NMDAR1 and
NMDA2A, but not of NMDAR2B, is associated with
spatial memory consolidation and formation [34].
In the hippocampus, AMPA receptors localized
mainly in neurons are in composition of the majori-
ty of excitatory synapses, especially in the CA1 region
(~80% of all receptors). The best studied AMPA recep-
tor subunit is GluA1[35]. Moreover, the GluA1-related
impairment of synaptic plasticity is considered by many
authors as one of the key events at the early stages of
AD development [36]. Our analysis of the GluA1 lev-
el did not reveal any significant changes with aging and
development of the signs of AD in the OXYS rats. Prob-
ably, this is due to the fact that we have assessed it in the
whole hippocampus, while the changes in the GluA1
expression may be differently regulated in the different
areas of this brain structure [34,35].
Previously it has been considered that the GAB-
Aergic neurons are more resistant to the pathological
effects of β-amyloid compared to the cholinergic or glu-
tamatergic neurons [36]. The hypothesis that has been
put forward in recent years suggests that the excitato-
ry/inhibitory imbalance could cause GABAergic dys-
function, which increases susceptibility of the neurons
to unfavorable external factors and pathological stress,
contributing to the impairment of functional connec-
tions in the brain during the development of AD [37]. In
the present study, we have not revealed any differences
in the GABA levels in the hippocampus of OXYS and
Wistar rats. The only direct precursor of GABA in the
CNS is glutamate, which is converted into GABA by
glutamic acid decarboxylase, or glutamate decarboxylase
(GAD). In the mammalian brain, GAD has two iso-
forms: GAD65 and GAD67[38]. GAD65 is mainly lo-
calized on the presynaptic nerve endings, while GAD67
is distributed all around a cell. It should be noted that
more than 90% of GABA in the brain is synthesized by
GAD67 [39, 40]. Mice with the GAD67 gene knock-
out die within a week after birth; however, mice with
the GAD67 expression deficiency are viable, though
exhibit abnormal behavior [41]. On the contrary, mice
with the GAD65 gene knockout survive but are prone
to convulsions [42]. Dysfunction of GAD67 is related to
the brain disorders such as schizophrenia [43], bipolar
disorder [44] and Parkinson’s disease [45]. It has been
reported that the expression of GAD67 is unchanged in
the post mortem samples of the brain tissues from AD
patients; however, at the same time, it is still unclear
whether GAD67 is involved in progression of the dis-
ease [46]. In addition, it has been shown that age and
sex have no effect on the GAD67 expression in the hu-
man hippocampus and cerebral cortex [47]. According
to our data, in the hippocampus of OXYS rats, the level
of GABA-T (enzyme responsible for GABA degradation
in the brain and localized mainly in astrocytes) is con-
siderably lower, while the level of GAD67, which cata-
lyzes GABA formation in neurons, is higher than in the
Wistar rats. These results indicate the enhanced demand
for GABA formation in the hippocampus of OXYS rats.
At the same time, we have shown no reliable differences
in the content of GABA transporter GAT1, which re-
moves GABA from the synaptic cleft.
Previously, experiments in vitro have shown that
β-amyloid neurotoxicity reduces activity of the GAB-
Aergic neurons and attenuates inhibitory postsynaptic
potentials by suppressing postsynaptic GABA receptors
[48, 49]. However, in the hippocampus of OXYS rats,
the level of postsynaptic GABA receptor GABAAR1 at
the age of 3 months (in the period of manifestation of
the signs of AD) and in the period of their active pro-
gression (12months) was higher than in the Wistar rats.
In the hippocampus, the highest level of GABAAR1 ex-
pression is observed in the CA1 area and, according to
some studies, its expression does not change with age
[50,51]. We believe that the enhanced GABAAR1 ex-
pression in the hippocampus of the one-year-old OXYS
rats that we have observed may be due to neurodegener-
ative changes, which are noted as early as at the age of
3-5 months and progress with aging [52]. There is con-
siderable accumulation of β-amyloid in the brain struc-
tures of the OXYS rats by the age of 12 months [9], and
we consider it as a possible cause of increase in GAB-
AAR1; however, this assumption needs further experi-
mental verification.
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 88 Nos. 12-13 2023
In order to assess age-related changes in the glu-
tamatergic and GABAergic systems and their poten-
tial contributions to the development of the signs of
AD, we have analyzed gene expression in the hippo-
campus of OXYS and Wistar rats of different ages us-
ing the RNA-Seq data. Our analysis has shown their
significant age-related changes in the hippocampus
of the rats in both lineages; however, we have failed to
find any inter-lineage differences. Thus, the mRNA
level of the genes encoding components of the gluta-
mate and GABA signaling pathways are not different in
the Wistar and OXYS rats at all stages of development
of the signs of AD. The exception that we have noted
is the genes encoding glutamate receptors (Grin3b and
Grm6), glutamate decarboxylase 2 (Gad2), G protein
subunit (Gng12), the family of solute carriers (Slc1a1
and Slc1a2), phospholipase A2 (Pla2g2d, Pla2g5, and
Pla2g6), phospholipaseC (Plcl1), protein phosphatase3
(Ppp3r1), and transport protein kinesin2 (Trak2). Nev-
ertheless, the changes in expression of these genes at
different stages of neurodegeneration in OXYS rats did
not allow us to formulate any hypothesis about contri-
bution of these genes to the pathogenesis of AD. On the
contrary, we have revealed a clear age-related decrease
in the expression of the genes associated with glutamate/
GABA signal transduction in the rats of both lineages.
Generally, our results indicate absence of the
changes or compensatory activation in the glutamate-
and GABAergic systems with aging and development of
the signs of AD in the OXYS rats, which seem to be a
consequence of the development of neurodegenerative
According to Cox et al. [5], the decrease in glu-
tamatergic transmission can be used as a biomarker of
transition from physiological to pathological aging.
Based on the results of our study, we can conclude that
there is a considerable age-related decrease in the glu-
tamate and GABA signal transduction in the hippo-
campus of Wistar rats; however, in the hippocampus of
OXYS rats there are no substantial changes or compen-
satory increase in this system during the development of
neurodegenerative processes typical of AD. The study
of AD pathogenesis is complicated by its heterogeneity,
various pathophysiological scenarios, and existence of
several molecular subtypes of this disease [53]. Further
studies are required to detect the changes in the balance
of neurotransmitter systems. This knowledge will be an
important step on the pathway to personalized medicine
for the patients with this neurodegenerative disease.
Contributions. A.O.B. and N.A.S. experimental
work; A.O.B., N.A.S., D.V.T., and N.G.K. discussion
of research results; A.O.B. and D.V.T. writing the man-
uscript; N.G.K., N.A.S., and D.V.T. editing the manu-
Funding. The work was financially supported by the
Russian Science Foundation (project no.19-15-00044).
Ethics declarations. The authors declare no conflict
of interest in financial or any other sphere. All applica-
ble international, national, and/or institutional guide-
lines for the care and use of animals were followed. All
studies were carried out with OXYS and Wistar (control)
male rats on the basis of the Center for Collective Use
“Gene Pools of Laboratory Animals”, Institute of Cy-
tology and Genetics, Siberian Branch of the Russian
Academy of Sciences, in accordance with the ethical
standards of European Union Directive 2010/63/EU
of September 22, 2010. All experiments were approved
and performed in accordance with the guidelines of the
Ethics Committee on Animal Trials at the Institute of
Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch of the Russian
Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia (Resolution
no.12000-496 of April2, 1980).
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