BURNYASHEVA et al.1982
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 88 Nos. 12-13 2023
can lead to cognitive dysfunction under both normal
and pathological conditions [5]. In addition, there is
evidence that the number of NMDA receptors on the
postsynaptic terminals of neurons in the hippocampus
decreases with age [29, 30], thereby considerably re-
ducing glutamate bioavalability [31]. It is known that
NMDA receptors are heterotetramers consisting of two
obligatory subunits NMDAR1 and two regulatory sub-
units GluN2(A–D) or GluN3(A or B) localized mainly
in the dendrites of neurons. Since the hippocampus is
a cerebral area regulating cognitive functions, regula-
tory subunits are mainly represented by NMDA2A or
NMDA2B (GluN2A and GluN2B, respectively) [32].
In the present work, we have assessed the age-relat-
ed changes in the level of obligate subunit NMDAR1 and
subunit NMDA2B mediating excitotoxic effects of gluta-
mate in the rat hippocampus [33]. The NMDAR2B pro-
tein level did not change significantly with age and was
not different in the Wistar and OXYS rats, while the level
of subunit NMDAR1 decreased with age in the hippo-
campus of Wistar rats but did not change significantly in
the OXYS rats. As a result, the level of NMDAR1 became
much higher by the age of 18 months in the OXYS rats
compared to the Wistar rats. It should be noted that sim-
ilar changes in the level of NMDAR1 have been found in
the AD patients [34]. It is likely that the increased level
of NMDAR1 in the hippocampus in the case of AD is
a compensatory mechanism, because it has been report-
ed that the increased number of subunits NMDAR1 and
NMDA2A, but not of NMDAR2B, is associated with
spatial memory consolidation and formation [34].
In the hippocampus, AMPA receptors localized
mainly in neurons are in composition of the majori-
ty of excitatory synapses, especially in the CA1 region
(~80% of all receptors). The best studied AMPA recep-
tor subunit is GluA1[35]. Moreover, the GluA1-related
impairment of synaptic plasticity is considered by many
authors as one of the key events at the early stages of
AD development [36]. Our analysis of the GluA1 lev-
el did not reveal any significant changes with aging and
development of the signs of AD in the OXYS rats. Prob-
ably, this is due to the fact that we have assessed it in the
whole hippocampus, while the changes in the GluA1
expression may be differently regulated in the different
areas of this brain structure [34,35].
Previously it has been considered that the GAB-
Aergic neurons are more resistant to the pathological
effects of β-amyloid compared to the cholinergic or glu-
tamatergic neurons [36]. The hypothesis that has been
put forward in recent years suggests that the excitato-
ry/inhibitory imbalance could cause GABAergic dys-
function, which increases susceptibility of the neurons
to unfavorable external factors and pathological stress,
contributing to the impairment of functional connec-
tions in the brain during the development of AD [37]. In
the present study, we have not revealed any differences
in the GABA levels in the hippocampus of OXYS and
Wistar rats. The only direct precursor of GABA in the
CNS is glutamate, which is converted into GABA by
glutamic acid decarboxylase, or glutamate decarboxylase
(GAD). In the mammalian brain, GAD has two iso-
forms: GAD65 and GAD67[38]. GAD65 is mainly lo-
calized on the presynaptic nerve endings, while GAD67
is distributed all around a cell. It should be noted that
more than 90% of GABA in the brain is synthesized by
GAD67 [39, 40]. Mice with the GAD67 gene knock-
out die within a week after birth; however, mice with
the GAD67 expression deficiency are viable, though
exhibit abnormal behavior [41]. On the contrary, mice
with the GAD65 gene knockout survive but are prone
to convulsions [42]. Dysfunction of GAD67 is related to
the brain disorders such as schizophrenia [43], bipolar
disorder [44] and Parkinson’s disease [45]. It has been
reported that the expression of GAD67 is unchanged in
the post mortem samples of the brain tissues from AD
patients; however, at the same time, it is still unclear
whether GAD67 is involved in progression of the dis-
ease [46]. In addition, it has been shown that age and
sex have no effect on the GAD67 expression in the hu-
man hippocampus and cerebral cortex [47]. According
to our data, in the hippocampus of OXYS rats, the level
of GABA-T (enzyme responsible for GABA degradation
in the brain and localized mainly in astrocytes) is con-
siderably lower, while the level of GAD67, which cata-
lyzes GABA formation in neurons, is higher than in the
Wistar rats. These results indicate the enhanced demand
for GABA formation in the hippocampus of OXYS rats.
At the same time, we have shown no reliable differences
in the content of GABA transporter GAT1, which re-
moves GABA from the synaptic cleft.
Previously, experiments in vitro have shown that
β-amyloid neurotoxicity reduces activity of the GAB-
Aergic neurons and attenuates inhibitory postsynaptic
potentials by suppressing postsynaptic GABA receptors
[48, 49]. However, in the hippocampus of OXYS rats,
the level of postsynaptic GABA receptor GABAAR1 at
the age of 3 months (in the period of manifestation of
the signs of AD) and in the period of their active pro-
gression (12months) was higher than in the Wistar rats.
In the hippocampus, the highest level of GABAAR1 ex-
pression is observed in the CA1 area and, according to
some studies, its expression does not change with age
[50,51]. We believe that the enhanced GABAAR1 ex-
pression in the hippocampus of the one-year-old OXYS
rats that we have observed may be due to neurodegener-
ative changes, which are noted as early as at the age of
3-5 months and progress with aging [52]. There is con-
siderable accumulation of β-amyloid in the brain struc-
tures of the OXYS rats by the age of 12 months [9], and
we consider it as a possible cause of increase in GAB-
AAR1; however, this assumption needs further experi-
mental verification.