Biochemistry (Moscow), Volume 82(7), 2017
Page numbering for English/Russian version
REVIEW: Methylglyoxal and Small Heat Shock Proteins

REVIEW: Design, Synthesis, and Some Aspects of the Biological Activity
of Mitochondria-Targeted Antioxidants

REVIEW: A New Concept of Action of Hemostatic Proteases on Inflammation,
Neurotoxicity, and Tissue Regeneration

REVIEW: EB-Family Proteins: Functions and Microtubule Interaction

REVIEW: Intracellular Cargo Transport by Kinesin-3 Motors

Coupling of Translation Initiation and Termination Does Not Depend on
the Mode of Initiation
Escherichia coli Signal Peptidase Recognizes and Cleaves Archaeal
Signal Sequence

Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Eicosapentaenoic Acid and
Docosahexaenoic Acid Enhance Dexamethasone Sensitivity in Multiple
Myeloma Cells by the p53/miR-34a/Bcl-2 Axis

New Data on Programmed Risks of Death in Normal Mice and Mutants with
Growth Delay

Effect of Low Temperature on Globin Expression, Respiratory Metabolic
Enzyme Activities, and Gill Structure of
Litopenaeus vannamei

Expression, Purification, and Activity of ActhiS, a Thiazole
Biosynthesis Enzyme from
Acremonium chrysogenum