Biochemistry (Moscow), Volume 78(9), 2013
Page numbering for English/Russian version

Bacteria and Phenoptosis

Arguments Against Non-programmed Aging Theories

Perspectives of Mitochondrial Medicine

Fatal “Triad”: Lipotoxicity, Oxidative Stress, and

Phenoptosis as Genetically Determined Aging Influenced by Signals from
the Environment

Effect of Mitochondria-Targeted Antioxidant SkQ1 on Programmed Cell
Death Induced by Viral Proteins in Tobacco Plants

Post-Reproductive Life Span and Demographic Stability

Evidence for Aging Theories from the Study of a Hunter–Gatherer
People (Ache of Paraguay)

Age Fluctuations in Mortality of Mice with Mutation Causing Growth

Advanced Glycation of Cellular Proteins as a Possible Basic Component of
the “Master Biological Clock”

How Does the Body Know How Old It Is? Introducing the Epigenetic Clock

Telomere Biology: Cancer Firewall or Aging Clock?

Studies that Shed New Light on Aging