Biochemistry (Moscow), Volume 79(10), 2014
Page numbering for English/Russian version

REVIEW: New Data on Programmed Aging – Slow Phenoptosis

HYPOTHESIS: Receptor Regulation of Senile Phenoptosis

REVIEW: The Programmed Aging Paradigm: How We Get Old

REVIEW: Microbiota and Mitobiota. Putting an Equal Sign between
Mitochondria and Bacteria

REVIEW: Phenoptosis in Arthropods and Immortality of Social Insects

REVIEW: Modern Evolutionary Mechanics Theories and Resolving the
Programmed/Non-programmed Aging Controversy

REVIEW: Decrease in ATP Biosynthesis and Dysfunction of Biological
Membranes. Two Possible Key Mechanisms of Phenoptosis

Pineal Gland as an Endocrine Gravitational Lunasensor: Manifestation of
Moon-Phase Dependent Morphological Changes in Mice

REVIEW: The Problem of Determination of Cause of Laboratory
Animal’s Death: A Critical Review of Definitions of
“Fatal” and “Incidental” Lesions

Prevention of Peroxidation of Cardiolipin Liposomes by Quinol-Based

Preventive and Therapeutic Effects of SkQ1-Containing Visomitin Eye
Drops against Light-Induced Retinal Degeneration

Mitochondria-Targeted Antioxidant SkQ1 Accelerates Maturation in
Campbell Dwarf Hamsters (
Phodopus campbelli)

Effects of Mitochondria-Targeted Plastoquinone Derivative Antioxidant
(SkQ1) on Demography of Free-Breeding Campbell Dwarf Hamsters
Phodopus campbelli) Kept in Outdoor Conditions. Reproduction
and Lifespan: Explanation in the Framework of Ultimate Loads

Therapeutic Doses of SkQ1 Do Not Induce Cytochromes P450 in Rat Liver

REVIEW: Aging Is a Simple Deprivation Syndrome Driven by a
Quasi-programmed Preventable and Reversible Drift of Control System Set
Points Due to Inappropriate Organism—Environment Interaction

Effect of the Mitochondria-Targeted Antioxidant SkQ1 on Development of
Spontaneous Tumors in BALB/c Mice